Mr. Secretary. Commissioner president vietor commissioner Vice President moran and commissioner caen are excused commissioner courtney commissioner kwon we have quorum. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Item 3 approval of the minutes of mark 8, 2016. Is there a motion to approve the minutes. So moved second all in favor, say i. I. Public comment on the minutes next item, please. Next is general Public Comment. General Public Comment mr. Da costa. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, commissioners the last night last time i was here i spoke about some very pressing issues and im going to speak on that particular issue that was raised than the general manager will be as part the of a letter sent to him regarding the issue im here to categorically state to the San Francisco Public Utilities commission this Commission Must do Due Diligence when it comes to quality quality of life issues so if we speak on some issue and there was a directive way back by congress in 1974 and the San Francisco Public Utilities commission decided that you know they would order Water Department decides to do they will executed in 1980 that gap between 1974 and 1980 knowing the city and county of San Francisco did do not due Due Diligence expands many, many years we know in Public Housing and im talking about Public Housing that bridge developers and mercy housing and the Joe Stewart Company you know that theyre all wanted this property they are get exhibits giving it to them and e San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Says offering we dont have money but participating that the yuma i was listening to the budget and finance committee not too long ago your representatives oh, you know, we had a drought and san franciscans didnt waste too much water so we dont get the income and so forth san franciscans are very astute so when you tell them District Attorney wastewater they dont water water but san franciscans also want an infrastructure to be in place and thats important and some of you commissioners are transient enough to understand if youre infrastructure is not in mass whether the water system Improvement Project or the sewer system project in light pipeline than san franciscans will speak up not like before with the francisco da costa is coming thank you very much. I have another speaker cards for kari sorenson. You want 10 this is a. Item 10 say that again. You want to speak on item 10. Yes. I can change the card. Were still on general Public Comment any other comments on items not on the agenda . Yes. Commissioners Mayors Office of housing and Community Development my name is david im here on behalf of the solutions not the sandbags the x keep your eyes on the ball and out flows that occurred during major sewer storms the point id like to make whether or not we deal with this directly and the puc embraced the opportunity or not is a question how will it be solved presently indians the epa and state water board are looking at 0 into this commission and there are people other than myself regarding the damage the 5 different neighborhoods effected by the excursion id like to suggest that we can i have the overhead please . Id like to suggest that were rolling the today is that the today is that are being used are shaved today is on the part of staff and they come up 7 or 11 whenever they describe the workshops it is just goes to cost too much to the ratepayer just to say it i dont know how often you see these this is what a bill looks like im suggesting the bills are going to be greater that the bond measures will be more expensive in those issues are not addressed with that in mind id like to ask when the next workshop will be presented to the San Francisco puc thats one and as a closing thought this sense of exceptionalism on the part of San Francisco they can decide the rules under which they operate regardless of what the state or federal government says or a judge that is the issue coming up before you people are going to have to vote on bond measures of future as revenue products but at the same time id like to on the puc and the commission will be mindful of the lack of Public Confidence in this the issues how those relishes addressed thank you. Thank you very much. Any other general Public Comment . Hearing none, next item, please. Item 5 communications and id like to make note on item 5 for the summary you have an updated letter summary that is letters received over one from eric brooks and patty and carolyn and those have been provided to the public as well. So i have a question i dont know if it is just on my copy my Directors Desk he didnt see the cal vs. The communication with a duplicate of the line item ascertainment item that is a mistake in mine and i am still eager to read what the cal vs. Screen summary statement says so commissioners any comments on communications . Any Public Comment on communications item number 5 . Yes. Please. Mr. Da costa. Okay. Yeah. Im to give you my card for the record. Thats okay. Okay. So i want to talk about the Water Pipeline assessment and i printed the letter excuse me so i printed a letter and i alluded it to this letter during general Public Comment so im asking the commissioners that, please read this letter and this is about our drinking pipes and other pipes and there is a lot of hogwash in this letter we have some unions who do not want to use pipes that are more resistant or that can endure earthquakes so we need to have an understanding and make a decision do we want this pipes to break so we get people to work more . And build with fragile pipes and when pipes break that is contemplation in our Public Housing that are led pipes not look at an item of an act passed in 197 had the city decided to enact in 1980 the sfpuc had some general idea because the sfpuc as it stands today was really formed in 1996 i was alive and kicking and so was willie brown so today, im asking the commissioners and i guess theyre giving me, too minutes i need a half an hour actually please evaluate the pipes the drinking pipes that come to the homes in our general our Public Housing right now because they have been adversely impacts impacted for years and no one is speaking to it i wrote about it i tried to address it but we dont have the money and whatever but we do have the mon money. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comments on item number 5 communications . Hearing none, next item, please. Other commission business. Commissioners . Business . Hearing none, next item, please. Item 7 report of general manager. Good afternoon, commissioners my first update on the drought steve richie. Can i have the slides steve richie general manager so far water under the start with the statewide information a slide ive shown at different times the state of the states reservoirs in january of 2015 and the not the blue bars are well, do you think in a lot of the reservoirs moving forward that is the state of the same reservoirs of march 21st the blue bars are way up northern part of the state lake over and over very well and others a lot of water in them as fulsome and some of the southern part are still down an Important Note which has come up to almost historical average level and as you can see that was way, way down it is really good to see that come up and the good thing for us out of that as storage the keynote the water bank storage were at three hundred and 16 arc feet and rising were getting good water into the storage so our chance of the system is increasing as we moving forward the storms weekend before this last helped us out and other reservoirs the state on the cumulative perspiration as you can see weve jumped up over would above the normal, in fact, were at for hetch hetchy 100 percent right now for the year were doing quite well, there and show page not up to medium conditions but still better than in years overall the water outcome is looking pretty positive for us this is the up country 6 station index that is a little bit below the annual total for year to date but again most of months 1, 2, 3, 44 out of the last 6 months have been above average precipitation and the bay area a big month in march our reservoirs here video a lot of water as well so well actually dont have to deal with with operationally now too much water on the hands water available to the city 200 and 41 feet available to the city the districts so probably 50 50 chance of making the 8 hundred plus feet available to the city again, the whole whether we have front to date has looked positive for our system the last slide will our deliveries the red is the last 56 year average the apply is 2015 last year, the black dashed line what we wanted to achieve with the state water board and the green this year so people have not yielded decided the drought is over their conserving water it is a good thing people are saving water and our demands are below last year from a commercialism prospective were doing well in the best of both words worlds so ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you have a question that randy got last weekend we have a 5 year storm is it close. Well, you know it is interesting it was a big weekend in terms of the return period on that you know it varied by where you were seller it was a goodsized storm a 5 year storm i cant tell you i dont know for sure. Maybe that is better answered when we talk about the wastewater their manufactured in rainfall. Okay. So were in pretty good shape. Overall were in Public Comment is closed. Shape. Is there a moment when the drought gets declared through the contract or some point when we get a certain amount of rain. Two comments Southern California has not had the precipitation theyre low in some of the reservoirs you saw and catch up as much as northern part of state the state what are you going to do about that . Will tape take this up in the governor makes the decision and well be following his lead he may at some point say look weve gotten better but not good yet and from our prospective any year that comes is a good year but the next year could be a bad one we have to presume were in a drought world this is our nature but we may fill this year and the state is the statewide a drought condition an odd circumstance but we have a good hydraulic i didnt. The weather is good it wrand last weekend the announce. It dropped off right away but the reservoirs got all the waters. Thats an issue of concern; right . Oh, yeah fortunately, weve have room to school bus. Next speaker, please. Next a cleanpowersf update. Excuse me call for Public Comment. I was going to do that but i could do that if you like. Madam secretary. Public comment on the drought . Mr. Da costa. Yes. I think that is important that when you get subjects like this the drought and the implicit after each item you allow the public to speak so everything is fresh mr. Richie can you have a presentation about the state of affairs with the water but really in the year 2016 we also need to get some assessment on our water shed our water shed plays an Important Role now it is very easy for us here in San Francisco so just talk about the water and we must remember for thousands of years whatever was there and is there the hetch hetchy area was preserved and protected by the tribes and we always have to remember as long as you believe the United Nations because ones called we need to respect the nativeamerican i know some of you are new but those who are not paying attention you better learn to respect the first people of the area now a i dont see that i represent the first people of San Francisco and adjoining areas the tribes if you dont want to believe that ill provide any testimonials im sensitive socalled experts talk about the drought in a sfoishl manner in my subjective opinion we need the heavy rains year after year maybe for the next 4 years and then it aint going to happen because of climatic change so el nino is comes ones in every i dont know 40 years or 35 years whatever so we have to make the best of it and were lucky that everybody is saying our lakes are full our reservoirs are full our rivers are doing good the sale man or making process and so forth this is good so commissioners drought is something that we have to look in its totality not only the snowcaps and the how dense the water is when they take those measurements but also our water shed and just going to brought to your attention the Central Valley weve had land sink four or five feet because people stepped into the water shed so even though that is not our area it is because it is connected so one of you commissioners to form a Small Committee so that then the other committees and the many experts youre paying over 200 and 50,000 will benefit they can give us a report on our water shed thank you very much and go to the board of supervisors. Thank you. Any other comments on the contract next item please. Clean power update barbara hale. Thank you, commissioners balancing assistant general manager i have 3 items to brief you on over my name is in enrollment status the pca workshop and the Net Energy Metering proposals so first off on the milestones and enrollment were on track for serving customers may 1st our opt out are low and stable we have projected 20 percent of the customers that web enrolled about opt out were really at this point only seeing 0. 3 percent that have opted out out in terms of preparing for the august enrollment customers have raised their hands and saying let me in one and 34 residents enrolled one plus are supergreen and were seeing this for the august one any folks that want to participate in the probation officer program this year needs to let us know go on cleanpowersf. Org youll have to do that before august one on the pcia. Before you golden go on i seeing a low opt out increasing were anticipating thirty megawatts of power with the loss r allow opt out. 35 points 9 right now. Yeah. And so serving more than we expected but prepared for that and were all set to go may 1st on the california Public Utilities commissions workshop youll recall in december the commission took a position on the pcia the charge that customers who participate in a program like our cleanpowersf pay those charges went bypassing up dramatically pursuant to the puc decision in those decision they werent going to lower the impact but a workshop that allows the folks and opportunity to sort of vet the methodologies and talk about what needed to change that yap was held we participated in coordination is mc e and the lancaster choice and sonoma were the people they made a presentation that we worked with them on and a number of stakeholders in San Francisco also provided emphasis and Public Comment which i thought was helpful in terms of outcome were not particularly quite frankly optimistic well see any modifications to the methodology the future the preceding commissioners that flores is having a workshop report issued and establishing a working group to continue to work about the pcia methodology and impacts we will continue to collaborative with the other working groups and inform at the california Public Utilities commission to help to contain the pcia costs and the other charges that the california puc is passing into our commissioners not much open middleincome were sticking with the process and with that, ill move forward to the net metering proposal we handed out a packets pathways available over here but i have a slide we can bring that up please. Great. So what id like to talk about the agenda items you see here what the Net Metering Energy and how to work with the cleanpowersf from the staff presentation as the proposed objectives ive got a survey with other meters programs you can understand how ours might and the next steps are at this point, were im faxing making an informational presentation not a vote ensue april 26th our plan to bring a terrace and the proposal forward at this time and the customers in cleanpowersf on may one will take advantage of the netted metering if they have solar on their roofs or putting it often this year. So first of all, the optimistic same optimistic for cleanpowersf you have seen numerous time but with the net metering is one of the methods for investing the local networks and jobs it is consistently presented and in that way one of our cleanpowersf will encourage the existing and