This is thE ingraham anglE. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE is not conFidEnt it can protEctE ar trump wE arE not capitalizing s. A crisi wE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs schoo showing thE math. Plus, a Cnn REportElEr by AEo Trump SupportEr can aFFord to votg soE. NEy an yourE not hurting so bad, right . BEcausE a votE plus a lot and its a lot oF upkEEp. Nobody gavE mE. I EarnEdE EvErything that ivE got. That Trump VotEr joins us innt . MomEnts. And whos rEally running i . VErnmEnt i likE to turn it ovEr to jill and For any CommEnt Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whErEs thE visiting angEl . But First, thE ultimatnsult,E. Thats thE Focus oF Tonights AnglE G. Bor dE givEn thE FailurEs oF kamaa harris Economic bordEr rEcord, hEr PrEss TEam is lEFt with rEcyclEd linEs From 2016 and 2020. Donaly God Trump is vEry goot insulting pEoplE. Donald trump sticks to th EthE rE samE old tirEd playbook oF insultsal. But thE rEal insults co
our strategic petroleum reserve. the biden gang has overseen hamajor depletion of our security and safety. safet but a new, equally disturbingly developmen distut was reported o yesterday in the new york times. well, it turns out thartt bide yesterdan is raiding our stockpiles of emergency munitions in raiding e to prop up ukraine. now, this is reckless and it s wrong. these stockpiles are for true emergencies, not for satisfying the demands of war that congress never even authorized .ch germany s chancellor seems acutely aware of endangeringancl his own country s security by getting more deeply involved in ukraine. endangethe ukrainians can relyr support for the courageous fight. it is also clear that we will avoid that. this is becoming a war between russia and nato, while also the only question is , has that ship already sailed? y ou if only our politicians listened as intently to theiry own constituents as they dotuens a political leader fro am a none nato country, a le
receiver t. higgins hamlin stood up briefly but collapsed to the ground cpr was administered before he was taken by ambulance to the hospital him. lin joined the bills as 1/6 round draft pick and has since emerged as one of the league s best safeties. of course, stick with fox news channel. for more on this developing storyl. for more on this developing story, i m jackie urban is now back to regular programing already in progress. good angered me, my lord. in that hangtime, lara trump could have written fifteen tweets and released a new picture book. look, mike pence is such a lovely man. good man, a holy man. the subtitle of this book could be so help me god . i should have brought a teleprompter. i mean, he s he needs he s got to pick up the pace, particularly if he s going to make the run for the big office. yeah, he was a lot snappier on hannity . it was. yes, he was a very different pace. but the abc thing there was that hankton and people often resort to those
four zero four eight under three two two zero four zero four weaponizes live immaculee strohmeyer in new york . the federal government is on the brink of reaching the debt limit, which currently stands at thirty one point four trillion dollars. once that number is reached, which could happen already today, the treasury department will put measures in place to avoid a default. those measures give congress and president biden until june to come up with an agreement on how to raise the debt ceiling. the husband of missing massachusetts mom adam walsh, has been formally charged with her murder. a prosecutor says brian walsh, who s been in custody since january 8th, went online to look up ways to dismember and dispose of a body, clothes and other items belonging to his wife were also found at a trash processing facility. the mother of three went missing on new year s day. i m ashley dromana. back to the ingraham angle for all of your headlines. i ll go to fox news .com show.
ingraham angle special for all of your headlines, log on to fox news .com show. all right, raymond, it s hard days for superheroes. i understand it is . it s a bird. it s a plane. it s a cancelation. batgirl, this one hundred million dollar film epic. it was scrapped by warner brothers this week. the film featured leslie grace s batgirl michael keaton. returning is a very creaky caped crusader. and brendan fraser is the villain. but the movie was totally can following test screenings. now, it was something i can imagine. well, who needs test screenings like the trailer had? what when you looked at it, had that bomb written all over it? to keep this guy? well, matthew bollani lura, who hosts spotify, is the town podcast. he spoke to someone who attended this batgirl screening wasn t received well. he said after the screening