he s bright. he s clever. comic book arch villain. comic book arch villain. he s clever. evil as can be on a beautiful, sprawling farm seeds of danger. i heard this big explosion. i heard this big explosion. ground this loving father of three the farms heart and soul killed in a ball of fire they were saying it was an accident our assumption was it was a pipe bomb. pipe bomb. someone claimed the dead ma had reaped what he sowed i wish that there weren t so much hate and anger in our family. narrator: one family member seemingly held a grudge against the victim. he later implied that roberto had messed with th drug cartel. but maybe the truth lay wit the farms owners a wealthy clan known for harvesting rice and resentment i wish that there weren t s much hate and anger in our family one family seemingly held a grudge against the victim. he always had something mea to say, he hated him another whodunnit for investigators. who chases the police but who
keith morrison (voiceover): district attorney john pointer s one of colusa s most popular raconteurs. colusa s most popula raconteurs raconteurs he knows where the skeletons good way of summarizing it. are buried and know just about ever prominent family in the county including the moores if i said they were odd tha would be a good way of summarizing. odd yes odd how you don t hear about a lo of families but you hear about the moore. because they complained about other wings about th family or at least complain in a wa that - complained in a way tha others will find out about it. and the two cousins
operator will get into the panel with a tool for some reason and cross the leads with tha tool and cause a plasma type of explosion. and that could have been wha happened here. the other thing he said wa that we ve never seen anything this big this is what the electrical box would have looked like before the explosion about the size of a high schoo locker locker was nowhere to be found. was nowhere to be found. all that was left was splintered post where it onc going to leave me on the ranch. stood. hard to know what to make of that coming up. along with the growing crops growing resentments at the farm robert told paul that he wa going to get my share of wha my dad was going to live me. your intention was to fight him? oh yes. it settled things. the investigations continue as explosives experts try to determine what exactly happene to roberto
killer who had been hired to kill roberto ayala over mexico deal gone wrong and it was ms-13 behind it. implied that roberto what t? it s a violent el salvadora criminal street gang and roberto ayala was supposed to be a target of thi group? group? the letter implied thatceover roberto ayala had messed with drug cartel and that ms-13 had been contracted. the author of the lette taunted the detectives, writin that lab results will find military grade powder but no dna. which is true so far but the point of the lette wrote that its author was warning. roberto s brother, eduardo, wa next on the hit list the writer said he had turne down the job to kill eduardo but a second assassin woul soon be on the way soon be on the way
that was fixed to the antelope that one of the envelopes wa sent in. but came back from those dn tests? the contributor of the dn from the fingerprint materia was similar to paul moore. case closed, all right, not this time. this time there was a but. similar to paul moore but it wasn t a match. the dna sample was so minut that forensic scientists wer unable to build a full genetic sequence meaning, the dna may have come from paul moore, but the scientists couldn t say it was a 100% match and while the dna didn t match anyone else in the moore famil including peter including paul, the fact tha he couldn t be excluded wa something that couldn t be hel up in court. it was beyond frustrating to hear that we have an almost match but we can t say for