aggravated murder. there s also one count of felony assault. we re standing by this hour to hear from the football coach who is being hailed as a hero for chasing the suspect out of the school cafeteria where the shoot it is took place. let s go to ted rowlands right now standing by with more on what is going on. dramatic developments under way even as we speak. reporter: wolf, the charges just came down within the last few minuted filed by david joyce. it s three aggravated all against t.j. lane, the 17-year-old who still in the eyes of the law is a minor. we do expect that at his next court appearance on march 6th, next tuesday, he will be sent to adult court, from then on out he will be considered an adult in the eyes of the law. right now says other things that have happened. today the students return to school for the first time along with their parents and counselors were on site there. we also are going to hear from that teacher hero, frank hall, the teacher that h
their god, it s not about some five men sitting around a table in washington d.c. but what is interesting about this is that at last the kcounty knows all this talk about reproductive freedom really extends to something as personal as family planning and birth control. and depriving women of access to con dra accept shun. you feel it s a clarifying moment even if it has become sort of extreme? i think so. and to us it s been extreme all along, but people didn t believe it when you say you know they don t believe in family plan and contracepti contraception, they believe in the rhythm system, that can t be, because overwhelmingly catholic women of child-bearing age, they admit they practice birth control. i ve come from an era when women were deprived of receiving be a
of contraception because that is a much more explosive conversation to have for the gop than the one they were having. but that s what it was about. let me clear the air here. i may not be fair. but in an interview last october, this past october, rick santorum, who is now running head to head for the republican nomination, talked about what he called the dangers of contraception. let s listen. one of the things i will talk about that the president has talked about before. i think the dangers of contraception in this country. many in the christian faith have said that s okay. contraception is okay. it s not okay. it s a license to do things in a sexual realm that s counter to how things are supposed to be. it s supposed to be in marriage. for purposes that, yes,
pretty. we re beginning to hemorrhage independent women. they are moving away from our leading candidates, santorum and romney, around this issue. and they have to figure out a way to stop the bleeding and then retract the conversation about the economy and on to things that women are more concerned about than having a bunch of men sit down to decide what their health issues should be. but they keep doubling down. they are trying to keep people from having birth control. just in modern day, we all know the situation. i want to go to this. as we reported yesterday, there were no women present in the first panel on the hearing of contraception. today democratic senators made their anger very clear. they held a hearing on the administration s decision to ensure that women have access to affordable contraception.
domain. what they have to sign their name to. they said you don t have to sign your name to it. the government is going to take care of it with the insurance companies. he took care of that. they would have said we made our point. instead they pushed forward and said let s make this a birth control issue. right? right. this is not their point. that was the point of certain church leaders and certain catholics who felt strongly about it. that was their point. but once that accommodation was reached and you had catholic charities applauding it, you saw republicans whose real problem is contraception. how can that be? i don t know. what does it mean exactly that contracepti contraception? we re forgetting another major player here. that was the obama political operation, which i think did a wonderful job of shifting the dynamics of this conversation and focusing it around the issue