Disabilities and Adult Services meeting. May i have the secretary take the roll. [ roll call ] executive director mcfadden is present. At this time, we ask you silence all sound producing devices and cell phones. May i have a motion to approve the agenda. So moved. Do we have a second . Any discuss in all in favor. Any opposed . Motion carries. May i have a motion to approve the february 5th, 2020, Meeting Minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted
Meeting minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted in the army where i volunteers to be a member of the paratrooper unit, and after training, i was assigned to kentucky with 101st airborne division. In 1967, my division was deployed to vietnam. Luckily, i returned in november 1968, with all my fingers and my toes. I took advantage of the gi bill and completed a degree in criminology. I then joined the San Francisco Police Department where i served
Mr. Secretary. Commissioner president vietor commissioner Vice President moran and commissioner caen are excused commissioner courtney commissioner kwon we have quorum. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Item 3 approval of the minutes of mark 8, 2016. Is there a motion to approve the minutes. So moved second all in favor, say i. I. Public comment on the minutes next item, please. Next is general Public Comment. General Public Comment mr. Da costa. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, commissioners the last night last time i was here i spoke about some very pressing issues and im going to speak on that particular issue that was raised than the general manager will be as part the of a letter sent to him regarding the issue im here to categorically state to the San Francisco Public Utilities commission this Commission Must do Due Diligence when it comes to quality quality of life issues so if we speak on some issue and there was a directive way back by congress in 1974 and the San Francisco Publ
Secretary will you read the items it closed session i acknowledged only 2 items in closed session and we need a motion on 14. Can you read do items. The motion first. I think you need to read the items and see if there are Public Comment on those items and assert privilege. Item 15 conference with local counsel anticipated litigation were not going to hear item 16 today and item 17 unlitigated claim career street hoa versus the city and county of San Francisco and items 18 through 25 will not be heard today. Thank you. We have two items well be hearing Public Comments on either of those two items. Yes. My name is silvia johnson. Two items which i asked this the paternity on the process water sewer and public you know comments for to have which our dime to clean power clear up a lot of toxic little tiny animals and it looks like like a you know what you call it it is crawling all over the sidewalks and stuff and causing people to get sick and dying i asked them in 2007 they pointed out
They hold the lowest piece of wood onto the foundation that prevents the allows from sliding during an earthquake that is a bolt over the original construction and these are typically put in along the foundation to secure the house to the Foundation One of the things well show you many types of bolts lets go outside and show the vufrdz were outside the epic center in downtown San Francisco well show 3 different types of bolts we have a e poxy anchor. It is a type of anchor that is adhesive and this is a rod well embed both the awe hey that embeds it into the foundation that will flip over a big square washer so it secured the mud sell to the foundation well need to big drill luckily we have peter from the company that will help us drill the first hole. So, now we have the hole drilled ill stick the bolt in and e postoffice box it. That wouldnt be a bad idea but the dust will prevent the e postoffice box from bonding we need to clean the hole out first. So, now we have properly cleaned