The meeting being called to order at 5 33 pm. And tonights meeting is being televised live in Small Business commission thanks Media Services and sfgov tv sapper televising the Commission Meeting. The meeting can be viewed on sfgov tv channel 78 or live stream by going to sfgov tv. Org. Matters of the public please take this opportunity to silence your phones and other electronic devices. Public comment during the meeting is limited to 3 min. Per speaker unless otherwise established by the presiding officer of the meeting. Speakers are requested not required to state their name. Completion of the speaker card will ensure proper spelling of speakers names in the written record of the meeting. Additionally theres a sign in sheet at the front table for those that like to be addemailing list. Item number one call to order and will call. Commissioner adams is adams is absent. Dooley, here. Dwight, here. Ortizcartegena, here. Yeeriley, here. Zouzounis, here. Toursarkissian, here. You have a
Business. So, if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here. Lets get going with item number one betwixt the meeting being called to order at 5 33 pm. And tonights meeting is being televised live in Small Business commission thanks Media Services and sfgov tv sapper televising the Commission Meeting. The meeting can be viewed on sfgov tv channel 78 or live stream by going to sfgov tv. Org. Matters of the public please take this opportunity to silence your phones and other electronic devices. Public comment during the meeting is limited to 3 min. Per speaker unless otherwise established by the presiding officer of the meeting. Speakers are requested not required to state their name. Completion of the speaker card will ensure proper spelling of speakers names in the written record of the meeting. Additionally theres a sign in sheet at the front table for those that like to be added to our mailing list. Item number one call to order and will call. Commissioner adams is ada
Is absent. Dooley, here. Dwight, here. Ortizcartegena, here. Yeeriley, here. Zouzounis, here. Toursarkissian, here. You have a quorum. Item number two, please item number two, [reading ordinance] discussion and possible action item. We need your microphone. Is that working . Good afternoon commissioners. Were good evening commissioners. Thank you for having me here today to make a very very brief presentation. This legislation is simply an update to our planning code in the south of market and eastern neighborhoods mixed use Zoning Districts to allow arcades to be permitted. It is currently unknown permitted use and the supervisor is pleased to sponsor this legislation from time to time. Our legislation on the books needs to be updated with the time it i think many of you know the history of the police code in 1982 restricting arcades from being cited and being permitted and that was updated in 2014 but legislation initiated by supervisor breed and sponsored by supervisor kim and subse
Institute. Here is what some of the veterans had to say. Matt is a gentleman who knows more about this battle than any anyr man living, more than man who ever did live. He can tell more of what i did there then i can tell myself. Henry slocum was the commander of the 12th army corps at gettysburg. Acquainted a few months after the battle of gettysburg. I consider him the best authority in this country as regard to detail with that action. Hes sketched every part of the field and is familiar with the holder. Lastly, the kernel of the 33rd in the battle of gettysburg writing to the governor of massachusetts in 1878 rights the kernel i believe knows more about the battle of gettysburg than any officer in it on either side. He was not in the battle of gettysburg. He was not a soldier. Perhaps the most important person gettysburg you may never have heard of. Batchelor. S john why is he important to gettysburg and what was his vision . Bachelder,tigate because you cant understand him unless
Adopt the budget. That concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions you might have. Thank you tom just commissioners to summarize quickly the heart of Budget Proposal is those in any positions that ac that tom went over and the 40 bucket on page 11 of the slide show so those bucket are dealing with the backlog to deal with new policy initiative to deal with process improvements and to fallout grow our ability to do Better Community outreach those are the issues ive benefit hearing from the board of supervisors and the mayor for the last year we hope those kind of address those issues in an appropriate way im just want to under the influence this is the vast majority of the revenues were seeing going to fund those 14 to 9 positions the next two years with that, weigh close our presentation and anxious to hear our comments as well. Open up for Public Comment if there is any Public Comment on this item. Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore.