Even as India rushes to reach its goal of vaccinating 100 per cent of the eligible population, there are many who are still hesitant to take the jab. Several reasons ranging from fear, misinformation, and ignorance are to blame.
Mumbai: Even as India rushes to reach its goal of vaccinating 100 per cent of the eligible population, many are still hesitant to take the jab against Covid-19. Keeping this in mind, Concern India Foundation, a non-profit organisation has launched a social campaign in areas of Bangalore with high vaccine hesitancy. With the help of community leaders, the foundation has created
Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) – Hope and new beginnings - The Sakura show exhibits her paintings showcasing different cities, each with their unique beauty, but also symbolizing harmony and togetherness.
Corporate India continues to chip in with its support even as the deadly second COVID-19 wave continues. As the number of infections grew across the country, this support is aimed at complementing state and local efforts to help those most affected by the virus.