A SA Revenue Service employee Malatse Kolokoto was on Thursday sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment by the Palm Ridge magistrate’s court for accepting a bribe at the OR Tambo International Airport in August 2019.
The independent panel tasked with determining whether President Cyril Ramaphosa has a case to answer regarding the Phala Phala allegations has given MPs six days to submit information relevant to its assessment.
The independent panel tasked with determining whether President Cyril Ramaphosa has a case to answer over the Phala Phala allegations has until November 18 to complete its work and report to parliament.
The Hawks on Tuesday raided the homes of three former Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) officials. They are accused of irregularly benefiting from a R225m IT contract.
"From our side, we have done everything practically possible in terms of the extradition treaty, which requires us to follow certain requirements and comply, which we have done," said justice minister Ronald Lamola.