new sf accelerator customers to join clean power that is Net Energy Metering it is a program that allows the customers that install onsite renewals that is solar to receive theyre on their electric billion bill credits they generate more electricity then they consume lots of folks refer to letting the meter run backwards and in San Francisco we have a fair number of folks that are prartd or eligible to participate the Net Metering Program how many do you know thats what the slide shows thats fine you can see of 2014 there were over 64 net metering customers in San Francisco we took that pg e data and stechltd Going Forward there are 11 percent of the existing Net Energy Metering customers generate more electric on an annual basis there are hours out there that are sort of spilling on the grid and showing benefits to the rest of San Francisco we want to see if there is a way to harness that for the cleanpowersf program; right . Getting to a little bit more specific about that o what that means the top slide is a customers generation and accumulation the generation on that slide is shown as the black line excuse me is shown as the red line the black line shows the consumption in certain parts of years the consumption exceeds the red hit. Area and in some portions the year excuse me some portions of the day not the year but the day the generation is less than sorry yes. The generation is less than consumption so the customer the blue areas is using imprisoned power the yellow area theyre using the solar power and the red is spill off their roof to others during that day and seconds on the bottom slides the bottom chart we take the spij and apply it on a bill basis what were the blue areas and now become red this is what the arrows show on the bottom part and what we want to do with the Program Design for metering reach a objective and thats what im showing here we want to encourage the folks existing cleanpowersf to install solar and make sure that folks that are Net Metering Energy customers on pg e system join cleanpowersf and provide them with a track of concentration because we see that is a benefit to cleanpowersf we want to make sure we capture that by the people and they get compensated but we want to be fair for the exercises not engaged the cleanpowersf we want to prices the killing wart right and keep it simple if you participate in a net meters program it is be complicated difficult to understand and developing over program well try to keep our part as simple as possible but frankly that is complicated and were working with the pg e billing process so there is specific requests well need to answer im not asking you to answer them today, im asking you to im briefing you on this today to have been time before we answer those on april 26th those questions are here so i members of the jury the earlier slide that over the course of a day those kilowatts hours that are jasz in the consumption at the hours or business or one of the question is how frequently do we chew that up or frequently we look at this an individual customer receives when we do that what values the generation credits whats the prices we put on those kilowatt hours the state of california in state law has said youll see how that floor is the next slide by other programs and then also when should customer credits be cashed out and what value should they be cashed out so this slide shows you what some of the other programs look like and how theyve answered those questions so on the question of true youll see pg e trusts up a bill and buys them and lancaster choose with emergency and sonoma and the plaintiff cia they bill them monthly and do on annual true up the credit the value of the enabling is implied to the customers bill if a month they have more generations so pg e it is the retailed rate for lancaster of choose that is the floor set by the state and for metz and sonoma clean power they give a bonus of a penny not consumed by the customer and with respect to annual cash out or the cashing outlets is over the course of a year you communed electricity and generated electricity but you need we need to assess who qualifies for a cash payment or a value as it gets to realize the value figure out what prices well value the excess generations as you can see here that all the three or four excuse me represented here do perform that on a cash out on a annual basis pg e carries forward only those kilowatt hours that on an annual basis are more than a customer consumes so that we talked about earlier how a day would look with xrumgs from the grid and the solar system over the course of a year you may find you consume more electricity than our system actually generation is pentagon says if you do actually consume more electrical your net customer theres no pay out for you and lancaster clean power does the same thing over the course over the year of generating more your consuming lancaster makes a payment and marin and sonoma actually accommodate the credits that you see month to month and theyll make a pay out whether youre a net generate or 0 net customer and for the evaluation you see the differently values placed on the kilowatt hours please excuse me with pg es value assigned the lowest rate shown here at 0. 03 lancaster at the their vtsd cost of 0. 06 and marin and sin mom plus a penny same as they provide the most of credits so lets look at how it happens for typical residents what you see first is the necessities Energy Consumption of a customer in blue and this is before they have a solar system now lets assume they install solar on their roof and as you can see that net Energy Consumption is from a positive to a negative and it is a bigger negative than that was a positive which means theyre generating during may know june, july, august, september all in the red and april their producing for electricity than their consuming their spilling on the grids kilowatt hours october through february they have positive net energy incumbrance during those months theyre using grid power on the whole less than they would have without a similar system but on the net theyre using Power Public School the green dot line shows what the bill credits with under this somewhere as you can see may know through september and april your not april but may through september because of the net Energy Consumption theyre showing bill credits and during the summer excuse me during the winters seconds theyre eating up the bill credit not accommodating but by april theyre coming to about even at zero this shows on an annual basis how the net Energy Meters system how the system about generate an offset consumption and the bill credits to be applied monthly. Were proposing that all which happen customers will be provided generation only the generation portion of the service that im sorry we need to recognize that which happen provides only the generation portion of the service that is the only portion of the bills in terms of the bill credits well be influencing that we want to insure that any customer that participate in our Net Metering Program will also be a net Energy Customer of pg es that way theyll also get credits for distribution and transmission and we will design a program to make sure it works with the pg e net metering offers for commercial and residential we propose that any eligible renewal resource needs to be less than a megawatts that should not be two tough in San Francisco and a project needs to be principally for their own load a requirement of pg es program in terms of of the next steps well be taking a proposal to the rate fairness board this is a rate well be a tariff item were preparing an action item for your consideration once we represent the rate fairness board for a vote on april 26th and include the programs the Net Energy Meter adopted the outreach and begin to implement may 1st with that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you and im pleased to see this it is great new Development Addition to the program thank you for all your hard work commissioners do you have any other great job. Appreciate it. Is there Public Comment on this item mr. Brooks are you making your way to the podium. Good afternoon eric brooks San Francisco our city of San Francisco clean power it is good to see that and good to see well pay people more than pg e that is the Crucial Point as soon as we get those well sell the public and the one concern ill raise weve been tied by the bond change chain of one megawatt or less for decades we need to get around that i believe that marin and sonoma are offering net meters and or fed and tariffs for large projects we need more larger projects they provide better job benefits by building more it is crucial we dont just want net meters for one mel emerging what the thanks. Where did barbara go is there potential once weve brought on beggar customers to be able to were planning on having a feeding Tariff Program we are going through the preparation of that now and we should have it operational middle of this year and that should serve the needs of large man a megawatt for a tariff thats what were looking at for for that. Okay for the net metering . Net meters is limited to one megawatt and why is that . The state of california pass a law that made that imposed that state is a low equity in california. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, commissioners from sf i wanted to thank the staff for moving forward i think that. 3 opt out rates may not be you know we may not be able to extrapolate that citywide but better than we thought and hopefully that will help reduce conservatism about moving forward on future faces as weve looked about not only signing people up for supergreen but seeing none, high Blood Pressure people up early one of the challenges given how the consumer things work if our society saying sign up and in 8 months youll get cleaner energy but the switch gets the faster to the full city the better for supergreen signs up and opts out 350 our con grandmother we remember at the pcia is a disaster and anything that you folks can do to help the public be represented in the Public Utilities commission is greatly appreciated as far as the Net Metering Program it is looking great i think that is you know foggy here i think the department of the environment says that not a ton of energy can be generated from the rooftop 11 percent on average an example of folks that are generating more than theyre using certainly, if we are allowed to a building or businesses were able to put more panels on the roof to offset their load, i. E. , their trying to be a power janitor and i imagine that may not be a financial hit but if you want to generate clean local energy it is important to remember, if we let folks clean power customers we buy it to the net energy were selling to the customers that are paying a premium kind of how the math pencils out it is important but it is possible we could just make more money i even thats it but were really excited to see this thank you. Thank you. Jason fried executive director for lafco i think your staff does give themselves enough credit for the workshop we had several staffs raising points how the pcia needs to represent what is the best interest of the bundled but the unbundled consumers looking both sides not just one i give them credit for the input and the work with the pcia agencies worked together to come up with a good presentation to show how to modify 3 as far as the net metering i think your staff did an excellent job the programs i want to encourage to make sure we have something as quickly as possible for may first to launch is big when im talking to the folks he occasionallyly run into a solar rooftop person it is important one of the things it is noted only 11 percent right now are estimated to be Energy Generators one or more of the reasons that occurs pg e offers and lousy return of money if you over produce a lot of the dollars sailing dont over produce that is as far you dont want to be an over producer it costs money to put the panels on the roof so were offering Something Better i know we needed to Pay Attention not to pay too much it drives up the cost of solar but you can find the swop to produce above the 11 percent a better rate of return and hey you can put the extra of panels on the roof and offer produce and thats fine because it wont cost you money but the Current System is santa fe incentivizing because the brown power not making what Renewal Energy should be finding and i encourage your staff to find the swop for more roofs over producing and energy is 70 percent if all the roofs have solar not all can have solar but we have an opportunity for the Energy Generation i encourage us to do the best possible our staff is heading in that direction. Any Public Comment . I think that is important to note something that is being consistently messaged on that is how competent and effective our staff and barbara and the rest of the staff deserve that 3 is a long road you know but i represent the workers its not always been like that but appropriate. Thank you for your comments and a reminder august 1st is the enrollment date cleanpowersf. Org to enroll in suprasupergreen we encourage you all to sign up ive signed up and im sure my fellow commissioners have too so thank you. Next speaker, please. Madam secretary. Item 8 the consent calendar are considered to be routine may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. 8 a for agreement a there e and authorize extending the contract by one year and six months b expect the total amount of nine hundred thousand plus with the total contract duration of consequence active payment date and c accept the contract amount of 5 million plus with the total duration of seven hundred plus consequence active days to decrease the amount by 200,000 plus and authorize the final payment to the contract and d approve the terms and conditions to lease the provide for a 9 months lease term estimation to substantial education. Id like to remove item 8 d, please. Unless any objection. So you have the consent calendar before you 8 a, b, and c is there a motion to approve the consent calendar. So moved. Second. Any Public Comment on the consent calendar . All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Those items pass and if we could discuss 8 d, please because i understand that our long time friend and ally might be transitioning id like to hear about that and the implications it is so successful and centered and hopefully, will continue to be moving forward. Id like to be happy to do that tim with the water enterprise a thats a good question i think the short version were in pretty good shape stage im reminded is into theyre ten year as a tenant im the 11 year when i worked on the lease theyve been a dog a spectacular job around the programming and weve been big supporters and from a money prospective when we started to talk about with sage about the future she came to us and said they wants to go a different direction and move away from the site activities and i conserved to think about that hard for a couple of weeks before they condominium at the do 9 and said were ready to make the change with that mid market we want to be her to be part of transition and about the plans for the water shed center we wanted them to be part of transition so before you today with the amendment to the lease it keeps them going through the calendar year but for the benefit of families on the ground within their plans in terms of the agriculture component and the programming remember our long time program is in construction we had to hard work with the project sponsor and our staff and sonoma to work with the contractor to facilitate the programming during construction a complicated site we dont want people to be the way i have construction so part of monies to deliver their program this year and part of money for the transitioning so they can be part of team we sit down with our staff, with the Community Benefits program and with hopefully, the al manned conservation district and talk about the future the Alameda County there is already involved in the work the water shed work with stage and work with us in the water shed and interested in taking over the park this is great so the very near future youll see an amendment to the contract and a new agreement to be the longest sited manager