When: Saturday 13 March
2021, 11am onwards
Where: Ellerslie
Racecourse, 100 Ascot Ave, Remuera,
Six horses have already been killed
on New Zealand racetracks this year, with thousands more
suffering from systemic animal abuse. The Auckland Cup Day
is what we call FuCup Day.
Every year on Auckland Cup
Day, people dress up at this racing event at Ellerslie
Racecourse. This race day offers people a day to party,
including events for children - while innocent animals are
facing a high risk of injury and death. By glamourising
animal cruelty, this event is desensitising people,
including young children, from a terrifying truth. said Aya
Andujar: The Yanomami
The Barbican, London,
June 17 - August 29 2021
An exhibition of the
extraordinary work of Brazilian photographer Claudia
Andujar, opening in June at the Barbican in London, shines a
light on the rich and complex cosmology of the
Yanomami tribe – an Amazonian people whose very
survival is now under threat.
Claudia, who settled in
Brazil after escaping Nazi persecution in Europe, developed
a close relationship with the Yanomami over many years, and
became a redoubtable fighter for their rights.
co-founded the Pro-Yanomami Commission, and worked with the
Yanomami, allies in Brazil, and Survival
International globally. She played a key role in
Monday, 8 March 2021, 6:18 pm
Web Genius Kāpiti Run for Youth is open for registration
and getting ready to take place on Sunday 21 March
Kāpiti Run for Youth is open for registration
and we can’t wait to get back out on the beach as a big
group after taking the event virtual after going into
lockdown in March 2020. We worked very hard to make the
virtual event a success and were amazed at the number of
local people that got out in their bubbles and completed the
event on their own terms, said Richard Calkin, Founder of
Web Genius.
Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 6:48 am
A total number of 206 Kaimanawa wild horses need to be
removed from the Kaimanawa Ranges in the Central North
Island following completion of the DOC annual aerial
With the cancellation of the 2020 muster due
to COVID restrictions, the Kaimanawa wild herd has increased
in size well beyond the level recommended by the Kaimanawa
Wild Horse Advisory Group (KWHAG). With target removal
numbers now confirmed, the welfare groups who manage
rehoming efforts, Kaimanawa Heritage Horses Welfare Society
(KHH) and Kaimanawa Wild Horse Preservation Society (KWHPS),
are now urging people who are interested in taking a horse
or horses from the muster, to get in touch
Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 7:13 am
to right; Callum and Louise, Citizens Advice Bureau
volunteers, sharing a moment at an
The town of Wellsford |
Whakapirau is the northern-most town in the Auckland region
and sits midway between Auckland and Whangarei. Among its
friendly residents are Callum and Louise, volunteers with
the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Louise began volunteering
for the CAB in 1986 and celebrated her 35th year as a
“I was one of the originals, when the
bureau opened. It was an opportunity for me after years of
being a nurse, and it was one way of serving my
community”, says Louise.