Office to present. Our ballot measure today is intended to provide some guidance around i think what is an issue for San Francisco as a city. There is much concern about the loss of space for jobs, particularly for working class jobs and maker jobs. There is concern about the loss of nonprofit space and there is also a concern about the loss of art spaces and these are the types of uses in San Francisco that makes San Francisco so great and so unique. It really is the character of our various neighborhoods and i think these are the types of uses that we as members of the board have been trying to identify ways to help support and subsidize through the nonprofit displacement program, through arts, Community Arts stablization trusts and some other initiatives that have come out of supervisor cohens office to crosssubsidize pdr space so we can have affordable pdr space. So its not just space for these types of uses, its space that it would be affordable and these are the types of uses that in this current Real Estate Market are finding it very, very difficult to compete with office rents that are 70 a square foot, these are nonprofit organizations and arts organizations and job spaces that cannot compete in that mashet. I think this was an issue that was identified in the eastern neighborhoods planning process 5 years ago. One of the two goals of the eastern neighborhoods planing process was to preserve our space for jobs for blue collar jobs if recognition that this is an area where eastern neighborhoods was an area where there was a lot of industrial space, the economy was changing, and there was a desire to preserve these spaces when there were higher and better uses for the space like housing that was in competition with the land in these eastern neighborhoods areas. The second goal for eastern neighborhoods was to increase Affordable Housing, land for Affordable Housing. And i know that this board has been committed to increasing Affordable Housing and identifying ways to increase Affordable Housing, the board unanimously allowed for prop c to go on the ballot which was passed 68 percent by the voters last year and so i think in keeping with that assessing the eastern neighborhoods plan at this point now and having policies and initiatives to support the increase of Affordable Housing, this ballot measure and this policy is in an effort to continue to try to offer a solution to make sure that the spaces in eastern neighborhoods really are intended to protect these 3 types of uses again that cant compete in the market. And we are just coming upon the 5 year eastern neighborhoods monitoring report for how the city has been doing towards those goals and i know the eastern neighborhoods cac will be reviewing this report on monday formally, but i think this is something that has been on the top of minds of everybody, how do we preserve these spaces in a way thats affordable. So the intent with this legislation is to offer an approach to how to ensure that as the neighborhoods develop that we protect these types of spaces while still allowing flexibility for the Planning Department to consider these new initiatives if it was intended to strengthen the underlying goal to preserve pdr and so i wanted to offer some amendments based on the current draft that is in your packet today based on some feedback supervisor kim has met with various stake holders, both people who are concerned about pdr, stake holders who have projects in the pipeline, the department who is implementing it, the supervisors who have, who are in geographies that our legislation would be impacted and so basically in terms of our amendments we wanted to really focus this in on eastern neighborhoods and make sure that the geography for these replacement requirements, which is what were calling for, is replacement requirements and a process if there is a change of use that is occurring in neighborhoods, to be limited to eastern neighborhoods. Our original version of the legislation had a requirement all across the city and after some conversation with the Planning Department and stake holders we didnt want to unduly burden places where there may be current vacancies and this would possibly make it more difficult to occupy places, especially along neighborhood corridors. So the first change is really to ensure that these controls apply to the eastern neighborhoods plan areas of mission area plan, show place square, eastern neighborhoods, western soma, Central Waterfront and in spaces where there was a prior use of a pdr, which is a place where there is opportunity to do Manufacturing Type jobs, Institutional Community use or an arts activity in a building that is identified to be im sorry but not limited to demolition of a building thats not unsound. So this would be a requirement for any change of use or demolition. And weve put a minimum size threshold for pdr at 5,000 square feet and for Institutional Community use, which is the current planning code for nonprofit activities at 2,000 square feet. And in the sally pdr33g, there would be a requirement for a one for one replacement. The idea is these are places where pdr is a primary use and we would want to do one for one replacement. I think of particular concern for people is umu and the mixed use zonings where pdr was allowed as well as housing and wanting to ensure that there is some balance in those areas, i think the most recent eastern neighborhoods monitoring report has identified of the 3 million square foot loss for pdr space over the course of the eastern neighborhoods plan, about 1 million has already been lost and were, we want to make sure theres balance in the future to preserve these types of spaces. And so there would be a requirement to provide point 75 replacement in those zoning areas. Now, if the property was replaced off site that replacement requirement would be increased to one for one. The idea is we want to incentivize replacement at the current site rather than making it off site. And then finally i think on the top of peoples mind is not just to preserve the current spaces that are pdr, nonprofit or arts use, but to make sure that these spaces are also affordable. We want to create an incentive. So if you are, if a project is willing to rent these spaces