at the park and in the next 6 months work extraordinarily and with stage to look at the program and to really learn from the experience to help with the master plan with the water shed centers and then take all the best ideas within the organization with the other programs the city and develop a revised program that will be the one well implement at the water shed center this is a good 6 months from the staff prospective but before you is the first step to allow stage to be part of the contribution i know to have a 10 anniversary in the spring were helping them with the specifics here in july and im sure well have the august festival and make sure both of those things can happen during the construction felt long time project a lot going on but this is theyre the first step to be more are going to come back to the commission for the consideration and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. It seems like an interesting opportunity i mean first of all, i hope that will allow an opportunity to acknowledge her and her work as part of transition i want to make sure we do that shes been a champion but it somalias an opportunity to really think about i mean, i know at some point we have a college hill groundbreaking our urban agree policy work well hear about and reviewing it is just strikes me that that might be an opportunity to think about this the context of that and also hear an update of the water shed center and the vision and what the puc staff or active involvements will be with the locate operator well take on if it is an Interpretative Center that represents the pucs reflective of the schools and other places that demonstrate educate with the water shed and where the water comes from an opportunity to talking about and mclaren if this commission with this change of what the future can hold for that site i know there is a lot of Community Interest if we could get an update of what that looks like with this change that will that would be helpful. Well be happy to do that and act this is an important and good time to have that discussion well be happy to do that whatever makes the most sense. Thank you, madam chair when i come back ive heard great things but i want to make sure we do is shed light on staff of what are the was this the what this rates and the opportunities for advancement covered by the collective bargaining a pension and health care when you start to talk about sutro to permanent relationships the public works we know we do that and the public and private sector when those nchts begin to want that permanent relationship with the land we need to make it clear we 7, 8, 9 to talk about what the benefit is to the employees that they have a certain standard of living and the whole bit i lord to having that conversation and seeing data about the employees. I think that part of the process what this will happen and make sure that happens sage is a Profit Organization and the other one is different but i think hail theyll be happy to provide that and will that be a profit operator after sage is done. Were talking about the pg e to run the i park didnt mean there is not room for anything else to help. Understanding the pros and cons to that approach do you know to the point of will there is a benefit to work with the existing policies were trying to advance on urban add or the Community Interests down there i mean sonoma and make sense to identify a nonprofits or whether the state maybe make it simpler but something we modesty losses. Ill be happy to to make sure that part comes to light and let the agency phone call for themselves theyre a they report to the board of directors they do workforce in the water shed with the Land Management and help the sage repair the coordinator and the education corridor they look and feel like the poem were trying to be and it is a good match i reason that is good discussion to have and theyll be happy to have it. Okay. You want to add something. I want to pout the timing we have about 9 months so i think that you know with this situation go an opportunity so far us not only identify with what will work well but more alignment so i think that as great opportunity well have to move fast if there is you know momentum and may be going in a different direction a process im concerned that you know sage were working with them as part of transition and 9 months may not be enough if they go in a Different Directions were looking at that but well come back with some updates. Yeah. Soon is fine you, you want to come back laughter i think that will be helpful i do think that is an opportunity we should look at it like that and it makes me think about the urban automatic work weve not heard in sometime a policy components that we need to review as part of this i dont know the answer to that but not sure what the overall objectives but maybe time a meeting that addresses those at the same time to give us an update. All of us my staff and myself have been focused on getting through the process to get the process to construction the actual buildings overwhelminged us for a couple of years were all starting to come back to the programming and the people part of it again from my prospective interesting discussion and better one to have then the architecture but this is more real to me i think the times is good and look forward to doing that what makes sense for the commission. Soushldz we approve the lease for the next 9 months a motion to approve. So moved and second. All in favor, say i. I. Yes oh, sorry Public Comment eric. Thats already eric brooks San Francisco green party sustainability chair that is great to see youre getting ready to say yes to continue this i think that is important to bring in part of this conversation this also goes beyond just Sustainable Land use and water use im sure the project is headed in this direction on the Climate Crisis there are new techniques emerging not new but use the Sustainable Agriculture techniques to get roots structures to grow underground and build up carbon and soil so rapidly that 10, 20 e. R. Thirty or 40 or 50 years down the road the key to avoiding the disaster climatic situations the record that was releases e released Carbon Farming is crucial and ill urge the commission and urge the program to really focus on that there is a thing called the marin carbon project they can look at it and stuff growing in australia it is groundbreaking there is a particular permit automatic farmer named d o h ar t y leading the way on the processes and a lot of it has to do with with growing particular graze that has a system it give us caps quickly carbon rich under the atmosphere some i will one little caveat a lot of these programs that are coming out on the landlords are using livestock grown for to accomplish the cutting processed where you cut the grass and leave the roots in the ground that created e creates age unnecessary release of carbon and the atmosphere not needed better to let wildlife the areas and or there are techniques where you can break off or cut the plants without harvesting them and they bottom composite and youre getting more carbon so this is my long spill it will be really good from the commission can not only encourage this project to serve water sustainability and clean water sustainability but also the climate impacts this could have a profound effect if they drifd into the techniques like the farming is one of them if you could encourage them to do that that would be great. Im familiar with the carbontion with the sestriation and i believe that we have to see your piloting a project it would be great to hear about the status of that project. Theres a lot of components i think the marin carbon project and a small part weve been part of that has a grant with the r cd theyre doing the county wide to the public and private landowner were teed up to be part that have that in some way shall happen or form working with my group. Thats exciting work thank you eric for reminding us any other comments on 8 d from the public hearing none. All in favor, say i. I. Are you in favor. Opposed . That motion carries. Our next item please madam secretary. Item 9 approval amendment number 6 to increasing the agreement duration by 6 months and i do want to note a change to the resolution the resolve clause at the last sentence were removing the words suggest to the board of supervisors approval pursuant to charter section and copies have been provided to the commission and public with that change. So commissioners you have an amended resolution before you and ms. Howe before you as well. Good afternoon commissioner general manager were asking to extend this contract with the irs for this we dont have to change the contract to say a e coming but extend to have the Design Consultant work with us on the two outstanding claims we have with the contractor. So is there a motion to approve so moved. Second public health. All in favor, say i. I. That motion carries next item please. Item 10 is a workshop presentation and discussion and possible action to endorse the sewer system improvement updated goals and level of service and stage one strategies for the phase one projects and the overall total 6. 9 billion. So this item is you know to give background the commission had endorsed the 6. 9 billion program and authorized staff to proceed with phase one of the program is what staff has done and ill have our Program Director go into more detail staff has been working hard to develop more detail and establish more solid baseline schedule with that, ill let karen give her presentation. Good afternoon, commissioners commissioner president vietor katrero park with the Improvement Program and today, well be discussing baselineing the Resources Program and similar to this well be returning on a 2 year frequency to talk about the scope and schedule and budget todays presentation is phase one if i could bring up the slides. So the action that are part of this approval the actions day were requesting are enforcement and the enforcements of the overall ssi p and the enforcement of baseline scope and schedules of the phase one project. Somehow it the been 3 and a half years since we wanted or went through the validation and all the working groups under the leadership of harlan kelly and kathy our general manager and the executive team are pushed this forward our work to date has a better definition of the costs and of the schedules and thats really the crux of our bangs part of august 2012 we enforce our levels of service for the 6. 9 billion and part of action were asking for modifications to the climatic change because the original Level Service actually has been revised bans the national and statewide standard this is a revision adopt by the city that is the work with ssi p has been adopted by the city and county of San Francisco the only other change that could potentially come up as part of the level of service when we get back to you in may the flooding analysis i think a question came up earlier because we do have so many commissioner kwon so many micro compliments in to town not an easy question but 21 ranges and 20 of the 21 were below the the level the lake merced was above i know that stephanie will be reporting on these things at that time, well have a discussion whether we want to change the level of stiffer service for managing stormwater and minimizing phleboids im lucky assistant by dan our preconstruction technical advisors a member of the project Management Team and has been here since the validation process and the current time weve talk about with you the process what is changed from 2012 and our updated cost schedule and im going to ask dan to a couple i has a heavy lifting the presentation dan, if you will. Thanks karen and good afternoon, commissioners as karen mentioned we have under taken a refinement process to make sure the ssi p has the right projects and remains flexible to deal with the changes since 2012 throughout the process were through taken worked with finance to insure the results of the efforts will remain consistent with the plan last month ill show you the results by you walk you through to the changes that you endorsed in 2012 well look at the project for the fattens of the city example p and identify the changes and walk you through how the schedule is modified as well well go the process were recommending you forward and finally well identify some additional projects for your consideration and show you how theyll fit into the program this process started with the review of the phase one projects and it was done through a series of working group we assigned a priority to it priority one with projects that need to remain in the phase one effort those projects are the lakes of the head works project and reliability and redundancy projects that are key to maintaining the 3 facilities. A priority 2 project one that we might eliminate or defer to phase two with an acceptable level of risk an example of the project will be we started the effort we needed to maintain the existing digest of the facilities while the others ones were rebuilt weve been investing money but realized that the operation of those facilities are now such that plants staff and operation and maintenance feel confident theyll maintain those facilities without additional investment were eliminating the replacement digestion of a tin roof will do repair and will be satisfied that that is acceptable risk and save money at area of deferral is on the west side of the city the west side pump station redundant and well recommend deferring more so in an effort it is a younger force main and some means we can provide with staff in terms of an issue but also a more alignment with the work on the grace ocean master plan to deter that priority 3 projects we can eliminate an example will be we had scope reduction the offshore and shaerpz pimp station well invest money as we work to the Condition Assessment we can accomplish those activities through the r and r and not a Capital Project we looked at deferring the projects in a category that will be in some instances we had planning and design and construction dollars in twaes we offend to move the planning to reside in twin peaks with the construction money so youll authorize that in pump one action we looked refining the promotions two examples following the validation in 2012 this enables us to look at scientifically how the shoreline when it rains how it december pates we found on the ocean the tush licensed less than is so dramatic and strong the impact of the discharges are gone within a day when the facilities were built it was thought the impact for the last 3 days were seeing a decrease in the impact and therefore we feel we have protection of beneficial uses before i not moving forward with the expansion of the capacity of the west side pump stacey station for pump more flow of the ocean the second part the central bay side we presented in 2012, we had a place holds diameter and a smaller diameter of green that move forward and we found is that we dont need a thirty needed diameter tunnel and can meet the retirements the runtcy at discharges and the potential for a lower discharge requirements for a smaller tunnel and the massages are going on we see a significant savings and finally following the prioritization we found we looked at the schedules ill go over shortly ill do now walk you through. Sorry on the tunnel sizings i remember the conversations weve had did you also look at the smaller sizes as well the 16 and 17. Commissioner we looked at we looked at what will be the smallest from channel to down to the plant as an open cut so the smaller size we needed a 7 or 8 foot that cant be built in that area so the smaller size a 12 footed detriment from 12, 17, 23, 24, and others if pits thorough and interesting uhhuh. That is with green and were looking green as well yes, maam. Whats was it complimentary. Yes. Were going to come back to that project the main thing were going through the initial analysis that were going from a thirty feet to a 17 i wanted to keep in mind that you know you dont want to choke it down so much you have additional rain to store more water to choke off the system. Right. Okay. If we can go back to the slides. Maybe well keep on talking. When we came to you in 2012 we presented 3 fattens phase one the priority projects we felt were net to accomplish and as you can see some of the projects from planning and some just to planning and design i made that reference before as you can see 2. 