April 1 Shooting: On April 1 at 2:25 a.m., Urbana police officers responded to a home invasion and shooting at the 700 block of Colorado. Support the Daily Illini in College Media Madness! Help the Daily Illini take back the top spot in the College Media Madness fundraising competition! See the current ranking here. learn.
“The Last of Us” is a game published in 2013 by Sony Computer Entertainment and it has phenomenal representation of queer characters. Recently, the game was adapted into an HBO Max show. “Narcos” actor Pedro Pascal plays Joel Miller and “Game of Thrones” actor Bella Ramsey plays Ellie Williams. Support the Daily Illini in College.
Mayoral Candidates Deborah “Deb” Frank Feinen (INCUMBENT): Feinen has been mayor of Champaign since 2015. Prior to her two terms as mayor, she served as an at-large representative on the Champaign City Council and vice president of the Champaign County Board. Feinen told Smile Politely that the most important issue in this election cycle.
On March 17, the Department of Justice filed an amicus brief, weighing in on Lange v. Houston County in Houston County, Georgia, in which the plaintiff was denied treatment for gender dysmorphia under her healthcare plan. Amicus briefs are filed when a case presents “one or more important legal questions involving the interpretation or application.