place, they completely decimated my community. in the story of, he died for our sins. he was born for our sins, and to speak out the congressman missed a few details. he obviously doesn t read the bible, he is using it for his political agenda. dan: david no better person to have on because of your book but, what s disingenuous is the use of religion convenient conr democrats and also the compassion angle he thinks he s trying to take and he ignores the fact that the united states has been the most generous country on earth, we just ask that you come legally. it s entirely disingenuous. it s such demagoguery. liberals are risk are supposed to respect women.
there s laws to protect it s decimated my community played by the way, the story of jesus, he died for our sins. he was born for oure sins. to go on the cross dan: he missed a few details. obviously he doesn t. the bible, only using it for his political agenda. dan: david, no better person to have on giving your book. i find incrediblyca disingenuous about this, not just the convenient use of religion, also the compassion angle he thinks he s trying to take, while he ignores the fact that the united states has been the most generous country on earth when it comes to legal immigrants. we just ask that you come here legally. it s entirelyth disingenuous. this is such demagoguery, dan. did you see the stunning disrespect he showed for secretary nielsen? dan: he walked out. liberals are supposed supposed to respect women. he called her. a liar and remorseless. he walked out right after she started talking.
but he has a presidential voice hoping to choose the life issue to basically go ahead and get the word out and that is significant and i don t think it should be underestimated at all. heather: the hypocrisy of it because the pro-lifers talk about the choice, choice being given to a woman. what is interesting is the pro-abortion crowd is quick to talk about it is a choice. pro-lifers are pro-choice when it comes to charlie guard as in let the parents make decision. the hypocrisy speaking of hypocrisy how about the compassion angle, donald trump is not a compassionate guy at all but here he comes to do whatever he can to save the life of the defenseless child. that doesn t fit the compassion argument, i smell it from here. i do. heather: we will see what happens. thank you for joining us.