Committee requiring our action, however, we recommended you only consider one appointment. This vacancy is from the term inspirations of robert from 7 and the recent expiration of mr. Flanagan. I see no questions. Supervisor yee so several people have impressed interest for being appoint and the people r that have stepped forward are all good candidates but the person that i felt is basically stood above them i will be supporting is john larson. And was really great to have met him and had a discussion with him because during that discussion it what i saw was the sincerity and his commitment to the issues. So i appreciate is if the rest of the committee would also support him thank you supervisor yee. Any candidates for this district 78 position if anyone wants to make a statement please come forward and well open this up for Public Comment. Good morning, chair mar and members. Im john larson im asking to be considered for the vacancy on the transportation authority. Im a 17 year resid
Storage. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this amendment. Lets listen to the men and women and support their success to the fullest extent possible. Thank you, mr. Chairman. The chair for what purpose does the gentleman rise . Mr. Frelinghuysen i rise to claim time in opposition. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen the army has made it clear to the committee that it doesnt want to retain the c23s, the she prmbings as, the work horses that have been doing work for over 30 years or require any replacement platform. The army has taken steps to put the aircraft out of operation while stopping short of full retirement. Year beginning of fiscal 2013, the Army National guard was operating 34 of these sherpas. As of july 14 of those had been turned into fort sill turned in to fort sill, oklahoma where they were in semiflyable storage. The remaining aircraft are to be turned in to fort sill by october of this year. Because this amendment only applies to fiscal
Concerned, because i am given such a short time to really say anything. I can write down on that piece of paper before the meeting, exactly what i want the commission and the boards to hear. And so i would ask that you up hold mr. Hartz position, because as a citizen, we at times have to be able to have our words put into the body of the minutes because that is where we intend to say it and because we are being denied the amount of time to say it by writing it down before the meeting and passing it in at that time, that that qualifies as being said at the meeting. Thank you. Thank you very much. Stop the hate and dont give money to the friends of the library and dont accept the money from the friends of the library. The provision of being able to allow people to summarize their own words passed by the voters in 1999 in the sunshine ordinance, before it passed i was one of the most blatant victims. I started to submit citizen summaries right after the law went into effect, they created
Teeth exercise, first they would not put them in at all then they put them in as an addendum and after two and a half years of going back and forth we are finally agreeing to do it right and we want you to just ignore the fact that for two years we did it wrong. As far as i can tell the document that you have been presented this is the first time that they have included 150 word summaries from other members of the public. For a while they included some of mine, but didnt include others. So it was like, mr. Hartz gets special treatment and his go in the body of the minutes, but these other people can be addendaed. They keep changing their position and changing what they want to do and what, you know, what the requirements are and at no time have they made any decision at the Library Commission stating that the example that you have is their policy Going Forward. So basically, as far as the reality goes, they could simply go back tomorrow and change these right back to where they were an
The next item on the agenda is discuss. I am sorry. Good afternoon, im peter war field director executive director of la bore users and if you could identify the agenda with respect to the Public Comment. You have under item three and four, a number of items subitems, so i wanted to ask what your ground rules would be for Public Comment. Is there three minutes for each item, for example, 3, a, 3 b, or is it some other rule that you should in mind . And we will open that up for views from my fellow commissioners. My thought was that we would take Public Comment after each subitem. That is my understanding. That makes sense. Okay. Thank you very much. You are welcome. The next item on the agenda is discussion and possible action on matters submitted under Chapter Three of the Ethics Commission regulations for violations of the sunshine ordinance. Three a is regarding ethics complaint month 0 no, 03120402 and the complainant is ray hartz and the respondent herrea. And we present them with