regard to getting these documents we are on the one foot line of a field. and i have absolutely no doubt that if speaker boehner showed the strong leadership that i know he will we can sit down, work this thing out with the attorney general and move on. chris: i hate to interrupt but we have limited time and i want to ask you each one more question. the president, of course, asserted executive privilege this week and congressman issa here is what house democratic leader pelosi had to say after that about the fast and furious investigation. they are going after eric holder because he is supporting measures to overturn the voter suppression initiatives in the states. this is no accident. it is no coincidence. it is a plan on the part of republicans. chris: congressman cummings, congress started the investigation of fast and furious in january of 2011 just one month after brian terry was killed and almost a year before holder got into these voter
suppression cases. question, what is nancy pelosi talking about? i think that there are a number of people they look at attorney general holder and they themselves ask why has he become the punching bag for so many republicans. why is he the subject of all these conspiracy theories. you you knoyou know what christ sim a lawyer 86 i m used to getting to the bottom of things and real solving things and moving forward. no matter what other people may think, i think we a duty, a duty to the american public, a duty to the congress of the united states at this critical moment to get the documents. i know we can get them. just a mat ever of sitting down and talking to holder and get the documents and get them resolved. chris: not the question a. not the question a moment ago. chris: i do want to ask congressman issa a final
point out before we get to natural gas which is the reason you are here, true that you lost $150 million promoting and invest manager wind power? yes, he he. chris: does that hurt? yes. chris: okay. how could you ask a question like that? chris: i guess it is a stupid question. sure, it was painful. chris: now, you are pushing natural gas. why? it is well, it is up every street and down every alley in the united states. the lajeunesseest natural resource that we have. dark the largest natural resource that we have and we are now talking about exporting it it out of the country. use it here. increase the demand for natural gas and use it here. don t send our cheap clean it is 30% cleaner than diesel. don t shift it out to china or whereever else and import dirty opec crude. i mean we are going to go down as the dumbest generation in the world if we do that. i mean we are fools if we do it
known that that february 4 letter was untrue. chris: congressman cummings we will get to the whole question of nelson because it is important in a little bit. let me just ask you in this overall question do you believe that the house is going to vote failing a.b. agreemen agree g an agreement is going to vote holder in contempt and this would be the first time in history that either house has ever voted the attorney gener l general, the chief law enforcement officer of the land in contempt. what do you think of this kind of action? first of all, i think it is extremely unfortunate and i absolutely tonight think that we need to be at that place. you know, over a year ago chairman issa accused holder of authorizing these tactics and nothing could be further from the truth from the evidence that we have already gotten. there is no evidence that he knew about it. the evidence that he authorized or co condoaned it condoned it.
the price of gas falls so does the sense of crisis. sure, i mean no question. that is good for our economy. that is great. if you look back historically for 40 years always when gasoline prices went up the american people got upset and politicians started to talk about doing something. we never hadden in energy plan in this country in 40 years. the only time we talk about it is when gasoline prices are up. they come down and we quit ta k talking about it. why are we in the fix today where we import over 60% of our oil? why are we in that spot today? because of cheap gasoline. is exactly why we are there. if we would have had expensive gasoline we would have figured this out and gotten on our own resources. i m in touch with a lot of people and when i startd that plan four years ago, it will be four years july 8 i started that. i have a million 700,000 people signed up with me. i have made hundreds of speec speeches across the united states.