side. we have to ask you about this quickly because there s criticism, as you know, including from the hollywood chapter of now. they say emily s list is running a sexist ad. the ad shows a blond woman being greeted by paparazzi as she exits a limo. they say this is so many stereo stereotypes about the blond, white woman, low cut red dress. how do you respond? you know, we re educating women voters in l.a. about the clear contrast between the candidates. wendy is the only one in the race who has consistently put women and families ahead of her own personal agenda and personal ambition. so there s a lot of communication out. we want to be able to help elect but this specific ad, people say this is diminishing to women. no, i mean, i think it s telling women voters the very clear contrast between the candidates. it is critical that voters know that they have the opportunity
barely over his jet lag and yet by speaking so soon after he landed, is this a clear sign that the white house somehow feels compelled to address the issue of rising gas prices? reporter: you d better believe it. and you d better believe the president was acting in concert with harry reid and the democrats in the senate. this bill came up to the floor today. it would repeal, not the entire $4 billion a year that the oil industry gets in subsidies but about half that targeting the five largest oil coil. as the president pointed out, as he has time and time again. the price of gas continues to rise, they ve enjoyed the record profits. the preds ever president taking to the rose garden them say the key to political communication, can t get the word communication out. a little bit ironic. you should be consistent and you should have clarity and the third thing is, you should be consistent. certainly the president has done that. you remember his energy tour last year. four states, two day
lockdown. this is because there were shots fired on campus. we don t know by whom but we do know by the website the suspect is described as a white male wearing gray sweat pants, a gray hat with a neon brim and some type of maroon hoodie and also carrying a pack back. apparently the suspect is on foot. we don t know how many shots were fired. but as you know, virginia tech certainly on high alert in the years following the 2007 incident. there were no classes there are no classes today. the finals are supposed to take place tomorrow. we ll see what happens today but this was basically a study day, read-in day for the students there. so maybe that is a good thing. maybe they were all in their rooms or in the library studying at this point. many of them may not be out on the campus walking around. as you probably recall, back in 2007, in two separate attacks, about two hours apart, the shooter in that case killed 32 people and wounded 25 years before committing suicide on tha