at 50 percent below whatever the commercial real estate price is, the requirement, the replacement requirement would be dropped by. 25. So, for example, it would mean in an umu where the requirement is point 75, if you are, if you are proposing to do affordable space that that requirement would be dropped to point 5. One of the issues that was identified, that was of concern, was to make sure that the replacement space didnt, that would be a net new and it wouldnt be in an existing pdu, institutional, community or arts space. And then finally i think there has been some discussion about some exemptions and a desire to see some exemptions for certain types of uses and certain areas in the city. So, for example, any property under the jurisdiction of the court that has been a redevelopment plan and or is contemplated to be part of our citys open space through the recreation and Parks Department would be exempt from these requirements. Also properties that are undeveloped or vacant where theres not a pdr use, those would be exempt from these requirements, like if it was just a patch of dirt. Any project where pdr use, Institutional Community use or arts use subject to conversion after june 14th, we didnt want to create a disincentive for future Property Owners to not rent to these types of spaces, pdr, institutional, Community Use or arts activities. Any Public Transportation project would be exempt as well. I think one of the feedback that we received through this process is that perhaps this might hamstring the department and the board from acting in the future in terms of the nuance that is desired by neighborhood and by various communities. And so the board would be allowed to amend this legislation if there was initiative to promote or better achieve the underlying goals of protecting and enhancing pdr, nonprofit and arts uses, or after 6 months 60 months, sorry after the next eastern neighborhoods monitoring report comes out if this is something that has not been successful there would be an ability to amend this legislation further. I think some of the things that we did not include as amendments after the first round of feedback that weve heard from stake holders is around the grandfathering and the Effective Date. And thats something that bee want to turn to look at. I am thankful to supervisor tang for angendizing this i believe for the monday hearing so there will be an opportunity. I hope that you will accept these amendments and then have another opportunity to have another round of amendments over the next couple of days. Thank you for the presentation. Supervisor cohen. Thank you. Good afternoon, thanks for coming to represent supervisor kim. I just have a couple questions. In your opening remarks you mention that the intent of the legislation is to protect and so i guess my question is really focused, why dont we just go through this through the legislative process . Why do we need to bring this to voters . I think the intent is this is an issue thats been identified as a desire to preserve pdr space. It was a stated goal of the eastern neighborhoods plan. I think there is a fear about the aggressive nature of development thats happening, i think theres been a lot of new office and housing proposed but there isnt anything clear directive as to how to achieve balance. Have you taken this proposal and made a presentation to the eastern neighborhoods cac no, i have not. I know this is something that they have been thinking about in terms of just receiving numbers, even prior to this monitoring report about the loss of pdr i dont necessarily know that i agree this is something theyve been thinking about. Its got a letter that i want to read in the record and this is from chris block, who is the chair of the cac says Dear Committee person, i have been chair of the cac since its inception 5 years ago. I respectfully reiterate comments that my colleague bruce huey, and i will read bruces comments later, has outlined and i want to emphasize his conclusion in asking you to step bk and use all of our hard work over the past 5 years culminating in the soon to be released monitoring report before deciding on where the most effective steps are. I also want to read into the record an email that was sent thursday, july 14th, from bruce huey, who is a member of the eastern neighborhoods c ac he writes i write to ask you your consideration as an enabler in the Community Process on issues around pdr within the eastern neighborhood boundaries. I am the vice chair on a 19member all volunteer citizens advisory xhut at the invitation of those on the board and the mayor. We meet once a month for two hours for up to two to four hours of prep time prior to our monthly meeting. This ballot measure has never been introduced or presented for consideration to the cac the pdr Ballot Initiative comes up at the wrong time. The Eastern Neighborhoods Citizens Advisory Committee is drafting its final report on the impact of pdr from the eastern neighborhood plan. This report is due out this summer. You would be better served to wait until this Community Process is finished before taking steps. This ballot is one size fits all and will most likely have a negative impact on my neighborhood, which is dog patch. Each neighborhood within the each neighborhood is different with unique pdr drivers and factors. Each neighborhood in the eastern neighborhoods cac should weigh in on next steps and be a sounding board on the implications of the Ballot Initiative and this has not been done. The pdr Ballot Initiative disregards the legislative process that has worked to engage the community in conversation around pdr with each neighborhood that is part of the eastern neighborhoods. I ask that you reconsider the next steps with this initiative, step back and await the 5 year report and work with the eastern neighborhoods cac to enable the Community Process to outline the best next steps. So i think its important to really frame this conversation because you are coming to the rules committee with a request for amendments and a request to bring initiatives to the voters. There has been much speculation on the amount of initiatives to the voters and whether that will create voter fatigue. Im not here to offer a judgment on that. But