we have people like you say, it s not going to happen. you re the reason. it s donny. no, no, no. the interesting thing is that my whole point is there should be freedom and spaces where you re not don t prescribe it s all crosby either. you are on the other side of the argument. is broadcast television crosby right now? no. far from it. get back to crosby, i m saying we re in such a segmented world with 500 channels, enough for everybody. neither side should say don t do this, do this. there should be safe space. i actually think you re saying the same thing and agree that broadcast television should sort of be a safe space. she is not saying you can t have porn channels. yes, she is. you can have the porn channels. maybe she is, maybe she is. not everybody can afford cable or satellite either. the folks that can t afford it, should be a safe place, as well. by the way, speaking of affording cable, if you go to college today, you still may not
by the way, speaking of affording cable, if you go to college today, you still may not get a job to allow you to afford cable. coming up next, this is stunning stuff. is college worth it anymore? we ll talk about that. [ driver ] today, my ambulance knew all about a bike accident, just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient s record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne s. wiggle your toes. and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and stadiums. but, of course, it s a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything.
and i have to tell you that i don t know how a single person who goes to this institution could consider voting for the incumbent for president. and i say that for this reason: if they want to go in the military, why, he s planning on cutting our military by about a trillion dollars over the next decade boo! and if they want to go on to either get a job directly or go on to a four-year college and come out with a degree, why you know that 50% of kids coming out of college today can t find a job or a college-level job. so on both fronts this president s policies have not worked for the young people of america. and one more thing, and that is not only will they have a hard time finding a job given the economy this president s produced, and not only will they have a military that is becoming devastated in the words of the secretary of defense, devastated by these defense cuts, they ll also have hundreds of, well, thousands and thousands of dollars of debt on their shoulders that wer
now: steve: live from studio e from midtown. hope you had a fantastic weekend. don t remind everybody. it is depressing . brian: i feel like we are ready and ready to greet the fall ready to start raking. steve: you are ready to send the kids to school. i have two starting college today. brian: soccer starts today. my kid s summer ended because school work had to be done over the weekend because momma was going away. brian: summer reading time is a good day. book report on scooby do. another u.s. nato service member was shot and killed by an afghan police officer in a
middle-class families across america? you know, arianna, that s exactly the right question. let s just do it this way. it was the deregulation of the financial services industry that broke the consumer credit market and put families at risk in mortgages, in credit cards, ultimately in student loans. this economy was broken. one lousy mortgage at a time. and then when those big financial institutions had loaded up on all that mortgage risk and broke the economy, it cost people jobs, it caucost pe their homes, pensions, their savings. it cost us this economy. kids are graduating from college today and can t get jobs. why? because of the crisis that occurred in 2008, from the largest financial institutions including jpmorgan chase, loading up on risk, the bets going bad, and then they broke