Please stand by. San francisco Transportation Authority vision zero please stand by. Transportation Authority Board special meeting stan stand please stand by. Transportation Authority Vision zero Board Special Meeting please stand by. City of San Francisco september 10, 2015, please stand by. [ gavel ] okay. I would like to call to order the vision zeros meeting for thursday, september 10th. Our chair is on her way. We wanted to get started and be respectful of peoples time. Supervisor norman yee the clerk today is steve stamos. I would like to thank staff from sf govtv, charles and bill dylan for recording each one of these meetings and making available the recordings to the public. Im so used to seeing madam clerk. Mr. Clerk, item no. Are there any announcements . There are no announcements. Can you call item 1. City clerk item 1 roll call. Mr. Kim, mr. Mar, mr. Yee. We have a quorum. Item no. 2. Approve the minutes of may 21, 2015 meeting. This is an action item. Supervisor norman
Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated okay marrying item one. Resolution ryan white authorizing the District Attorneys Office to congratulate expend a grant in 2. 1 million for the claims board for the project compensation for crime victims for july 2015 through june 30th, 2018. From our das office. From the Victims Department our investments of criminal served many victims we have refrltdz navigating them through the relocation and emergency assistants we get this grant from the state the state requires the resolution to congratulate receive funding do you have any questions for me. I dont see any colleagues okay. Thank you. Puncture appreciated well move on to Public Comment anybody wish to congratulate comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed colleagues, we have this item can i have a motion to congratulate send this forward. Without objection. Marrying item 2. Item 2 resolution reeves to congratulate accept and extend to the laguna honda hospital and Rehabilitati
Few meetings the must be if you wish to address the board of education please fill out a speakers prior to the item being called and present it to ms. Casco and importantly according to the board of education speakers will not be accepted for items before the board item b superintendant report superintendent carranza good evening to everybody listening or joining us in person in evening a few announcements this ooefg evening first of all, i along with the staff and School Districts across the statistic is looking for the record or forwards to the smallest balance on how the students mafrtsd the common core standards hoping to see a positive trend the common core start of our curriculum number two the professional development and training of our staff and 3 the use of data to drive the improvements throughout our schools although the relatives are yes, maam bargained and the staff looks at the result im very proud of the work our teachers and paraprofessionals, our principals and the as
Conference ID: 557 345 274#
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The Committee will continue assessing its gathered information on current federal nuclear waste policies and proposed Congressional nuclear waste legislation. Potential advisory opinions to be brought to the full VT NDCAP later this year will be discussed. Information gathered by the Committee thus far is available online at the Committee’s webpage:
The Committee meeting will run for no more than one hour. Opportunities for members of the public to speak during this meeting will be limited due to this time constraint. Members of the public are encouraged to provide written comments and suggested nuclear waste policy reading materials to the Committee via VT NDCAP’s email address at All emails sent to the Committee become pu