Small Business Development – Rep. Mike Cheokas
Special Rules – Rep. Dave Belton
State Planning & Community Affairs – Rep. Karen Mathiak
State Properties – Rep. Gerald Greene
Transportation – Rep. Rick Jasperse
Chairmen of the subcommittees of Appropriations are as follows:
Economic Development – Rep. Penny Houston
Education – Rep. Todd Jones
Health – Rep. Butch Parrish
Human Resources – Rep. Katie Dempsey
Public Safety – Rep. Bill Hitchens
Transportation & Infrastructure – Rep. Clay Pirkle
IN DEPTH: Health & Human Services Agency Presentations
Department of Human Services
Commissioner Robyn Crittenden kicked off the morning with an overview of the work of the Department of Human Services. Among the work under her Department’s oversight is providing protections and services to Georgia’s elderly. In the current proposal considered, there is the proposed combination of two program areas into one it would fold Elderly Supports and Elderly Living
then bolster their numbers when it comes to congressional reapportionment. that is unfair to citizens, unfair to illegal immigrants, people who have become citizens like my wife, it took her 14 years to become a us citizen and the power of her vote is suppressed when everybody else will be using illegal aliens to bolster their numbers. rob: take a look at this. the citizenship question has been on the census every year from 1870-2010. you see all the various forms on your screen. this will be an interesting fight because to a certain extent the president, i don t want to say caved, but gave a little quarter. it will be interesting to see if these democrats continue to fight because if they do it shows their true intention, right? the president would have won the question. the supreme court said was perfectly constitutionally permissible to ask the question on the census. the problem was timing.
lava is hitting the ocean, creating corrosive plumes that contain acid and tiny pieces of glass. residents saying what is scaring the most, not knowing what s next. this yo-yo effect of bad, bad and then it s better. we are rolling with the punches but you never know what s happening. hawaii national guard is prepping its fleet of helicopters for rescue missions in the event people become stranded. guard members are on standby, as lava flows increase in speed and in size. bret. bret: jeff paul live in hawaii tonight. thank you. the state of alabama is challenging the federal government s practice of including undocumented residents in the census count. that s because the sentence is used are described congressional reapportionment. alabama says the 2020 census numbers will cause them to lose a congressional seat to a state with a larger population of
the trump administration says adding the question will help better protect americans under the voting rights act. democrats make the argument that if fewer people respond the next congressional reapportionment won t be accurate. non-citizens tend to live in democratic leaning areas. if fewer of them respond to the census, congressional lines could be redrawn in a way that hurt democrats. there are 107 congressional districts where more than 10% of the population are not u.s. citizens. 21 are held by republicans. all of those democratic districts are considered safe by our friends the koch political report. if non-citizens aren t counted, there could be fewer of the safe democratic districts. 13 of the 21 held by republicans are rated as battleground. if you don t count non-citizens, the lines could get redrawn to include more reliable republican voters. it s unclear how big of an actual political impact this could have or if president trump is interested in simply a rhetorical debate o