7 billion 2. 2 related to the Treatment Plant improvements and the priorities of solid and head works and compliance in looking at the update in 2016 were maintaining approximately the 2. 7 billion prototype 0 traffic stop and the priorities are the same so projects have gown up and some projects down the increased area of head works were working tarts the 25 design but were seeing a change in dental. Philosophy more in line with the cross the assess at Orange County facilities that planning wants incorporated into the project we had the benefit of two years of piloting with the status quo with the factor into the design and more control facilities and made improvements to the bruce pump station to make it an all weather station and weve had the impacts of construction and packaging sequencing and escalation we see a reduction in the scope of the north point project the deferral of the west side course main to you mentioned to the beach and this is where we move the projects if phase one planning and design to max them with the construction in phase two when we presented twaes in 2012, we jumped up to 3. 3 billion worth of investment but one billion dollars was Treatment Plant and 2 billion in collections you start to see switching the plants focusing on updating e upgrading the function system in the update this year we see a significant reductions in phase two in part because of the projects that i described where the central bay does it is a significant savings and the removal of the west side pump station is significant as well one area we increased the sewer improvements we did the validation we anticipated the large sewage to be the assessment activities through the experience weve gained the last couple of years weve allocated dollars to make the improvements as we moved e though the system the one and thirty millions you see phase three again, it is about 900 million slit between the plants and the Collection System and as we worked through the analysis this year we are not making recommended changes to the phase three projects so 2012 just in 6 billion authorized in the phase one activities when we really that up and compare to the results of the update weve completed which youll see is weve raised the same in phase one but a significant drop over 400 million in the program this is a program that meets the requirements of level of service that karen talked about and in satisfies providing a reliable redundant system what i want to do now is walk you through the schedule change were looking at back in 2012, we presented to you a 20year program under 7 billion us to present that in phases we did that in august of 2012. Can i stop you for a minute looks like were moving from schedule to bunt; right . Yeah. It is out of you know sequence. No, my sequencing is okay. But well be luke schedule. Looking at schedule and return to the budget summary in the additional projects. I want to make sure were still tracking here. I mean what im gleaning were seeing pretty good saving potentially right our baseline budget but id like to im sort of seeing none, e seeing it is broken down one big particular item it is really driving those things. Maybe i should suggest that you jump to the budget part and then come back to the schedule. It is out of sync. Sure. Sure. To answer our questions commissioner the main savings is the reduction of the tunnel size which is close to 300 million and the west side pimp station is 200 and 50 million that is where the bulk of those savings are. Thank you. Okay. So when we look at the presents baseline budget what you see is again commissioner as you piloted the 400 million the savings the total program and the phase one stacy as 2. 7 phase two we see a lot of the reductions into the 2. 9 and the overall 6. 5 ive mentioned before this is reflective of meeting the los and we brought this up two or three years ago. And the new revised climatic change los that seems relevant. Actually that decreased the amount that were looking at originally the 21 hundred nibs number westbound 66 inches of Sea Level Rise now 36 inches with all the facilities weve done the map but with surging and protecting the 21 hundred conditions and being proactively with those requirements that the city planning has. Does that didnt increase the costs. A lot of it is making sure were at a proper elevation to the designers can build and others existing assets we know the Sea Level Rise we are identifying the adoption we need to incorporate as we moved in time at flagging those they can be properly schedule into the Capital Improvement plans. Thank you. One of the things we did i want to regroup the projects okay one of the things ive mentioned because we did the shifting of a project and looking at things we wanted to restructure how we report to you youll see a different form and we had two areas one is treatment and one in collections and the treatment area we want to look at the bio project and the southeast improvements we came to you in 2012 under the bio cells we grouped a number of projects we had bio cells he a number of projects that fits the digesters providing a redundant and electrical feed to the plants with new control systems and operation purposes what we decided to do is focus on bio cells by itself were reporting the largest project to you and one of the easier as land reuse an effort were looking at to stage the construction and do the parking the first thing we did if we speculated the land use as it we took the rest of project southeast and separated them from bio solid on the other hand, and weve made them part of southeast bio the heads project is significant weve pulled that out as a separate category to you when we really thirty this together what youll see is bio solids and theyre recorded individually the southeast improvements the oceanside improvements and north point and the Collection System when we looked at the Collection System one category that we wanted to provide cleaner definition so that were splitting into 3 entering sectors how those are progressing and combine the structures in the storage boxes oversee are recorded separately and this is what the program will look like Going Forward. Now at that point again, i want to emphasize that is really important to know weve gotten here and 400 million under the program weve presented in envelope and that is good news by the way, unfortunately, there have been things come to light in the last 2 and a half years we wanted to identify some additional project before you go there can you go back to the schedule. You need a younger person to drive . So when we presented phase one to you back in 2012, we did not split those by year remembered we were asked to set priority you see the jagged lines and phase one extended from 2012 to 2023 for the bio solids and the projects needs for compliance when we looked phase one today what we see a slight increase going out to 2024 and, uh, love of construction in a short period of time were looking at the phase one extension of an additional year from what we had in 2012 when we look like phase two back in 2012 it ran from about 2018 to 2030 we we look at in 2016 the addition of the west side pump station coming in the lane and we maintained the 2018 to 2030 timeframe and see at the bottom the deletion of the west side of pump station expansion phase three was really 2025 to three 2 no changes to the prong in the 2016 update so it is presented as shown here and the new concealed were working with the basking is shown here with phase one at 2 just under 2. 7 and the entire program at a 2. 5. So. I wanted to point out the major takeaway is that when we came to you in 2012, we had a 6. 933 billion program which is over 20 years and the first stage you endorsed and approved moving forward 2. 7 billion and so we worked with the team to look at with dan has mentioned and so right now the phase one given the same promotions that we identified is at the 2. 69 so about 2. 7 but it is a little bit of savings overall the program is 6. 5 billion. Now the phase one you have a delay in the digesters about a year but that is incorporated in the budget so i want to take a pause and is that i said to recognize that for regrouping and that were becoming a little bit more diligent to like on the water system how we report and keeping the same consistent approach if a change happened well come to the commission with regular updates to opine on any changes moving forward and the last thing ill say were still in phase one so like for example, the tunnel construction is still in phase two well come to you after we do all the analysis and talk about green and how all that plays out when we come to get approval moved on any of phase two projects although we put a number and schedule didnt mean that phase two will happen we have to come in to you with specific information you may choose to moves forward with a posh or all the project but also affordability youll see the rates when we include all the projects i want to make sure we highlight on that and phase two 2018 thats right so 2018 the conversations happen more realistically and phase two harlan kelly mentions well anticipate a bunch of workshops and strategies for 30 years those. Those start in 2018. Before that before that. Before i think that given all the other things that are coming were show you before there is something we have to look at affordability we dont want to have sticker shock because were not under a federal mandate were doing it because we feel this is right thing to do and want to be mindful there are a lot of competing projects and so thats why the level of service is really important so as we move forward and talk about some other potential projects about increasing the levels of service that will be more money for those items and so dan can talk about the 3 areas that is really beyond what we identified in 2012 and what were through the analysis and working with different communities areas that theyre concerned about we want to present what the status of those are so you can go forward. So this is where harlan kelly described we ended up at the 2016 the baseline i mention there are additional projects that we want to present to you one was the main this was a project part of interim c pi with construction underground obstructions problems and delays you authorized the s example i p it is going through the close out now the redundancy along the embarcadero for the flows that come from the financial district in that area down towards the plant we also have entering departmental requests from other city agencies be is sfmta or muni or public works to work with them on projects their moving forward and to take advantage of the opportunity to investigate whether our assets need to be updated at the time most of projects involve taking our sewers out of center of the streets and put them on the side of the streets to avoid conflicts and theyre dealing with assets over one hundred years assets well be dealing with this is a good time and opportunity to partner with other agencies and finally youre aware of the several Flooding Issues came up awe railways from the storms of december 2014 so fortunately, we have been able to work proactively the areas and were recommending that some additional projects be considered obviously the north Shore Force Main was 30,000 and several emergency room projects that totaled almost one hundred Million Dollars the bus Rapid Transit on van ness and geary and the central subway and the terryville the flowed resiliency was discussed last month with the resilience planning and development i believe that will be presented again the summer in terms of recommendations but were looking at specific projects that will be initialed and modified if necessary depending upon the relies of that planning activities so all told these project total just over 200 million and we are recommending that they be made part of phase one so that work will continue and that will bring the phase one total to 2 that . 9 billion this work will continue in phase two with additional entering departmental projects with the alliance in the Flood Resiliency well dont think the resiliencecy work will identify the final multitude with the level of service you choose at that time the 200 million is the lower ends and the study will identify a much higher number that brings the phase two to 3. 1 billion. So what we see here again is the ssi p as 6. 5 those 3 projects adding over 400 million and still coming in under the 7 billion original target that was put forth 4 years ago if we look at how those flow the force main project will become part of the punctuation station and enforcement categorical and the Flood Resiliencycy we wanted to track those as separate categories added to the collective system category and the revised totals of program is shown here at the 6. 976 up from the 6. 33 started in 2012 so this gives a snapshot summary of the envelope verse of 2016 with those additional projects incorporated and the prioritization effort has enabled us to affirm the levels of service that the program is based on it is enables us to maintain the integrity of the ssi p with the finance to make sure that all of the projects that weve put forth are consistent with the 10 year cpi and provided to respond to changes via reassessing little project risks via assessing whether a project is needed or not or deal with entering departmental projects not part of original effort we feel that having completed this experience we can move forward confidentially is where we video a solid set of projects to best serve puc and the registries in closing the last slides is the request that karen identified at the beginning of her presentation and the last believability emphasis what harlan kelly pointed out phase two didnt start until 2018 in july but all of the numbers that were presented have been worked with finance and the 10 year cpi and well certainly be back before requesting action an phase two. Great, thank you. Go ahead. Well, i think one of the things we point out is the flood resilient work were planning to roll out were inform you on the total system functionality areas where we meet the levels of Service Areas we dont if we increase the level of service what will be 9 cost so weasel give a memo of choices that will add to this number or you know certain things you know once we identify the project it takes time to decide what the actually project youre trying to accomplish but ranks of projects and costs associated with those projects. Great i have a question on the selection of all the additional projects are those i mean part of it is because of need like the flooding but part of it i hope because this is when other city agencies are embarking on their work with the cpi or efficiency of scale. The big challenge were facing we kwh we look at the system and identify over priority ones we need to address there is older ones weve identified the state that really need immediate attention and then all of a sudden all the city departments saying can you tag along with the project and be a great opportunities we have our number ones we cant fund to face all the ones we feel the worst condition and using that money to do something that lasts anothers 20 or thirty years thats the dilemma were in so recognizing that were still going to do the number one were asking for more money for the projects we dont dr. To move the ones in need of attention by the way, we had a situation like on lake street we did a segment and used because we feel that was the other leg and we used that money to do joint projects one segment we left off it broke and we had a major sink the streets were trying to plan a little bit better and create with the departments a little bit better as well. Thank you commissioner president vietor youre correct in the case of terryville the tracks are over one hundred years old and same at the n judah line the tracks are removed and repaired the life the tracks is 70 years and the of economist of scale getting probation officer 20 into Market Street those are tough streets to get into in construction such major arteries we like to team up with the other departments