A record 552 AEC firms submitted data for BD+C's 2023 Giants 400 Report. The final report includes 137 rankings across 25 building sectors and specialty categories.
it s if you buy today. it might cost you more if you buy tomorrow. it might cost you less. we don t know what value the bitcoin is going to have. that s equivalent to $250,000. and first flight will be next year. and i think next year is going to be the year of virgin galactic and the start of commercial space travel. very exciting year ahead. so here s a look at the bitcoin market right now. i think it s about 760 bucks per bitcoin today. barbara kay is founder of one of the largest and first female construction management firms. julie, you know her, fox news contributor, and elizabeth mcdonnell from fox business. part of my female panel today. good to see you. good to see you. so, liz, let s start with you. from a business point of view, is this a good venture to use the bitcoin to virtual money to go up into space? i m still wrapping my brain