what i am here as an elected member of the board of supervisors that has worked with supervisor kim and weve been successful in passing pdr protection legislation that we take a moment to pause and be thoughtful about our approach. I believe the most effective and efficient way to go about this is through the legislative process as legislators and i worry a little bit about bringing something so technical to voters, not to insult voters that they are incapable of understanding pdr and a different planning and zoning code and all that great stuff that we love to talk about, but its almost like we are shirking our responsibility. If we cant get it done, fine, we will let the voters decide. I have some remarks, supervisor tang, if i can continue. The pdr is something i have been working on during my entire tenure on the board of supervisors, most notably protecting it. Not only just me, but its something that i have inherited. Supervisor sophie maxwell, my predecessor, was a fierce protector of pdr however, i have a number of concerns about this measure were going to be discussing today, particularly the way its currently written. I have expressed it to supervisor kim in her office and also have some critiques to the amendments that have been presented today. I believe that these replacement requirements are really simply just too broad and too blunt of a tool to apply everywhere across the entire city. And not only across the entire city, but everywhere in the eastern neighborhood. What makes the neighborhood so beautiful is that its independent and they are rich and unique and i think that is what we need to begin to focus on, how to preserve that uniqueness. I also have a serious problem with the process that the measure has gone through. Its taken nearly a decade of Community Meetings in order to establish the eastern neighborhood and thats not to say that the eastern neighborhood plan is without flaw. I certainly have some issues with the eastern neighborhood plan itself, but we have created a Citizens Advisory Committee to oversee that plan and the establishment of fees so its incumbent of us to work through that established vehicle. From my perspective, very Little Community outreach has been done in the measure and i think the letter, the emails that were read into the record reflects that sentiment. This item has not been presented to the neighborhood organizations that work on Development Issues in the plan areas, particularly the ones i represent. I dont know what happened in the mission, i have no idea what has happened in soma, but as it relates to show place square, as it relates to dog patch, as it relates to lower potrero hill theres been zero discussion. Theres been very little conversation even with my office as a colleague on the board prior to this being introduced and, quite frankly, im a supervisor that represents a very large significant portion of the eastern neighborhoods and a large portion of the citys pdr space. So from my perspective it just doesnt seem ready. I have a number of concerns that id like to take a moment to begin to outline. Ive also expressed them again to the sponsors office so it shouldnt come as a surprise, more for the edification of those in the audience today as well as those watching at home. First of all i dont think we should include pdr2 and the m category and forgive me for being super technical, but this is what we do. This exists, these two sdig you nations exist in the same bay and really frankly nobody has been able to give me any reason and why they should be included in this proposal. I believe we should exclude the portions of the eastern neighborhoods area plan that i represent, specifically potrero hill, show place square and the Central Waterfront. As i mentioned earlier, no one has taken the time to discuss the proposal with the neighborhood, i know i personally havent and now people are awakening and are expressing some concern, im sure this will be reported in some of our Public Comments. Additionally i think the issue if these areas are fundamentally different from those in the mission and the soma. In the Central Waterfront, for example, we are seeing a significant amount of new pdr development which is a good thing with the development of pier 70 and the rehabilitation of the old bethlehem Steel Buildings which is notably not what is occurring in the mission. The second key point is i dont think the requirement that replacement space be new and either on site or in the same area plan, i dont believe that that really makes sense for the neighborhoods that i represent. So what do i mean . We know that new space will always be more expensive and this mer err only encourages the development of new space. Second point is we can do our best to incentivize affordability but we cannot impose commercial rent control requirements. In additional requirement of replacement in the same plan area is extremely limiting. Its extremely limiting. We have had a few examples of tenants who wanted to real estate locate from an umu area or someplace like the bayview where they would prefer to be near more heavy industrial and industry uses or that they have found replacement space just a few blocks away but it is technically not in the area plan, thus making it impossible for them to move. So fundamentally i think these issues are something we can solve legislatively through interim controls and or an ordinance, im happy to discuss either way. Im going to stop here. I have a series of questions that i can go on, supervisor tang, or if you want to go to Public Comment or if theres other presenters here, i want to not dominate the conversation but i want to emphasize i have very, very strong feelings about this. Thank you, i understand. I have a number of concerns that were discussed yesterday. I think i would like to hear from Public Comment first and then i would love to ask more questions, supervisor cohen can ask questions of our Planning Department staff as well. Thank you. At this time if you are here for this item, which is item 11, please come on up. I have three comment cards but of course even if you didnt submit one, please come on up. David meckle, mohammed inaudible and tim cohen. A couple more cards here, eric medina and mario thank