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that. he s saying there is no accountability in the world anymore. go to as many orgies and start over and it is a virgin. it is craziness. we demand transparency from the employers and they should demand the same out of potential employees. two and five companies do go on line searches and they hit facebook looking at these kids before they hire them. where should we draw the line. it is it keeping them competive. and get your cake stand pictures and employers are going to have to rely on the tactics they used before and back in everyone is acting
mr. obama ignored other recommendation. and the council for sphance called for a territoril tax system and meaning foreign earnings would not be taxed again when they are brought home. the council recommend in january that the u.s. should shift to a territorial system in order to make america more competive in global markets. dell computer is competing in germany with french manufacturer and the u.s. if i weres say del would face a higher tax rate. such a move would bring us in line. they would bring profits home. and in the convention biden ride
do we want to be europe or what is going on in greece and spain and we are less than four years from being there. we can t afford it quee have someone who understands the budget and cutting spend taxs and making ouritate sas more competive that s what is happening in mississippi and michigan and iowa and indiana and pennsylvania and show show. those are the battle ground states. we need a president that will do what the republican governors are do and with ryan on the ticket we ll have someone to lead on budget issues. you know, governor we said it before and it bears saying again. it is 1960 when a running mate delivered something in terms