and then the midwest and the north not fairing as well. now, before i get to the estimates, i want to remind our viewers why this is a big deal. these population numbers will very quickly change the political landscape for the next decade. the new numbers will decide congressional reapportionment. basically how many congressional seats each state gets. there s a total of 435 house seats. and that divvied up among the states, depending on how many people live there. bigger population, more seats you re going to get, moreputati you have. congress is expected to be quite a bit winner, possibly gaining four congressional seats. then florida could also be a big winner gaining two seats. other states likely to gain at least a seat include arizona, georgia, nevada, south carolina, utah, and washington state. you see kind of where those are all located. well then, there are states like ohio and new york which could, unfortunately, be the losers in this game if we call it a game. dropping maybe