/PRNewswire/ acontra+, www.acontraplus.com, the New Spanish streaming concept combining movie streaming and cinema tickets in a subscription, is launched on.
New Innovative Spanish streaming concept launched on the Magine Pro platform. STOCKHOLM, May 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ acontra+, www.acontraplus.com, the New Spanish streaming concept
10/02/2022 - With this hybrid film brimming with affection and imagination, Helena de Llanos immerses herself in the republic of wonders created by Fernando Fernán Gómez and Emma Cohen in their house in Madrid
10/02/2022 - With this hybrid film brimming with affection and imagination, Helena de Llanos immerses herself in the republic of wonders created by Fernando Fernán Gómez and Emma Cohen in their house in Madrid
10/02/2022 - With this hybrid film brimming with affection and imagination, Helena de Llanos immerses herself in the republic of wonders created by Fernando Fernán Gómez and Emma Cohen in their house in Madrid