they establish a power of congress to assess what they call exercises imposts and duties on the public. duties on the public. one of the whiskey. if you are one of my forefathers hanging out in western pennsylvania which was really the frontier of that time, this was someone in washington saying you have to pay tax and it didn t feel like what they had fought for which was everybody gets a say. it s like the king is coming back and that we have this tax. so, if you came into the area to beat a tax collector, you can have your tax office vandalized and one of the worst things that could happen to you is you could be tarred andas feathered it took george washington himself to quell thech rebels.
they establish a power of congress to assess what they call exercises imposts and duties on the public. duties on the public. one of the whiskey. if you are one of my forefathers hanging out in western pennsylvania which was really the frontier of that time, this was someone in washington saying you have to pay tax and it didn t feel like what they had fought for which was everybody gets a say. it s like the king is coming back and that we have this tax. so, if you came into the area to beat a tax collector, you can have your tax office vandalized and one of the worst things that could happen to you is you could be tarred andas feathered it took george washington himself to quell thech rebels.
tax system. 1776. [inaudible] after that england is in huge rydebt. so when in the 1760s, britain started taxing the colonists. they wanted to know. their 17th century rights, where s our representation in parliament. it didn t exist and the problem wasn t solved so the american revolution is underway. the americans rebel against the new taxes and like the barons who revolted against king john, the colonists complaint was not just that the new taxes were too high. the founders embraced the concept that rights are god-given and perceived the founding of the state. government is created by the people, not vice versa. in their view, governments full purpose is to help secure the rights of its citizens which include property rights. the american view of texas
he was actually very much a tax andax spend figure. he was waging a series of wars, mostly on the continent that was starting to drain the treasury and really tax the noblemen that were around him. he basically made him a signature to this charter guaranteed certain rights to his nobility. basically what it said about taxes is taxes could nott be assessed without the consent of the government and they re talking about nobility but it s a big part of the english constitution. it eventually trickles down into a broader doctrine of consenter. for most of the colonial. america was a tax haven. they were actually lower than in the home country. so often through history the cost of waging war change the
he was actually very much a tax andax spend figure. he was waging a series of wars, mostly on the continent that was starting to drain the treasury and really tax the noblemen that were around him. he basically made him a signature to this charter guaranteed certain rights to his nobility. basically what it said about taxes is taxes could nott be assessed without the consent of the government and they re talking about nobility but it s a big part of the english constitution. it eventually trickles down into a broader doctrine of consenter. for most of the colonial. america was a tax haven. they were actually lower than in the home country. so often through history the cost of waging war change the