and work with them especially a sewer is in bad shape. Uhhuh. So thats how this was demonstrated a combination of need and whats happening with other. Correct we do tv stores and get the assessment we clean them and tv them and they go on the priority list. The other thing we have 15 millions of sewer replacement as part of r and r thousands above that were asking the Million Dollars identifying major corridors that money will go towards as on the r and r program were working with the pagan the dpw we assess the areas that are pasted with the pe sewer and determine if it needs to be replaced and work done on it at the same time the paefg is done. Before we more often i have several Public Comment cards i think we should open up to Public Comment before we move on the item if no objection calling names . Gone. Linda sanders. Good afternoon, commissioners. Can you hear me. Yes. . Yes. Welcome good afternoon. Im linda here to read a letter of support from pastor bryan was not able to make it today so Greater Missionary Baptist Church that located 3 blocks from the southeast Sewage Treatment a plant weve been actively participating in meetings regarding the efforts to improve that plant especially addressing the issues of order control this particular plant treats nearly 80 percent of citys sewage that is impertinent that the plan upgrades continue english perishing as the pastor of that we are excited and hopeful of plans that mr. Kelly and the commission has to transformer that plant into a status quo facility given the history of the Bayview Community has had with informing we are certain immediate approval it necessary we urge you to approve the baseline budget and keep the needs of the community at the forefront of our Decision Making and thats submit by dr. Bryant i have a copy for your record. Thank you for coming and speaking today next speaker. Is rodney. Good afternoon he will im rodney once im the president and cosponsored of a nonprofit we help our people located the heart of Hunters Point im also a member of the Hunters Point residents Host Committee and other committees throughout the Hunters Point community im here to most importantly to support the approval the rebaseline of this budget abdomen of history about myself my grandmothers both in the last 50s my mother bob bobby emigrated from texas and my fathers mother emigrated from lake charles louisiana ac west point my mom is 6 of gvenz and my father was murdered in west bayview and my children 6 and many other families in Hunters Point inhaled the smell i didnt type treatment system again which is produced from 80 percent of San Francisco population which i heard not fair at all no other communities in San Francisco hastening did you read that kind of situation your family and kids youll have a deft presentation on the things go on in our community in addition id like to share according to the experts california has more than 99 percent of chance chance of having a large earthquake within thirty years for Northern California the likely sour source of such earthquake 33 percent change weve forgotten in 1989 people had partner and walkmans not smart phones we must not forget but act now there is a significant study within the Community Working with bayview Hunters Point residents and myself have been supportive of making the improvement to the southeast plant i urge you again on behalf of all the Community Residents definitely residents off Hunters Point approve this so our children what bracket clean healthy air not the bio treatment and you can use the acronyms for that thank you. Thank you. Next kari please. Hi, im kari i work with a Program Director the urban academy one of the largest educational organizations systems in the district 10 we have the honor of working with the sfpuc and attended many meetings in regards to the issues of the we urge to you approve the baseline project for the past decade the community has the blood gone the massive changes the sfpuc has been maintained over the past 3 or 4 years it is fantastic that the San Francisco public works has started to repair the south Treatment Plant the process had not been expensive and not delayed again the residents out of bayview that lives there would like this to be resolved as soon as possible please continue to do the safe work and do this as quickly as possible thank you. Thank you. Next is ms. Eloise im a residence of Hunters Point i want to bring up the points that are representing for the other people they have to work in 2009 the Mayors Office published a report that the task force for africanamerican other migration this documents the disproportion africanamerican in San Francisco now, when you cut to the chase there are two key reasons that contribute Affordable Housing and jobs the under employment rate for africanamerican is about twice that of nonafricanamericans now two of the recommendations from those reports was to create robust education and workforce strategy that prepares the africanamericans residents for jobs and growing and emerging Industries Like green collar jobs and health care and other industries and strengthening the Training Programs that rove the barriers to unemployment to prepare young africanamerican men for employment within the community and promote the business developments opportunity for africanamerican p z this is why the ssi p is so important it can help so far the ssi p has hired the Community Residents but in other words, to have a Municipal Impact this commission needs to continue its efforts to move the Program Forward the project associated and Community Benefit as well as on the projects the community can go a long way to help to address the issues were facing now the prospective that people of color dont care about the investment has exist for a long time and has been debunked for just as long theres been go dozens of articles and equities across the board are emerged the bayer Environmental Health club to protect the community and Environmental Justice means all people regardless of race or incomes will have the right to clean and hktd environments and save quality of life the ss puc is the First Utility in the nogs in addition to adapt an Environmental Justice policy and improving the southeast is an issue we cant afford further delay i live there my children live there my dwran son lives there please take action that is much needed the status quo was built in 1951 r 2 id like to see that happy before the end of my lifetime thank you. Thank you. Jackie. Good afternoon, commissioners general manager mr. Kelly my name is jackie im the executive director of the institute of San Francisco and as a think outside the box Service Provider to hundreds of names if the southeast i understand the importance of delivering a reliable and save watering service just as important to provide the clean water it is just as important to provide a reliable and safe sewer system it transport our rainwater one of the Critical Issues we face as californian our drought and by improving our sewer system were exploring more innovation ways to conserve water but deserve a sustainable facilities many of the Community Members stated that important and we deserve a facility that use the best technology to minimize the odor it is about due times a thirty years old commitment we have the time to we need this not only to Small Businesses but really Career Pathways and over families deserve it they really do and i encourage you guys today to not delay any further and adopt the newly s example i p Program Budget thank you. Thank you. Silva johnson. I dont have a Doctor Church well. Other Public Comment mr. Brooks. Here mr. Church well. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is dr. Caesar church well with the chamber of commerce Vice President the chamber is over three hundred Small Businesses that were excited request your support and approval of the basis and budget for the southeast sewage Improvement Project maybe some of you havent been out there to smell the stench the summertime but if you do i hope youll whether those take into consideration that we do need to improve that smell now our members also, if this project glosses to create jobs for the construction people and other people that are related businesses so i ask you to take into consideration and approve the reare we baseline of this project thank you. Mr. Brooks. Eric brooks San Francisco green party our city of San Francisco first back up what some of the representatives have said that isism peripheral we stay on track with the wastewater Facility Improvements we recently lost a champion on that issue dr. Espanola jackson who spent decades of her life making sure we got to this point or well start doing the rebuild of the sicken Treatment Plants it is crucial we dont drop the ball and make sure and honor the decades of work that dr. Jackson undertook to get this to happen we shouldnt fall back on that the other comment i want to make is about Sea Level Rise as raised in the presentation about a decade now ive been going to Planning Commission myers and other hearings for other agencies trying to get through their heads the issue of Sea Level Rise and the actual projections they should be taken into consideration emancipation proclamation Pay Attention to much higher than the entering Governmental Panel open climatic change are projecting that is somewhere between 46 issues bcdc Planning Department, the Developers Like Lennar Corporation the bayview and Treasure Island ever times that i and others go forward and say look the worst Case Scenario is like two meters and doctor james happening son of nasa that put out a report about that the report about the by the end of the century 5 meters of Sea Level Rise potentially by the middle of this century every time i committed own Environmental Impact reports and done hearing after hearing the Planning Department and the developers and the agency and the board of supervisors refused to listen to this analysis they just keep on going by the example pc numbers convert and infer the reason their refusing to listen if at the accident that will completely change the economic dynamics of their condo projects they want to build on the coast and bay especially Treasure Island and bayview Hunters Point in light of that it is crucial that the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Staff be ahead of the curve and put that the two merchants of Sea Level Rise when they do the work and design much more than that potentially 5 meters or more to make sure their covering the bases on Sea Level Rise otherwise well have an viral mess decades down the line thanks. Thank you you want to submit. And communities members id like to submit to the public record. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comments on this item. Commissioners david for solutions not sandbags on page 31 of the presentation Flood Resiliency projects are listed id like to say it is nice to see were starting to think about the floods the flood 0 problems were initially dropped from the s example i p 2004 the first major flowed of sewage that is the one on memory id like to point out the 8 million allocated for it the Flood Resiliency projects id like to say i think that will be inaccurate the presentations of the workshops said this will not guarantee that there not be flooding in homes only less flooding i also note that 23 million has been looltsdz for the 15 San Francisco Entertainment Commission project ill suggest the value of the homes if in that neighbor there are fewer homes than an other avenue add to the idea we can address that issue and solve that and that kind of thinking needs to be applied to ccii you go the additional letters from the terrace residents points out how serious the problem is there the word will be inadequate thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Yeah. I want to quickly respond again, we will probably better address this when we talk about the flood resilent report that is a place holder you many weve identified. Thank you. Okay commissioners. I have one madam chair. I want to talk about the comments of the southeast ive been there a couple of times in chicago next to a Water Treatment area watermelon and some the summer the fumes go the wrong way especially, if you grew up the environment and come back. So would anyone like to make a motion on that item to move forward. Sym. Second. If not future comment. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Thank you that motion carries to approve the amended budget and schedule thank you thank you for all your hard work on this. Next speaker, please. Madam secretary. Discussion and possible action to authorize the issuance in one or more up to 621 million of wastewater Revenue Bonds the proposition e and authorize the general manager to accept essential the bonds on a competitive base for the issuance of bonds to the highest bidder and submit to the board of supervisors authorizing the issuance of bonds. Commissioners im eric sandler the business person and the chief Financial Officer such heard low about were what were building and now ill talk about how we finance it. The the item before you represents to the issuance of 621 million not to exceed debt ill talk about the transaction and the funds the Commission Resolution and the what youre authorized by considering this resolution ill talk about the form of the transaction and share with you our schedule. Sow we are talking the transaction not to exceed 625 million the bonds will be sold as tax examine for and a portion of the bonds designated green bonds the use of precedes will be to fund the outstanding commercial paper for the construction to now as well as providing 44,300,000,000 in new construction000 in new constr 0 in new construction. And then the uses are the project deposits the combination of the funding the 1 and 35 million in commercial paper and send to the city treasurer and fund the contracts against those the 40 million will be put in a capital Interest Fund to pay the interest for two years of construction and then we have the amounts for the issuance and underwriters. As the Commission Resolution before you is under prop e and the funding for that that youre approving the related Fund Document thats why this package is thicker and authorized as is general manager in contusion with the City Attorney for the final versions of those documents. Youre also authorizing accident general manager to sell the bond excessively to authorize to the lowest bidder and to direct the general manager to submit a resolution recessing to the board of supervisors authorizing the bond. Wait one second because we lost our quorum. This is an action item. Right hes here. Okay i can move quickly. So here are the form of documents youre approving in this action the preliminary official statute of limitations is so forth all the information with the Disclosure Document and all the investors and under writings e writers need to understand what theyre pretty much that is the most Important Documents for the disclosure for the commissioners about a moorg the second item the supplemental and so forth the terms and conditions for that bond issue and some other notice of intention to sell and bonds purchase contract and the disclosure certifies and the continuing disclosures for the commissions commitment for the updated going on information when the o reck was here with the City Attorney they so forth a number of questions to consider when approving that especially the preliminary official statement we provided in a staff report questions and answers so the purpose of issuance i mean, i wont run to those in details but consider those as commissioners and i set them for you to consider. I think i might highlight some of the items on page 2 so this issue represents boo about a doubling of the debt of waifrtdz 700 million in outstanding debt without a doubling one . 