The demand for green skills escalated with a 22.4% increase in jobs demanding at least one green skill. However, there aren’t enough job applicants to fill the positions.
at bass pro shops we believe kids are the future of the outdoors. with proper education and conservation skills they can preserve for generations to come. put down the electronics and get outdoors. absolutely. one of the coolest things is when the kids complete one of these seminars. collectible pen with actual seminar. hunting and shooting. water safety, archery, fishing. so the more seminars they complete, the more pins they get, the more pins they get, the more they learn. show up at a bass pro store. show up at the store go online and look and tell you all the things they have got going on. some crafts. workshops going on. kids are going to be able to make their own rainbow. it s got a thermometer on it they can actually paint a wolf track. make their own magnifying glass. we have a camping book here for personal camping journal. everything they do while they are camping. the coolest thing we are doing right now. i m over here, making some ice cream. i wanted to make you so