vaccination has been so helpful. now omicron is just less severe. as for the vaccines i mentioned, well, that s not the whole story. many, many people, millions, in fact, remain unvaccinated. top republican senators who continue even at this time when we have this science, we have the sliver of good news and it relates to vaccines, we have people saying maybe vaccines are no good. one thing we know is that you get this mild variant of the omicron, it actually is going to protect you against the more serious variants. this is basically nature s vaccine running through the community. why do we think we can create something better than god in terms of combatting disease? you know, it s way above my pay grade, but i guess that question, if you pose it that way, would be a shutdown all hospitals and modern science. all i could tell you about senator johnson is he doesn t
first point on where else, fox news. if you get this mild variant, the omicron, it actually is going to protect you against the more serious variants. this is basically nature s vaccine that is running through the community. that is a swing and a miss, senator paul, i m sorry to tell you that. over the past two weeks covid hospitalizations are up 72% and among children they are up a staggering 121%. so get out of here with this nature s vaccine garbage, rand. next up, check this out. ron johnson. why do we think that we can create something better than god in terms of combatting disease? there are certain things we have to do, but we have to just made so many assumptions and it s all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. so the human body s immune
create something better than god in terms of combatting disease? there are certain things we have to do, but we have just made so many assumptions, and it s all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. i mean, wow. there s a lot of people who believe in god and believe that god helped create the antibodies. the amazing, beautiful, human mind that created the vaccines. but the question now is does this all matter politically? or are the structural factors in midterms and the loyalty of the die hard maga base enough? ruth coniff is the editor in chief of the wisconsin examiner where she wrote a piece about how wisconsin game ground zero for the big lie and she joins me now. i wonders if you feel the same way about johnson.
vaccines are our best defense against covid-19, but some people are still in denial of this obvious fact, including senator ron johnson of wisconsin. why do we assume that the body s natural immune system isn t the marvel that it really is? why do we think we can create something better than god in terms, you know, in terms of combatting disease? now, there are certainly things we have to do, but we ve just made so many assumptions, and it is all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. james martin, an internationally renown priest responded by saying, quote, one of the gifts that god has given to us is intelligence and ingenuity. science is an outgrowth of this, and science and medicine have
literally they have no lives left anymore. they are spending all of their time trying to fight these this illness. you have people like senator ron johnson let s just play ron johnson. this is ron johnson what he s saying despite all that is going on. this is him. why do we assume that the body s natural immune system isn t the marvel it is? why do we think we can create something better than god in terms of combatting disease? now, there are certainly things we have to do but we just made so many assumptions and it s all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. i can t even imagine hearing those two pieces of sound back to back does to you, a doctor in this madness trying to fight this pandemic so your thoughts, dr. patel? joy, it s just we re trained as physicians and scientists to kind of try to actually tease out fact from