3 million and the impact on watering when it capitalized waste period of two years is higher ill point out that is factored into the Financial Plan you considered throughout our budget process to nothing new here the issuance according to the plan and the impact on the bond rating ill say that from the commission sort of move forward and follows through with the rate increases there will be no negative impact and then finally the transaction schedule if you take action today, well be submitting to the board of supervisors legislation for passage on the 19 and the bond pricing on may 4th and the bonds closing on may 18th thats my presentation if any questions ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Or disclosure questions . A lot of money. Thank you for your good work on this commissioners any questions or comments . Is there a motion to approve the bond issuance ill make a a motion. Ill second any Public Comment on this item . Hello, my name is silvia johnson. I was doing scientific studies and the research that and this is already i do remember that in 2007 they call it dirt it is toxic dirt and it really is what you call some mosque and caused us to get sicken San Francisco i think a lot it has worsens and in the c i report it is not to be put in San Francisco and are dumped and this has been ignored the years that has gone by this is where our problems have been started and this is only done in 2007 that there is electrical car that was done that was a New Discovery and a very small way that was put here that it was revealed on the only reason they dump this toxic waste they call it dirt i asked them if at the curb not dump this in San Francisco and i guess this report never did get through because that i was trying to reach the white house and made several movies outside of the white house nobody directed me i was supposed to do a walk through and nothing with that issue and it was taken to a prison state i dont think that was very fair by the San Francisco has gotten bad because of this and when i left there was a psychologist 3 years because i was i know this bond should be more not put on to the person that had the person that done this electrical car i dont think you know this is should be in any kind of purpose to demolish the world in toxic wastes. Thank you. Any to the comments we have before us item number 12 no sorry item 11 on the bond measures there is a motion and a second no more Public Comment. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Unanimously carries thank you eric next item, please. Item 12 support the city and county of San Francisco opposed and amended position for Assembly Bill one one one 0. Barbara hale assistant general manager for power the item before you is a request you firmer the position that the city and county of San Francisco took on Assembly Bill 1110 to oppose unless amend ab 1110 is a standard for Green House Gas emissions from Electricity Services disclosed to customers we that that approach is appropriate but oppose the method included in the passage it is not aligned with the standard requirement we as an electrical provider ass the sfgh and the public works have to abide by and devalues the Green House Gas emissions of the hetch hetchy system so thats why were asking the commission affirm the city and county of San Francisco position of opposing and lets amend ab 10 weve worked with supervisor tang this year and last year and hoping the proposals we have will be met with support and with that, i ask for your support. How might that impact cleanpowersf. Cleanpowersf relies on bundled Renewal Energy credits as to meet the renewal portfolio standards under assemblyman tilly chang the bundled will count as well important Green House Gas free reporting but the legislation does, does not allow for the Carry Forward of attributes for year to year for example, solar is generating in the summer and not so much in the later on in the year and at night we cant take the credits that we have in excess and in a given year and role them over and apply them to subsequent percent when our solar is not producing under the legislation under current law rp s laws allow you to take renewal attributes from one year that exceed to comply in that year and apply them to subsequent years and retired and allowed to be active the system up to 3 years so we would be unable under Assembly Member tilly chang proposed los angeles to retain the attributes of the solar were purchasing and the winds were purchasing for cleanpowersf. So another reason to oppose so you would. Yes. I think the reason on the hydro with the drought. Yeah. It can cost us 10 million to replace the value of hetch hetchy in a year when we are generating electricity and have super ingressive from the hetch hetchy we can apply to subsequent reporting periods if we have to replace that with bundled renewal power or other g h g free resources that the bill allows well have to extend 10 million a year. And thats just for the publicity part of portfolio. Great, thank you. Thank you. Commissioners questions or comments . Motion to support to oppose ill make a motion. Second. Public comments mr. Brooks. Yes, sir. Good afternoon once again commissioners eric brooks San Francisco Clean Energy Advocates and representing the california for choice one of the categories that fought against prop 16 and successfully defeuded ab 214 in 2015 and figure out to postpone the ab 10 last year until this year it is good that the city is taking an opposed less position, however, it is a little bit narrow for us we need to San Francisco public works and the city of San Francisco to take the lead to help protect Community Choice for all communities in 70 Southern California by doing much stronger things the process the reality ill be blunt about this assembly phil thanking as has worked with the ab 25 and the utility or more which it is supposed to be a watchdog of pg e coludicrous with pg e to attack clean power and theyve done that with ab 1110 and doing it now with the net metering standards that the cpuc california Public Utilities commission we got them to Institute Good metering and now the loyalists are attacking this is what this legislation represents beyond having the issues that were laid out we need you all to help to push for Community Choices programs for a certain number of years to adjust to the standards 5 years the small ones we feed to make sure that rooftop solar panes are included in the ab 1110 is written that wont be youll right the Green House Gas emissions on this bill we are heard relevance from Assembly Member tong ill not adopt those improvements and finally something that is important weve not spoken about before i sent an email to this effect on those points this bill is supposed to be about properly accounting for Green House Gas emissions and after weve seen the porter rather than explosion the clear evidence that the nightly are gas because of loopholes is just as bad as coal we need a champion bill to this bill to improve this bill didnt account for the needs and thes and any of the incident releases from natural gas that the 21st century for the porter rather than not acceptable we need more you to push for a bill that counts for all the natural gas. Thank you. Can i make a comment so if we could get something from staff about just a fact sheet about ab one one one 0 i think it will go a long ways to navigate not as a body but singularly ill make that motion. Thank you commissioner president vietor jeff if 350 sf wanted to make a comment on the super complicated bill not trying to get into the details i know that eric for submitting it this letter comes from work from the ends of last session when the bill was put on to your status but look at the argument i think that is really problematic the problem is trying to solve the real problem our staff acknowledged the way this is being handled really smacks of an underhanded move to us as you may know we had to fight a local ballot measure proposition h we did succeed in but the point was to essentially gain how clean power could market its energy and essentially the exact same parties who put together prop g together and made prop h necessary working with Assembly Member tilly chang this is aside from use it is especially unclear San Francisco has the newest refresh it bill that impacts the Green House Gas reporting not only be supported by our Assembly Member but put forward by our own Assembly Member without the city and counties position being accurately recommend no sacramento ill argue grateful for the puc to continue to work with the Assembly Members office hes not been receptive to our concerns if it bill move forward it needs to not only not further damage the future perspectives of cleanpowersf but protect and defend them one more problem which the letter mentioned ill highlight is this is really combining Green House Gas with rp s compliance with it is famously and removing the certificates it is spate as being generated were already getting out into the weeds trying to talk about it ultimately if we want to have rooftop solar the city we want that to count as clean and Green House Gas free like it is we fought prop g and h that bill essentially caused by another means the reporting problems to occur and needs to be substantially all the time before we support it thanks. Jason fried executive director for lafco last year lafco left the amended position on ash 1110 for the reasons ill not repeat today one of the things i nodded i think your staff is correct the biggest short time issue how it effects the po u but i could see how this future impacts it i dont see that the acknowledgement a factor at least in the resolution the whereas mentions cca to make sure we have a system in place that impacts that lets say we want to build out a wind farm are solar system and create a whole bunch of jobs we may need short time stuff to get the energy while were build outing and sonoma uses category 2 and how those get counted to be a negative under this system i want to insure were not tying our hands and 11 ab can tie our hands to how we do further procurement ill encourage i know your staff is looking at the cca but they left out the discussion of cca in the discussion ill encourage you to add a whereas or one or two whereas clauses to take into consideration not just the short time but the long term goals of clean power. It is the resolution from the board; right . There you go. Thank you City Attorneys office the resolution will support the city and county of San Francisco position to oppose unless amend and under the way the city works only the board can speak on behalf of the city and county so the puc can have an engagement with the legislative Committee Bow e but to amend this resolution they cant say really does that because theyre not going to all theyre doing is agreeing with at least as itch with the city and county accident all the other things i mean, they, engage the advocacy and pursue the cleanpowersf issues with our lobbyist and the board and the city lives legislative committee wouldnt work to amend had resolution this about the city and county of San Francisco position does that make sense. Next please. My name is silvia johnson. I think that im starting as is Police Security probably tomorrow im applying for a josh job and that job goes to city hall courts and everything is written on this happening in april or march and i hope this happens sooner that because this you know needs to be you know supported and also the other thing the paperwork ive written and they see no problem in this election it was very much understand because of a battle ive recorded and the costs will not be condemned the u. S. Army in 2007 question goat pissed off about it because the waste was dumped here our children gotten sick and it needs to be cleaned up of course i know that i think and the Electric Company was not aware but it is important the bay area acted at the same time in 2007 they got they said to demolish a lot of people here and had Court Hearings about that or i didnt agree in any of this in 2007 i think your Electrical Company is very misinformed chapters. Thank you, thank you next item, please. So counsel im wondering can we put something in the first whereas it says at the end of the first whereas including heavily investing in the hetch hetchy power system and the community parenthesis cleanpowersf. Norway reign City Attorneys office if i want to change the recitals in the whereas to include that information that is fine i was focused on the yeah. Because i think is it would be good to acknowledge were making an investment this has implications for that the program. So first whereas after hetch hetchy power system add and Community Choice aggregation parenthesis cleanpowersf. All right. Subject to youre moving that as an amendment i will move id like to move that as an amendment if my colleagues are amenable. Second or . Okay. Thank you. Second. So theres an amended motion on the table any comments on the amendment . All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . I believe we need to vote on the main motion resolution now so moved. Second. Any comments on the main resolution increasing all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That motion carries thank you very much next item, please. Madam secretary. Item 13 Public Comment on matters disclosed in closed session. Very quickly commissioner eric brooks i was not available in time for Public Comment i want to say i saw a hayes valley reports on the proposed merger of pacific cosponsorship the grid operators and thoughts perverse a very good report we need to be circumspect about lorgz our power to cal to have much more power to make sure our engine is clean and leverage for our Clean Energy System for the wise to expand and merge with pacific corp. Thank you. Secretary will you read the items it closed session i acknowledged only 2 items in closed session and we need a motion on 14. Can you read do items. The motion first. I think you need to read the items and see if there are Public Comment on those items and assert privilege. Item 15 conference with local counsel anticipated litigation were not going to hear item 16 today and item 17 unlitigated claim career street hoa versus the city and county of San Francisco and items 18 through 25 will not be heard today. Thank you. We have two items well be hearing Public Comments on either of those two items. Yes. My name is silvia johnson. Two items which i asked this the paternity on the process water sewer and public you know comments for to have which our dime to clean power clear up a lot of toxic little tiny animals and it looks like like a you know what you call it it is crawling all over the sidewalks and stuff and causing people to get sick and dying i asked them in 2007 they pointed out occupy u out you know. Thank you for your comments so is there a motion to assert Attorney Client privilege with the two items in. We spelled the settlement was approved by it commission a motion to disclose no to disclose the other discussions we had during you pursue so moved not to disclose. Not to disclose. Second all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Other new business commissioners i have a couple of announcements at april 12th Commission Meeting is cancelled you are next meeting on april 26th correcting i want to acknowledge as move on into adjournment the passing of wellington the first africanamerican appoint to the public works id like to adjourn this meeting in his honor the mayor ed lee has made a statement on his passing and the flag at city hall and sfmta will be flown at halfstaff today with that, this meeting is adjournedhere. Good morning, everyone good morning isnt this a Beautiful Day yes. Im adrian the executive director of the office of Civic Engagement and immigrant affairs and were here today to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Community Ambassadors program and all the people that made it happen so were very fortunate to have a number of vips well announce them as we go along the Program First of all, were fortunate is mayor ed lee is here to open todays event the fact Community Ambassadors was the mayors vision in 2010 to rational tense it was a that time program in 2011 and today, were so lucky to be celebrating our fifth anniversary would you please join me in welcoming without the fact Leadership Vision and support of our dear mayor a police welcome mayor ed lee clapping. thank you adrian. Thank you to the was office of civic gave me and Affairs Thank you. I want to say thank you to the various agencies that have been working with the fact Mayors Office with the live and free program that has been instrumental in being a Funding Sources and a conduit we have organs lifework selfhelp for the fact elderly addresses the Neighborhood Services our administrator is here working with the fact Community Ambassadors and welcome supervisor peskin as well come on up supervisor hell be you are newest recruits for the fact Ambassadors Program you you know as you may recall i wanted that makes sure we have been knows the fact history that the fact Community Ambassadors program was born out of a lot of conflict that occur began in the bayview we knew that has roots about peopleism safe in theyre afraid community and at this point we had a number of seniors and some them taking muni and doing the work or visiting theyre afraid families that suddenly became victims of street violence selfinterest the interviews and the aftermath and the interviews with our Police Department that were trying to prevent this from happening and with any Community Leaderships we felt in cooperation with the fact organizations lifework chinese affirmative action and selfhelp for the fact elderly a number of communitybased organizations like the awe alive and free program we felt if we can have additional eyes and areas working with the fact seniors, working with people going to work particularly on muni stops we can have the fact kind of assistance that people needs and the additional eyes and ears to prevent the fact violence if happening we had a number of Community Ambassadors that lived and worked and raised the bayview to come and work with us vufrl over a period of time they knew everyone on the street and say high to folks and they were coming to tourists and they couldnt get to a police or get just basic information how to assess 911 or p. I. And basic information and the best routes to get to home or work those ambassadors became very big connectors to ordinary people everyday to what was going on and basic information theyve become invaluable to people that havent been in community before and so valuable that the crime rates around those areas became lower people that walked to work and saw the ambassadors saw them on the streets Walking Around became a lot more comfortable with theyre afraid experience on the streets we rolled this out beginning in the bayview now successful we brought it to Mission Street and Visitacion Valley and ambassadors to the tenderloin and to the mission and every one of overseeing areas not only has the fact street crime been reduced by r by people that walk the fact streets remain that much more comfortable and secure and having a friendly face in the what i call the buzzing bee colors the fact yellow and black being bright and recognized we identify as ambassadors working things with youre walking practicals and Police Officers but doing the fact extra services that go well beyond Public Safety just information sharing has been valuable to everyone who uses our streets so its been so successful that literally every supervisor and every community has been asking for more of the ambassadors and wear glad to do them when we have a Strong Economy and have strong members of the community philosophically funding a number of the programs for a number of years so popular that today, we are happy to say were launching this Community Ambassadors program with the support of your local supervisor the chinatown and that is a great clapping. great addition they are bio cultural and bilingual be theyre afraid incentive tied toe people that use the streets, in fact, those ambassadors have been so good they recognize people going to work and coming from work by their first names and theyre recognized by theyre first names i wanted to say that is another example of the Community Engagement that the office of immigrant rights does thats why we place the fact Ambassadors Program under the tool because theyre a lot of people that come to the city that simply dont know how to assess the services so from understanding the municipal id card and getting information whether the events are happening, have access about the ever changing route asia time that muni might have, to where are things happening and how can i get access to the fact Senior Services and that wear using our communitybased organizations from which to recruit residents of the neighborhood they serve i cant think of a better job to be in your neighborhood speaking languages that rehabilitate the fact culture of our district and doing to Great Service of not only safety but information and everyone feeling that once you have that Yellow Jacket all of a sudden the community is there and feel pretty special as an individual residential or visitor this is two can that combined engagement backed up with our Law Enforcement personnel is engaged and in fact, each of the ambassadors do glow several days training with the Police Department so they can help if anything maples theyll be there theyll be the fact first with ans to assess the emergency calls saying i need respond on the street and if you dont speak english the ambassadors will be that bridge theyre true ambassadors to for what that name means and theyll work to make sure that everyone feels safe so i want to say congratulations to the fifth year of the Community Ambassadors program thank you for expanding it to chinatown where a lot of tourists and local residents a lot of seniors and everyone else needs to have that assess and needs to have a Quick Response but hopefully nothing ever happens but people having fun and American People caliber allergic time in the streets 24 will improve every single corridor and alleyway for people to know how to assess the information and get the fact information so congratulations adrian and congratulations to everyone that is associated with the fact Community Ambassadors program clapping. thank you, mr. Mayor we want to take 80 a moment to thank so many people that made 24 possible from the fact early days dr. Supervisor yee marshall and susan for Ethics Commission and eddy and Sharon Hewitt and most importantly someone that is our champion supported us if you wonder why the fact ambassadors are the bright iefrmz suggested it hes your hero police chief greg suhr clapping. so next up is somebody who is were pleased to welcome back to district 3 it is exciting a have aaron peskin for all the residents the district 3. Supervisor peskin as you may know was reelected to the sgrvrz and his leadership definitely been a positive diversities in enfuss spirit and energy into our procedures thank you very much and please welcome supervisor aaron peskin clapping . speaking foreign language. good morning and thank you adrian and mayor ed lee city administrator naomi kelly and chief suhr is a pleasure to associate meaningful with the mayor with the first decade im delighted it the Community Ambassador program is coming to chinatown to augment our already rich our integrate web of Neighborhood Services provided through incredible nonprofits like selfhelp for the fact elderly thank you, andy chang autopsy and thank you for the fact work you do the fact fact all my colleagues want Community Ambassador programs speaks to the success of mayor ed lee and Adrian Program ether the last half decade chinatown needs those resources this is the densest community in an dense city and, yes we have elevated crime and, yes we have unfortunately terrible Pedestrian Safety within death in and around this community a Community Ambassador program will help with all of those things in conjunction with our San Francisco Police Department and in conjunction with our rich web of neighborhood certifies providers im delighted thank you, mr. Mayor and administrator kelly for bringing this to chinatown. speaking foreign language. clapping. thank you supervisor is good so have you back when we start the fact Community Ambassadors we had a small Team Ambassadors out in the the fact bayview and now 5 years later a team as the mayor said all over the city one of the reasons we grow the program is a steady support and leadership of our city administrator naomi kelly shes broken new ground a great role model were fortunate to have her please help me welcome naomi kelly clapping. and. Thank you adrian. What a Beautiful Day to have this to celebrate the fact 50 anniversary i want to personally take the men and women in the Yellow Jackets theyve done a wonderful job and deserve a round of applause i know many of ive visited with you and done great work the tightened and the bayview and the valley theyre from our community theyre afraid residents and what everyone said earlier they know everyone by tare first name and vice versa he love the fact jacket theyre afraid bright and yellow and they have the city feel on the jackets notice that you know theyre the ones working for how and the community and the Fact Community Ambassador Program has so many contacts with the community about 33 thousand more or three hundred thousand contact over the life of the Program Three hundred and thirty thousand over the life of the communicated sgraug with the Fact Community and whats nice they know all the city agencies and working closely is 311 and the department of public works and the clerk will take the roll with the county Clerks Office Many Services within the City Government i want to thank commissioner president suzy loftus, andy chang and commissioner marshall for the great work in training our Community Ambassadors so they know how to deescalate situation they run into and know what Great Services are thank you to everyone clapping. thank you, kelly now a nationally renowned invention preservation expert we wouldnt exist watt United States boys and girls club headed by dr. Joseph marshall that serves on the Police Commission hes also an awful radio host a lot of fun so dr. Marshall has been key in teaching our ambassadors and community for nonviolation is the fact way dr. Marshall clapping. check. Okay. My radio voice is back so this is great 5 years 5 years you know i dont want to underscore the seriousness of which the Ambassador Program was created you know you heard the mayor talk about it was serious at that time, there was i remember particular asian elderly that was i think attacked and other woman was thrown off the fact train it was tough it was really tough that he i remember the fact rallies at city hall we were concerned and we knew we had to do something that was creative and hoped well do Small Business week that worked sometimes you get a lot of people together maybe you cant come up with something but with a few of us in my offers and the bayview i was concerned the fact Police Commissioner and we met in my office i remember about you know several meetings and one dwayne jones and vincents should be here affirmative action this guy was in the city administrator we sat down and what can we do what can we do we went through a few things the light popped on maybe we can create an urban peace corp urban peace corp for the fact Community Ambassadors and really the ambassadors go out interest and everyone everything from walmart walking people out of the houses from the fact train and question didnt know if it would work but it did it worked very, very well San Francisco has a lot of programs and not a lot of them are love but this is this one universally loved program the city everyone loves the fact ambassadors clapping. i am proud that is one of the things im proud of i go around the fact country and talk about the fact ambassadors im surprised is the cities dont want to grab adrian and the mayor how could be in our city thats why the fact folks the jackets im close to them supporting them on the streets they have to go through me theyre great i want to make sure theyre prepared to deal with the challenges they face and passed the fact test very, very well, so 5 years later chinatown who knows pretty soon maybe oakland will time Community Ambassadors so great adrian and mr. Mayor and supervisors and everyone that is part of this thank you and the reason we want to commend say youre part of this lets celebrate and celebrate celebrate 5 years of Community Ambassadors keep is going clapping. ill introduce this guy chief suhr shes great this helps him in his job let me i turn this over to the chief. Thanks deputy chief joe i want to tell you i was probably other than the fact Bayview Community the fact biggest beneficiary of the 3456r9d i love them i see them i cant help but hug them those jackets are getting more yellow i have to calling your attention to barbara she runs the fact bayview opera houses remembers how difficult 4 years ago, it was not going well when the fact ambassadors were born and coming in we talked about with them it got better overnight a completely different place the way that people get along and mergers the communities and doing no so moved small part to the ambassadors it made since the mayor traubd i talked about growing the program yes, yes, yes now coming to chinatown that is awful and the fact job theyre talking about is that that you see them thank them theyre really to put themselves in situations they make a safely and i have to tell you 5 years ago there were sort of restored a sense of calm immediately and thats the way it is god bless you please be savvy hope it continues to grow clapping. thank you, dr. Marshall and joe Affordable Housing and chief suhr sorry. laughter im the queen bee so the fact next speaker is such a special leader and an inspiration to all of us trooerd the fact epitome of compassion and selfless and caring it was her vision to bring this to chinatown they working hard with the fact council to make sure that happened please help me welcome any dear friend and known as the Mother Teresa is a annie chang ceo of the selfhelp for the fact elderly clapping. thank you adrian and good morning, mayor supervisor peskin and naomi and chief suhr, dr. Marshall and richard and my friend sarah on behalf of the apa council i council that sarah and i represent we went to the mayor two years ago and said mayor, we know you run a very, very successful Community Ambassador program but i think that is time; right . To bring it to chinatown because the fact problems we were seeing so i said to report back to you during the fact lounge of the Ambassador Program sarah and i walked the fact chinatown all over and later when i go to the house to see the fact reception we asked supervisor peskin to help us and the captain lazarus for this district because of the heels right outside of shop house smoking and gambling we couldnt run the fact programs inside i dont know with the fact china team does now now they were able to convince people to move ant farther so our students inside and the fact elderly will not bracket the fact smoke we want to commend thank mayor ed lee and the chinatown team to do their utmost best he loved you clapping. and as you walk around my staff will, having a selfhelp die theyll stop by the one Time Community center to make sure the fact building is safe and go up to the houselights clubhouse ape walk to the alleys i drive around schpt theyll be helping seniors crossing the fact centerpieces an stockton street and represent the fact best of the city hall and so mayor ed lee thank you for bringing this program to us and congratulations ambassadors 5 years clapping. and adrian and richard thank you. This program thank you, ann i didnt and members of the apa and want to recognize a few people from the Fact Community that helped to have the program in mission and the bayview and Silicon Valley thats it barbara from the fact bayview American People are house and laura from the fact Mission Center and marie from Visitacion Valley thank you so much. clapping. so the Community Ambassadors are out there the most vibrant and dangerous areas he helping residents and workings sea visitor and Community Groups and merchant they report crimes and inform of the people of the serves and volunteer the community and live in the community and they care about people they serve the city they live and work for so it is my pleasure to introduce the fact Ambassadors Team the fact team is led we want to commend redistribution two individuals that Exceptional Individuals that helped me building the houses of engagement to what is today wouldnt have been possible i need theyre afraid help please give me it up for deputy direction richard clapping. and your cap immigrant rights commissioner clapping. and