Thank you very much for being here, and i want to thank him because he graciously allowed to have the subcommittee hearing and for me to be able to chair it. This is a discussion really important to so many of us here and so many of our colleagues. Information is power today, and we see it all over the globe when its used improperly, hes used as a weapon. Democracies like ours require a well informed electorate, but our enemies are increasingly trying to undermine that principle through socalled disinformation campaigns designed to mislead voters. Malign actors like russia systematically exploit social media, radio, television, and print to twist facts to suit their needs and distort the truth to an unsuspecting populous. Its not just about elections. We see it today with regard to the coronavirus and misinformation thats being spread. Its an interesting tactic because its inexpensive and yet can be very effective. It has a high degree of deniability. Its anonymous almost always and if
We break away from this portion of washington journal to fill our longtime commitment to bring you live Senate Coverage. Follow this at cspan. Org, senate gasoline and next coming up shortly. Senator Tammy Baldwin will deliver the annual reading of washingtons farewell address. After that the senate will debate the nomination of Robert Malloy to be a district judge for the Virgin Islands with the vote to limit debate on the nomination is scheduled for later this afternoon. Live Senate Coverage is here on cspan2. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal god, the center of our joy, make us your captives so that we may live liberated lives. Provide our senators with the spiritual, mental, social and physical revitalization they need just for today. May they place their trust in you and experience your profound peace. Grant that they will relinquish their worries to you, as they permit your perfect love to cast out every fear. Lord, show them your redemptive purposes in every problem they must so
[roll call] you have a quorum. Item 3 announcement of prohibition of soundproducing devises. The ringing of use of cellphones and pagers and sound producing electric devices are prohibited and the chair may over the removal from the room of any person responsibility for one going off in the middle of the meeting. The minutes of february 18th, 2020 regular meeting. No members have turned in a public speaker card. Public comment is closed. We have the minutes ill entertain a motion. Move. Second. All those in favor say aye. Aye. All those opposed. Consider those approved. Clerk communications. Mr. Chair i have none for you today. Item 6, introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members. Any new or Unfinished Business youd like to address . Very good. Clerk directors report. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to turn the mic over to director of transit, Julie Kirshbaum foray wards for her amazing crews who do the actual hard work of serving our public. I think th
A government like that still does the support of the west. Welcome to call it so i know right last april donald trump showered complements on your main rival in libya only for half that which clearly shocked you and yet you claim to come back with a message that the us was still behind you whats the evidence for that will be we believe that weve been a us ally for quite a long time we were fighting side by side to fight and isis and libya times change the kurds thought that as well well im a changed because we cannot apply what happened in syria and libya and im talking about how alliances coming. Was. Trump said that he appreciated mr have to a significant role in fighting terrorism have a shared vision for libyas transition to a stable democracy high praise from the leader of the western world for your main enemy isnt that standing by you its a pretty lukewarm were standing by and. We say those things about you know we still believe that. The administration of united state that mr at
A government like that still does the support of the west. Welcome to call it so i know right last april donald trump showered complements on your main rival in libya only for half that which clearly shocked you and yet you claim to come back with a message that the us was still behind you whats the evidence for that well we believe that weve been a us ally for quite a long time we were fighting side by side to fight the dash and isis and libya times change the kurds thought that as well where change because we cannot apply what happened in syria and libya and im talking about how alliances coming up. The. Trump said that he appreciated mr have to a significant role in fighting terrorism their shared vision for libyas transition to a stable democracy high praise from the leader of the western world for your main enemy isnt that standing by you its a pretty lukewarm way of standing by and. We say those things about you know we still believe the. Administration of united state that mr at