Like call the meeting to ord at 443 p. M. Welcome to the tuesday april 5 addition of the Entertainment Commission. Im bryant tan the president and there are a few things we want to come over. If you can please have your cell phones on vibrate or silent just to not disturb the meeting. If you are hear to speak on a item which i assume most are we have speaker cards. If you havent filled one out that is fine, ill call people to come and make Public Comment and if you can just introduce yourself in the microphone. Thank you to sf gov tv for producing and airing the meeting to the public. Well start with roll call. Commissioner frost, here. Commissioner lee, here. Commissioner perez, here. Commissioner cam nog recollect here. Commissioner lee, here. Commission. Commissioner joseph is absent. Can i see a raise of hands how many are here to speak on the armory . Rather than have you sit through the general items i would like to ask a commissioner to move up the armory so item 5 b up to right
Commission and its a great example of that and her strength in leading transportation issue. She mentioned the prop k plan and were very happy with our breadth and depth of knowledge on transportation issues. I want to highlight her very mutual multimodal perspective. Very much placing an emphasis on that. Thank you so much. Thank you leah. Good afternoon, supervisor. Jim salinas, people step to this podium eager to serve and not realizing the time constraints that are required on any particular commission. Having served on what i considering to be three of the prestigious, San Francisco police commission, parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission. This is one of those candidates, one of those individuals that realizes that you have to be accessible to all. As with the last candidate, who is extremely accessible, this commissioner has been accessible to everyone. We have had a lot of dealings with the Planning Department, as i served as executive director for the Carpente
Community Investment Fund i took a fine toothed come to funding projects and made sure they met the citys goals and stated goals Planning Commission as i have been on the suggestionor agency commission, but you if any its not enough to be hardworking when it comes to being appointed to such an important commission. You believe that great cities promote development of great people and to me that means that residents should be able to work, recreate, et cetera. I believe they choose everyone should be able to live near where they are work, start a business, having convenient access to open space and, et cetera. What i have outlined if my nomination is successful i work the opportunity to learn the land use concerns and desires of all of the various communities of San Francisco, by dialoguing with those communities directly and learning from other commissioners, city staff and members of the board of supervisors. I especially hope to learn from those who care deeply about their neighborho
Deeply committed to working in whatever capacity i can to make sure this city is a vibrant and hospitable place for everyone who wants to call San Francisco home. I studied engineering in college, but my professional career is has been in Public Finance. In various capacities i have developed expertwise in how governments pay for what their citizens need and want. I have gotten a lesson on resources, particularly monetary resources matching with policy. In my civic life translated into a strong desire to make sure that the details match up with the goals on the projects that have come in my purview. As example on my time in the Hunters Point cac, i also dove into the details of transportation plan, leaving the cac to suggest changes to improve the quality of life for future resident and workers in shipyard. As chair i of the Advisory Board for the San Francisco Community Investment fund i took a fine toothed come to funding projects and made sure they met the citys goals and stated goa
Sure that the details match up with the goals on the projects that have come in my purview. As example on my time in the Hunters Point cac, i also dove into the details of transportation plan, leaving the cac to suggest changes to improve the quality of life for future resident and workers in shipyard. As chair i of the Advisory Board for the San Francisco Community Investment fund i took a fine toothed come to funding projects and made sure they met the citys goals and stated goals Planning Commission as i have been on the suggestionor agency commission, but you if any its not enough to be hardworking when it comes to being appointed to such an important commission. You believe that great cities promote development of great people and to me that means that residents should be able to work, recreate, et cetera. I believe they choose everyone should be able to live near where they are work, start a business, having convenient access to open space and, et cetera. What i have outlined if