To be at your service with the program on the front page. The 11th parliament is spending its last days. One of the most important commissions in the parliament can be a point of reference for the people, that is, the relationship between the people and the parliament. It should continue to be the original committee of the 9th parliament, because it is the place where people complain about these things and is accountable. In other words, we invited the presence of mr. Khadzarian, the spokesman of the Main Commission of the Islamic Council and, of course, the peoples elected representative in the 12th term of the parliament. Hello, i would like to say good evening. I am very polite and respectful to you , dear viewers, and dont be tired. To all the dear people, thank you all for participating in the 12th election of this period, and i hope god willing, next week in the second round of the elections , our dear people, with all the problems that exist and we all know, will complete and co
Live, of course, i make every effort to. So that our city becomes better, becomes more beautiful, i am a person who builds his own life, which puts before goals, achieves them, but i always remember that there are people next to me, if we talk about lifes credo and motto, it is in a nutshell, with people and for people, the choice pedagogical specialty, it was to some extent predetermined , because i was brought up in a pedagogical family, my parents worked all their lives in the Vocational Education system, and well, it was quite natural for me to choose this particular specialty and this profession. I worked in the Education System for more than 20 years, and i didnt think, lets say, that at some point there would be a change. My type, type of activity, that this will be parliamentary activity, however, this, well, probably somewhere is indifference, this is an active position, it was supported, heard by my colleagues, they supported me at the stage of nomination. Human, who faithful
[000 00 23;00] sports, when it is placed in the World Federation or an olympic medal, the sports championship, if it is considered , is the Islamic Republic to the world, which can do the economy , which can, i know someone who can make it the highest from the deputy of physical training and education, that is, todays political and economic investment. We are doing it to ourselves. There were people who didnt believe the economy, politics, yesterday, today, the events of yesterday, exercise, Pay Attention to a sensitive course , leave the responsibility to someone who has a precise understanding of the sport. Muhammad sal ali mohammad is in the service of the next opponent, mr. Seyyed ali mousavi. We are the esteemed representative of the people of malikan. In 10 minutes, we agree to this. In 10 minutes, we will reach the orders of the day. Thank you very much, mr. Dr. Mousavi, in the name of allah, the most merciful, with the greetings and respect of the great nation of iran and the h
We will have with us later today two representatives. We understand in this building that can be a challenge. Fingers crossed we will have both congressional representatives with us. We also have several former commissioners with us. Thank you very much. Two fellow commissioners on the eeoc, thank you for coming. I understand that susan eisenhower, the granddaughter of president eisenhower, who in 1957 signed the commission into existence thank you for that. For joining us. John gore, acting assistant attorney general for civil rights at the United States department of justice, and cameron quinn, the officer for civil rights and Civil Liberties at dhs and also a former Virginia State Advisory Committee member for civil rights in virginia. We have several people who have traveled from california, illinois, and missouri to be with us. Thank you for coming from afar and thank you to everyone in our staff who has been with us today. You make sure we do the work we need to do. Thank you to
Both the threat posed on our own borders but also whats happening around politicians are debating on what citizensken to protect at home and abroad. Senator wong. Thank you, mr. President. Since senator last had to ask ministers question, there have been further horrific terror attacks around the world. These include attacks in manchester, london, kabul. The government is working to assist australians impacted by these attacks. Thank you very much indeed, senator wong, for a very timely and important question. And of course im sure i speak on behalf of all members of this chamber in expressing our horror and outrage at the terrorist attacks that have occurred since the senate last met and in particular our grief at the news that australians have been among the victims both here in melbourne last week and overseas. It is a reminder to us that this is not a problem that exists on the other side of the world. Its not a problem that is not our problem. It is a problem that reaches out both