appreciate it. john. john: big statement indeed. less than 30 minutes away from ukrainian president zelenskyy s visit to the white house, his first trip out of ukraine since russia s invasion began. live when it happens. sandra: border cities not only impacted by crime, drugs, smuggling, and dropping land values. we will talk to one texas rancher who says no one wants to buy there because of all the crime. john: and a sweet story about the spirit of christmas. a bakery owner opening up his heart and his oven to help his community bake their christmas cakes. the honor of that bakery joins us live, coming up next.
For those who wish to limit or disengage from the flood of email notifications associated with long threads such as these CBs produce, Dan had written up how to do
Our latest Community Bake (CB) featured Baguettes and was a hit. Those that actively participated learned to bake baguettes of Artisan Quality. It seems the natural progression from there would be Ciabatta, the Italians answer to the French Baguette. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia -"Ciabatta was first produced in 1982 by Arnaldo Cavallari, who called the bread ciabatta
Hi,I am new to this site, and I was going through looking at ways to participate and what type of information is here. I came across references to Community Bake events, for example, this post, but I could not find anything explaining exactly what it is and how it works. If someone wouldn't mind explaining or pointing me to where I can find out:What are Community Bakes? When
I adopted multiple tips from this site in order to try and achieve a successful loaf. Paul said “ one bubble” see pic above top right is THE bubble . Dan said bulk in pan . I can’t remember who said make sure and bake thoroughly… will do tomorrow. I made two levain with YW one white one rye. All flour in the dough is Mock Mill ground to a more coarse setting than I usually do,