Schulman, in a 2008 president bush appointee was asked, did the Citizens United case in any way affect the irs process by handling tax exempt applications. His answer, no. To the best of my knowledge, it did not. Likewise, the head of the Elections Crime Branch said it is the law, so no, i am not aware of any effort or part of any effort to fix a problem from Citizens United. While republicans continue to promote their unfounded allegations, they conveniently overlook the furnling of dark money into elections. 501c organizations are not barred from participating in political campaigns. But the regulations are clear, they state political activity must be a substantial amount of the groups activity less than 50 . These groups can already gain Tax Exemption as a section 572 organization. That would require them to disclose their donors rather than keeping the American People in the dark about where theyre getting their money. As i repeatedly stated, anonymous money in politics disrupts th
By chief Justice Warren burger with the notion of promoting public understanding of the history of the court. It does that in many ways through lectures like these, through the publication three times a year of the journal of Supreme Court history, and through the acquisition of portraits of the justices for display in the building. I would like to specially thank the society for its efforts to assist my predecessor and the Curators Office of obtaining of all 19 of the prior courts which have now been obtained. The officers of the court here, i would like to thank the society for the all the efforts they give to all of us. We are joined by three distinguished scholars for discussion of the civil war and its impact on Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. The moderator of the program will be professor brad snyder. Is an assistant professor of law at the university of Wisconsin Law school. Padis the author of well slave. He is currently at work on the society of truth and other progressives tha
I would like to specially thank the society for its efforts to assist my predecessor and the Curators Office of obtaining the portraits of all 19 of the prior courts which have now been obtained. On behalf of all the officers of the court here, i would like to thank the society for the all the efforts they give to all of us. We are joined by three distinguished scholars for discussion of the civil war and its impact on Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. The moderator of the program will be professor brad snyder. He is an assistant professor of law at the university of Wisconsin Law school. He is the author of wellpaid slave. He is currently at work on the society of truth and other progressives that lived in the Dupont Circle rowhouse and formed a political salon in the 1910s. He has written extensive articles about justice holmes. Tonights analysts are James Mcpherson and g. Edward white. James mcpherson is the George Henry Davis Professor Emeritus of United States history at princeton un
The first word processer, the first smartphone, the first car, the first plane, it has this connotation of a breakthrough investigation thats in essence a quantum leap. And my book is about how we as a society need to be innovating more and how the really significant innovations that move the dial are these breakthrough zero to one companies. Host is Silicon Valley a zero to one, does that have a zero to one mindset . Guest theres, theres definitely Silicon Valley at this point is the center of innovation in the u. S. , and i would argue the center of innovation globally. Its, there are certainly a number of companies that have involved significant break throughs, i would say google, amazon, facebook are significant ones in recent years, apple with the iphone. Theres always a bias to make things very incremental. Successful companies in cig con valley are all Silicon Valley are all zero to one companies. Most Companies End up being much less valuable. The tenth solar panel company, tha
Lawyer in frederick county, maryland, taney had defended jacob gruber, an antislavery methodist minister accused of disturbing the peace and inciting rebellion. And in the process, taney had cited the declaration of independence in support of his antislavery views and had actually called slavery a blot on our national character. The author of the unjust judge made much of this type of change of heart, describing taney as failing to live up to his early ideals as well as those of the nations founders. In hid analysis, he said that africanamericans, contrary to taneys assertion, had been included in the Political Community at the time of the founding. But more than an academic criticism of taneys reasoning in the dred scott came in t, t unjust judge constituted a rhetorical assault on the character of the nations fifth chief justice. The author excoriated taney as a malevolent old man engaged in the most nefarious of purposes, a man has untrue to the principles of the christian religion