ELY- Editor’s note: Ely Community Resource has hosted a water project in Ely since 2016. Every year, they submit an article written by one of their high school employees for publication in the …
Changemaker Highlight of the Week: People for Pollinators
EVANSVILLE, IND. (03/16/2023) Elyse Talley, a University of Evansville biology, and ethics major wanted to study the research-implementation gap, particularly as it relates to native plants' importance to conservation efforts. She found ther
Stormwater drainage awareness. Ely Community Resource (ECR) summer Eco Club members helped stencil storm drain to let people know that waste shouldn't be dumped down storm drains, because they drain directly to a water body. Submitted photo. ELY – The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD)