Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by JP Nadda, staged a protest against Congress corruption in Parliament. Holding "C for Congress, C for Corruption" banners, MPs demand answers from Rahul and Sonia Gandhi. Nadda accuses Congress of deep corruption, citing evidence from ED and CBI. Rs 354 crore found at Dheeraj Sahu s house linked to Congress. SBI confirms Rs 300 crore seized; counting underway.
India News: Slamming the Congress, BJP national president JP Nadda on Sunday sought an answer from Rahul Gandhi as the haul of unaccounted cash is considered to b
India News: ​Hitting out at Congress over Income Tax raids at MP Dheeraj Sahu's residence, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday said that Congress is silent on
India News: The Income Tax department's raid on an Odisha-based distillery group and its associated entities is set to turn up a staggering Rs 290 crore in "unacc