If theres one thing i think you have heard today is that policy aside in drafting the rules is a complicated issue. Theres a host of technical concerns and minutia. We do have concern about putting this on the ballot in terms of not being able to kind of tinker away and amend the measure to address the implementation issues. I understand one of the amendment is to allow the board to amend it after five years. There could be things that may need to be addressed in a short amount of time. Would not rest on the eastern neighborhood on the pdr question. We have been for the last five years engaged on the central some effort, 2011, we hope to be before the board in 2017 the consider this plan. The construction of a new pdr is a central issue and we have proposal that will be before you soon that is a comprehensive proposal that is cutting edge and includes things not just in terms of replacement but construction of the new pdr not just in the plan area but outside. We hope the board will co
Office to present. Our ballot measure today is intended to provide some guidance around i think what is an issue for San Francisco as a city. There is much concern about the loss of space for jobs, particularly for working class jobs and maker jobs. There is concern about the loss of nonprofit space and there is also a concern about the loss of art spaces and these are the types of uses in San Francisco that makes San Francisco so great and so unique. It really is the character of our various neighborhoods and i think these are the types of uses that we as members of the board have been trying to identify ways to help support and subsidize through the nonprofit displacement program, through arts, Community Arts stablization trusts and some other initiatives that have come out of supervisor cohens office to crosssubsidize pdr space so we can have affordable pdr space. So its not just space for these types of uses, its space that it would be affordable and these are the types of uses tha
Office and the Mayors Office is the right way to try to figure that out. The notion of having commissions over mohcd and oewd are not new ideas, these ideas have been kicking around as long as ive been kicking around this building and maybe its time has not yet time. Maybe we should take the baby step that the mayor is suggesting but why dont we continue that conversation in the days ahead. All right, i would just say in response to that, i mean in an ideal world, having that process play out and again im focusing my comments on oewd, really, great. If it was fast pf paced moving we could have that Commission Oversight and the funding could be doled out in a timely manner, great. But we all know thats probably not going to be happening and i think jeopardizing a lot of Great Community projects that come as a result of that flow through at oewd, im not willing to jeopardize. Supervisor pes pels. I also want to add theres one function within oewd and that is the Development Agreement fun
Before we begin we can get emotion to excuse supervisor mar. Without objection the gavel. Item 1 and one to update the definition of final competition for time and under the San Francisco employees retirement system. And to include in the definition, tatian trouble under the judges retirement system judges retirement system two. Peter b data. Supervisor cohen is the sponsor. Alternate over to our good thing to everyone for coming. Good morning. Item 1, before us is brought to us in attempt to address an issue that is was in and im indulging this is an issue in my capacity as president of our retirement board. When the ship code defines final, tatian as, outdated and doesnt accurately get several of our current San Francisco Employee Retirement members. Specifically, this old definition doesnt include word able members of the judges retirement system to include the use of compensation under the, system. This ordinance is pretty clean and straightforward. Itll update an old definition of