That to make matters worse junction described those concerns about m. P. Safety as the all in all it was the most angry parliamentary session anyone can remember the government accuses the opposition of running away from an election they say he broke the law rather suspending parliament and fear he might do it again thats to the sense of democracy unraveling the whole thing is a horror show barnsley aljazeera london. And. Theres no purpose but to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible well the latest push for gun restrictions in the us lead to a change in the law. Find out why the cuts are for the world athletics championships. Hello so quieten down weather wise now theres not much in the sky from the point of view daily pretties showers or seasonal rain you might think this looks like the wettest place and it might have been but whats been recorded is in Southern Vietnam and also on the island of sumatra was figures not huge oh thats pretty well its like flash flooding
Referendum and fake news what the definition of a conversion was going to say that had these institutions not sheeted you could send the outcome of the referendum might have been different i think it is completely reasonable to say that there could be a difference in the wrestling. You know had there not being in my view. There needs to be a deeper investigation of the of fake accounts and a group of facebook groups being used to propagate information conservative m. P. Damian collins is the chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee weve had evidence from facebook but we feel that we should hear from Mark Zuckerberg because he buys into mr hes the person who decides what happens at facebook there are still big concerns are faced with not enough to investigate the role of fake accounts theyve not been transparent on the issue of data breaches in user data and make up in the hands of people who shouldnt have it. Fake accounts russian trolls data mine. Complicated stuff and none of
A former director of Cambridge Analytic turned whistleblower gave evidence to the u. S. Senate and a British Parliamentary Committee that began taking an interest in the brakes at referendum of fake news the definition of a conversion so were going to say that. These institutions know she did you personally echo the referendum might have been different i think it is completely reasonable to say that there could be a difference in the wrestling. You know had there not been in my view cheating there needs to be a deeper investigation of the of fake accounts and a group of facebook groups being used to propagate information conservative m. P. Damian collins is the chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee weve had evidence from facebook we feel that we should hear from Mark Zuckerberg because he buys into mr hes the person who decides what happens at facebook there are still big concerns are faced with not enough to investigate the role of fake accounts theyre not. Been transparent
Im an assistant professor of history at the university of Southern California and this is my first in person Conference Since the pandemic and after two years where giving a conference paper was basically sitting alone in my apartment, its wonderful to be able to talk with you today. So just wanted to get a big thank you to the organization for putting together this conference and for accommodating the varieties of which people chose to participate even though i know that came at some great logistical challenges. I also want to thank who cant be here today but is the one responsible for bringing us all together today. As she originally conceived of the roundtable as one that would be focused on the civil war and the west but ultimately last yearry around february decided o focus it on 1862. This is the year when the Republican Party succeeded into some of its original Campaign Promises abolished in the district of columbia and the western territories as well as passing the homestead ac
Are we grade. Good evening, everyone. I treasurer of the Supreme Court Historical Society. This room with some frequency but im usually faced in that direction sot pace to be looking out there. I am a please turn off all cell phones, tabls, x apple watches even if they are in silent mode they can cause interferencesound system r assistance. This has been a long time coming. B 1991 with Justice Kennedy talking about thelant ae privilege of doing it again to e marshalls 50th anniversary on the court, so its fitting that we are here■ again after the pandemic. Its nice to be back in the courtroom for the 70 at the White House Historical association into the u. S. Capital society and we appreciate very much our partnership in that ever. Id like to express the societies gratitude th evening tous first event we had the privilege of having her pa with the society and shes doing double duty tonight. First she will be a host and also participant. Speaks, she wl join in conversation■n discuss