This is thE ingraham anglE. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE is not conFidEnt it can protEctE ar trump wE arE not capitalizing s. A crisi wE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs schoo showing thE math. Plus, a Cnn REportElEr by AEo Trump SupportEr can aFFord to votg soE. NEy an yourE not hurting so bad, right . BEcausE a votE plus a lot and its a lot oF upkEEp. Nobody gavE mE. I EarnEdE EvErything that ivE got. That Trump VotEr joins us innt . MomEnts. And whos rEally running i . VErnmEnt i likE to turn it ovEr to jill and For any CommEnt Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whErEs thE visiting angEl . But First, thE ultimatnsult,E. Thats thE Focus oF Tonights AnglE G. Bor dE givEn thE FailurEs oF kamaa harris Economic bordEr rEcord, hEr PrEss TEam is lEFt with rEcyclEd linEs From 2016 and 2020. Donaly God Trump is vEry goot insulting pEoplE. Donald trump sticks to th EthE rE samE old tirEd playbook oF insultsal. But thE rEal insults co
sandra: all new at 2:00, calling all officers. los angeles mayor karen bass is making good on her campaign promise. looking to recruit hundreds are month police officers in an effort to rebuild the city s reputation in the face of rising crime. john: she says it s long overdue, after the lapd lost nearly 1,000 officers, many pinning it on defund the police and soft on crime policies. sandra: welcome back, john, halfway there. john: halfway there, halfway to friday. the long slow slide into the weekend from here. john roberts in washington. the democratic mayor already warning some in her party may see her proposal as a betrayal, specifically those who have supported defunding the police. but others say safety should be everyone s priority. i remember, and i m old enough to remember where it did not matter if you were a democrat or republican, your safety was one that every party cared about. sandra: right to matt, covering the story closely. matt, there s a millio
we re not even talking about the lead up to this conflict by that point, why were you there originally to do a duck documentary, what was it about ukraine or maybe it was about zelenskyy that interested you? get i think i was in the better part of the population with enter understanding of ukraine, with the exception of a phone call between president and zelenskyy and president trump that was made a lot of and the fact that president zelenskyy had been a comedic actor who ha betrayed an actor who became th he went initially to make a documentary that had kind of a bring home a sense of ukraine and a profile of this president fred. it wouldn t bent as interesting and then the next thing you do is this build up o vladimir putin on the eastern side of ukraine. first we have 50,000 troops, then it s 100,000 troops and then all the military equipment and you are chronicling all of this and you develop a relationship with zelenskyy perry telus, as this was unfolding, a lot of t
We need social solidarity for everyone so the doctor should say. Industrial revolution was the central preoccupation of the Nineteenth Century. Its groundbreaking inventions would radically transform peoples lives but also bring catastrophic working conditions to the new factories. The misery and deprivation
spot numerous uprisings across europe. Was born into a tranquil town in what is no west in jenin. Since entry of karl marxs a native trader which is of particular interest to the chinese because they adore marx and its why our city has a very intensive relationship with china and china. Dition is now moms the chinese offered us a sculpture as a gift for karl marxs two hundredth birthday box we looked into the idea and located a place to put it under the sets miti said in the. Clouds. A member of the crew has been we had pulled over the size and arrived at a total height of five metres fiftys bottoms its a fitness were happy with that because five five is marxist birthday and us. It
Pickles are good. Friday pickles with ranch. This is surprising the new england lobster roll i would have thought was terrible is delicious. Deep dish pizza is so good. Todd were going to eat chips and you are going to watch fox friends. It starts right now. Shut down showdown. President trump says he is ready to turn the lights out on Congress Unless they fund the border wall. The president issuing this threat treating i would be willing to shut down government if the democrats do not give us Border Security. This president is a bully. Is he not going to shut down anything. We are not going to be intimidated. Wrapping up President Trumps attorney. The man i is a pathological minuter. Manipulator. The President Tweeting we have a very nasty and contentious business relationship. Democrats take aim at the booming economy. President trump is going to take a lot of credit for these good numbers. Dont believe him. The democrats, all they have is Trump Derangement syndrome and they dont wan