There are plenty of opportunities to address immunity in the beauty and personal care space, particularly in developing active topicals, nutrient-dense ingestibles and combined kits that plug beauty routine needs and target holistic health, says Mintel.
Active skin care offerings, protective hair care products and sleep-promoting kits are just some of the ways beauty (and food, drink and nutrition) brands can play into the immunity space [Getty Images] There are plenty of opportunities to address immunity in the beauty and personal care space, particularly in developing active topicals, nutrient-dense ingestibles and combined kits that plug beauty routine needs and target holistic health, says Mintel.
As interest in wellbeing and holistic health across beauty continued to soar worldwide, the spotlight had now started to shift more specifically to immunity. And the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic had been a key trigger, said Andrew McDougall, associate director of global beauty and personal care at Mintel.