COLRAIN Thanks to a $7,500 grant, the Griswold Memorial Library plans to launch a program to create podcasts about the local history of marginalized groups.The grant funding comes from the federal Library Services and Technology Act, with grant.
Two dog hearings took place Tuesday in Colrain and Buckland, and each ended with a memorandum of understanding between the towns and the dog owners.ColrainIn Colrain, Daniel Zinn was bit by a dog that escaped from Scott Reade’s backyard on Foundry.
COLRAIN The Selectboard has settled on a plan for construction on Stetson Brothers Road after a culvert that was installed last year solved a flooding problem, but caused erosion to the road.“The original drainage work did not turn out well,”.
Historical Society program centers on former dude ranch COLRAIN The Colrain Historical Society will host a program chronicling the history of the Pioneer Valley Dude Ranch on Thursday, July 14, at 7:30 p.m. at 167 Cal Coombs Road. According to a.
Let’s be truthful for a change and shift our focus away from guns and onto the gratuitous violence that pours out of Hollywood and the movie and video industry. Tipper Gore was the last national figure to point to Hollywood as the true corrupting.