under pressure the growing calls for senato diane feinstein to step down i ll talk to the first democra to say it out loud the congressman ro khanna. and senator tim scott s toug position the most prominent black man i the republican party leans int the culture wars as he explore a run for president. i m jonathan capehart. this is the saturday show. we hold these truths to b self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator wit certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit o happiness. the declaration of independenc certainly rings hollow today a the republican party continues to push legislation that is no only wildly unpopular an dangerous, but also strips these unalienable rights fro americans. friday, the supreme cour ordered continued access t mifepristone until the court could make a final decision on wednesday. polling shows a majority o americans, 64% believe abortio should be legal in all or
laboratories, yesterday. they paused the court ruling that would have restricted access to the nationwide abortion pill, mifepristone. for, now at least until next week access to mifepristone ha been preserved the matter is far from resolved and the future of abortion pills remains uncertain. the order merely maintains the status quo for a few more days to allow the justices time t consider the issue the white house, on the othe hand, is doubling down o defending reproductive rights. on tuesday, vice president kamala harris, will be in reno nevada, to discuss the importance of keeping abortion legal. mifepristone is one of the two drugs often used to induce a abortion a method that is safe, effective and popular. medication abortion now counts for more than half of al abortions performed in the united states. meanwhile, a near tota abortion ban in florida will have dire consequences for those living in the south. late thursday night, the governor s office announce that ron de
good morning, it is saturday april 15th i am maria teresa kumar fillin in for my good friend, ali velshi the fight to keep a decades ol fda-approved abortion bill legal and accessible throughou the country s continuing thi weekend. the issue has now reached th supreme court. falling emergency appeals file by the justice department an drug manufacturer, danco