now to introduce the San Francisco Community Ambassadors the ambassadors are led by 4 team leaders raise your hand t. Who is a little bit hard to spot in public junior clapping. eddy clapping. miss cha have on clapping. and alton clapping. speaking on behalf of all the fact ambassadors this morning is our chinatown team led mr. Alton moore clapping clapping. speaking foreign language. laughter all right. Good morning. Im alton a chinatown i member born and raised in general and went to woodland been born and raised in San Francisco you get an understanding of Diverse Community and he at this time that was all everywhere in america until i joined. The United States navy so it is an honor to have been born and raised in San Francisco having served my country on National Level it is beautiful to be able to serve the Fact Community i live in which is now chinatown i want to thank mayor ed lee, supervisor peskin, sxhaush and definitely the mothers teresa of chinatown annie the fact ceo and selfhelp for the fact elder thank you on behalf of all the ambassadors you made it only to us to serve our community and make a desists not only this community i want to thank you on behalf of all the fact ambassadors to give us the opportunity to change lives and thank you tore listening now speaking foreign language. and if you have any questions, well be happy to answer them afterwards thank you clapping. thank you so much everyone so this ends our Anniversary Event and press conference blood cell foul the ambassadors to the clubhouse. Thank you, everyone and thank you, mayor ed light for streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the San Francisco Public Utilities commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and theyre even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 Percent Less Energy upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and repeat 18 thousand 5 hundred times while our street lights will be improving the clean energy will remain the same every San Francisco street light is powder by 100 percent godfathers hetch hetchy power in one simple word serious as day turns hello, welcome to the meet your District Supervisor. Im Nona Melkonian and were here with supervisor katy tang for supervisor 4 which includes central and outer sunset. Supervisor tang was appointed by mayor ed lee to serve as district 4 representative replacing previous supervisor carmen chu after she was appointed assessor reporter that same month. Before her appointment she served as legislative aide to supervisor chiu. Today youll get to know her and the issues facing the city. Welcome, supervisor. Thank you for join using us. Thank you for having me. Lets start with a little about your background. Where you grew up, went to school and what kind of jobs you had in the past. Sure, i grew up in the sunset district. Still live there. Spent about 20 years living in the sunset district and just am so proud to be able to represent the district that i grew up in and where my parents still live. I had gone through the Public Education system and went to neighborhood schools throughout the sunset district. So, had gone to Francis Scott key elementary school, hoover middle school, Lowell High School and am just so proud to be able to come back full circle to support a lot of those schools that i went to and be part of that community in a very integral way. So, you spent most of your life in San Francisco. Why did you choose to live in the city . Well, first of all, my parents decided to move us to the sunset district because they really wanted my brother and i to have a really good and safe r growing up. There were a lot of children and families in the sunset district and i think they felt like it would be the best environment for us to grow up. So, we ended up staying out there and fell in love with it and have a lot of pride after especially working for the sunset district as the electricity i have aide to supervisor chiu for over five years. And working with very intimately with a lot of Community Members, the merchants, our local residents who have, you know, interest in things such as Public Safety or Public Transportation, our school communities, our parks and play grounds, just really been such a wonderful experience working with them. So, i just really enjoyed that Work Experience as well as my own experience growing up there. How has your experience as aide to supervisor chiu prepared you for the board of supervisors . I think that i probably dont have a learning curve on having worked in the district so long and having grown up there. I think that its been really beneficial knowing who to go to to ask certain questions, or, you know, learning how to read pieces of legislation, for example, knowing what the issues are that the city has faced. I think that those have all been really helpful experiences during this transition. What motivated you to get involved in politics . Ive always wanted to be involved in whichever community im in. For example, what ix in school i was in Student Government and, so, working in city hall was one of my first jobs, actually, out of college. And, so, i have been doing i have been working at city hall for over six years now and i just feel very much pride in working for the city that i live in. Where do you place yourself on the political spectrum, are you progressive, centrist, or more on the conservative side . I think im probably more of a moderate person. I think that our district, again, lots of families and children, seniors, immigrant community, and i think that we tend to be more classified as, you know, fiscally responsible, i would say. And, again, having my experience in working for the mayors budget office, for example, prior to working for the board of supervisors, i think that gave me a really great background in terms of how the city works, how the citys budget is put together. And those really that experience has really influenced my decisionmaking process. And speaking of the citys budget, the city just enacted a twoyear budget and it seems the city is always dealing with complicated issues including whether or not to raise taxes and fees. How will you approach these tough choices . I think that when we talk about raising fees or taxes, we always have to come at it from a very balanced approach. We have a lot of homeownerses, we have a lot of tenants in the city. And, so, again balance is really key. I think we also have to approach the budget and some tough fiscal issues looking at the citywide budget as a whole and not just looking at specific sectors or issue areas that we real have i to look at the citys financial standing as a whole for the long term. Thats really important and thats definitely what drives a lot of my decisionmaking process. And i think its also tougher in San Francisco because we really are held to a very High Standard where we have to balance the budget every single fiscal year. We cannot run into a deficit in the new fiscal year. We cannot print more money. We are held to a High Standard by our charter and, so, i think thats why these tough decisions are made every year rent. What other issues do you feel are facing San Francisco . I think for San Francisco and also elsewhere, one of the biggest issues right now is really how do we ~ attract Economic Development and spur job creation. And those are two things that really go hand in hand and really is what makes the city vibrant and a place where people want to live and can afford to live. And i think that keeping those citywide goals in mind, to really want to try to also make sure that locally we support our Small Businesses and all merchants, for example, give economic benefits and help create jobs as well. What are your thoughts on the citys Economic Development . Do you feel were on the right track . I think were on a very exciting time right now in San Francisco where we have a lot of energy in terms of businesses and especially the Tech Industry wanting to locate in San Francisco and thats something that we really havent seen as much in the past after the dotcom boom. And, so, we are in a very exciting time and we really see a transformation going on in our city because of that. What would you like to see change about the citys approach to developing its economy . I think that really depends on the changing times. And there isnt sort of one solution for the entire city. It real i depends on kind of what the dynamics are going on with the economy as a whole in the region. Not just looking at San Francisco, but really as a regional body. Sometimes district issues are different than zvi issues. What do you feel are some of the biggest issues facing your district . ~ city i think because we have a lot of children, families, seniors in our district, they care a lot about your quality of life issues, right. And its the reason why People Choose to live there. They want to make sure that your streets are repaved, that our potholes are filled, that Public Transportation works for you, that, you know, your parks and play grounds are safe for your children to play in, students can go to local schools. I think that those are all important issues facing district 4 and will continue to. How have you balanced the needs of your district versus the needs of the city as a whole . I think that as a District Supervisor, we play that balancing act every single day in our jobs. And we respond to all of the constituent needs, whether they doll us, whether they email us or talk to us in person about a problem, we try to sort of bridge the resources that are in the city and help connect them with whichever department it is they might need to be connected with to resolve their issue. ~ but also at the same time we are citywide representatives and we vote on legislation every week that impact everyone in the entire city. I think that when we take those votes, for example, we keep our district interests in mind and how they might want us to best represent them on citywide issues. You mentioned transportation and muni earlier. What do you see about transportation for your constituents, is there enough needed service . I think especially given the fact the sunset district is located so far from the central portion of the city, that transportation is difficult for them. And as you know, there are some issues with switch backs for example on muni and folks feeling like, you know, they dont have adequate service down to the end of the line. So, i have worked with mta and were trying to figure out solutions to address that. But i think overall our residents really just want to make sure that they can get from where they need to go from the sunset district or back home via Public Transportation. What about parking and traffic . I think that the sunset district typically has a little bit more pricing than some other districts. There are always Pedestrian Safety issues we have to watch out for. Our district has boulevard, we have sunset boulevard. We were also have 19th avenue and great highway. And, so, those are actually state highways that except for sunset boulevard, but the three are state highways that run through our district. And, so, when you have that, we have seen some fatalities along some of those corridors and, so, we work very closely with the state agency, our local agencies to see what sort of pedestrian improvements can be made to help make it more safe for feev l. So, for example, maybe it means that we install more pedestrian countdown signals or install sidewalk build outs so that we can shorten the distance for pedestrians to cross the streets. Or lowering of speed limits. So, all of those things we try to look at comprehensively throughout the district to people can travel safely whether youre a pedestrian, cyclist or driver. Speaking of safety, what are your thoughts on how the city is dealing with crime, especially in your district and how do you think the Police Department is doing . We work very closely with our local Police Station which is terraville Police Station. We have Community Groups in the sunset. They have formed out of response to concern of Public Safety in the neighborhood and i think that generally speaking the sunset district has lower crime levels than many of the other parts of the city. However, because we are bordering ocean beach and Golden Gate Park, we do have pockets of problem areas. And, so, our neighbors are the first to alert us and the Police Station when there are issues and the police has been very responsive to that. What kind of issues are you having with ocean beach or Golden Gate Park . I think that because its so far from the center of the city and because there is so much open space, we do see a lot of encampments in those areas. Some neighbors express issues with safety and feeling safe in their neighborhood and, so, they have worked very closely with our terraville station to make sure they monitor those regularly. What are your thoughts on the citys Economic Development . So, in terms of Economic Development, i think our city is in a very, again, exciting time right now where we are able to attract a lot of businesses who want to locate here in San Francisco. You know, we have seen a recent wave of Technology Companies that have located here in our Downtown Core area and its really transformed our neighborhoods. And i think that as we continue to keep drawing talent and those kind of companies that are citys economic state will continue to grow. Speaking of growth in our city, how do you feel about the role of the warriors coming to San Francisco and the plans for the new stadium . So, the warriors and the plan for the new stadium, you know, the project approvals and the Environmental Review report will actually have to go through the board of supervisors. So, ill have to make my decision then. But the prospect of Something Like that would be very exciting for the city, i think, not only as an economic engine but also in terms of San Franciscos cultural history. To a degree, do you feel the city should subsidize the team . I think that negotiations are still to be sorted out and i think that all of that is in the works. But its something that ill pay close attention to. What would you like to see change in the citys approach to developing its economy . You know, i think that San Francisco is a very creative city and we tend to be on the cutting edge of issues, right . And i think that to that extent of our administration and our various departments such as the office of economic and Work Force Development have always thought of creative approach he that might be new for the region to, for example, attract new businesses or, you know, other sorts of financing mechanisms. And i think that we will continue to do that in San Francisco. Well, are there any other issues that you plan to concentrate on throughout your term as supervisor . Yes, i believe that having worked, you know, for many years in the district 4 office and now as supervisor, over time we have felt that, you know, many times we are very reactive to a lot of the problems that are presented our way and i want to really make sure that during my term i would love to do some longterm planning for the district to make sure that we think maybe 5, 10, 15 years out and think ahead, you know, now and start the planning work and laying the foundation for things we want to do in the future. What are some of your ideas . I will be engaging in a Community Process where we focus on some of our key issue areas that we care a lot about in the district and working with them to kind of layout the groundwork for what we envision for our district in the future. Were almost out of time. But its been great chatting with you. Thank you so much for joining us today on sfgov tvs meet your supervisor. Thank you for having me. Weve been talking to supervisor tang from district 4. Watch for the next episode of meet your District Supervisor when well be back with another round of our 11 city supervisors. Sore sfgovtv, im Nona Melkonian. Good morning, welcome to San Francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for may 4, 2016. Im joined by supervisor katy tang and norm lal yee. Do we have announcements . Yes, please silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices and completed speaker cords included as

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