you, supervisors, david meckle, California College of the arts. First let me say i agree entirely with what supervisor cohen raised, that there are better ways to do this than through ballot measures. Seems very inflexible and blunt doing it that way. I realize this is probably aimed at for profit real estate developers, probably aimed not so much in our neighborhood, in the potrero showplace, but i want to remind you that it is in competition with some things and ill give you an example. We are in the process of developing Affordable Student Housing two blocks from our campus and we worked for the past year with save the hill, potrero boosters, the merchants association. Supervisor cohens office. Yeah, everybody. And what we have shaped is a project that will contribute to the neighborhood, that will have the kinds of uses in it that the neighborhood wants, so we a year ago signed a master lease with a developer and have been developing this project so it can have, for instance, a cafe in it or an arts supply store. These are not pdr uses. And weve designed the building to vent the cafe and all that kind of thing. So our pro forma for this project, since were going to master lease the entire building, also relies on these retail rents to subsidize the Affordable Student Housing. I think i agree entirely with supervisor cohen, we have great structures, the neighborhood cac is a very thoughtful group, i think we should go about this a different way. Good afternoon, chair tang, my named is mohammed naferi and i am managing partner at access group. I want to thank you for this item propose the for the november ballot. In 2014 Access Development group began working on a residential project on folsom street. It is located next to the childrens park and across the street from cesar chavez Elementary School. It currently has a 20,000 square foot commercial storage yard and we would be replacing it with 117 affordable apartments. Under the current requirements we would be required to reserve over 15,000 pdr site. The existing storage is an anomaly, it requires large truck deliveries and pickups several times a week if not several times a day and is not compatible for surrounding uses. In fact it doesnt even work with existing uses that have been trying to relocate. The initiative should give policy makers and Decision Makers the ability to determine where pdr makes sense. Again, over 15,000 feet pdr is required for us on a residential block next to a childrens park and across the street from an Elementary School does not make sense. Go through a couple things just so you understand where we are, on october 20, 2014, we submitted our environmental environmental application. Again, that was almost two years ago. So i want to thank you all very much for taking this time to get to this point and hopefully we can move forward. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors, tim cohen on behalf of the Housing Action coalition and im afraid that this might be a textbook example of the pitfalls of bella fox planning and were afraid this one, passed in its present form, would certainly come back to haunt us. We see something on the back of the envelope calculation that this could threaten a thousand units of housing right out the gate. Requiring projects that have used certain financial projections does not make sense. The Planning Department has analyzed this issue in department. In the 7 years since the eastern neighborhood plan was adopted about 25 percent of the total pdr space in the Mission Projected for conversion under the eir has been converted to other uses. Similarly the amount of pdr space converted to other uses is about 34 percent. This is entirely consistent with how the eastern neighborhood plan is supposed to work. Our understanding of pdr and how its defined and what policies would be most effective to protect it have undergone enormous change since the neighborhood was adopted in 2009. Many of the pdr uses we want to preserve were not around 7 years ago and may not be here 7 years from now. This is an issue that cries out for legislative solutions and solutions that might appear attractive today quo become quickly outdated and it would be better to hash this out with the Planning Department and the data we have. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors, my name is sarah carlinsky, i am senior policy advisor at spur and i would like to associate myself with the comments of supervisor cohen and also the comments of chris block that the supervisor read into the record. We had an opportunity to review this ballot measure and its really important that with incredibly complicated Land Use Planning that covers such a vast block of the city that this be done through a legislative process. I participated in many of the hearings, i taught myself how to knit and knit an entire scarf through the eastern neighborhoods process, which was great for me, but the point im trying to make is theres a lot of debate and discussion and thats what i believe this ballot measure would really benefit from. So i urge you very strongly to say, you know what, this needs to actually go through the legislative process and not be put forward to the voters at this time. In our letter we outlined a number of concerns and many of them have been echoed and im sure will be echoed further. Obviously the key one is that this should be done legislatively. The second piece is the aspect of this covers a huge number of zoning designations and all of those zoning designations when they are actually applied in neighborhoods are applied dichtly and look differently in different places and this measure should take that into account. The measure did not allow for the process of evaluating the needs of pdr businesses over time. Again, what might work right now might not be whats necessary or needed or desirable five years from now. For some projects this measure creates requirements that may not be feasible to implement. I dont know if anyone has actually studied a prototype of having so much pdr built within an existing building and what that would look like and if its viable. Lastly, i want to comment on neighborhood commercial districts. A number of neighborhood commercial districts do include a component of pdr and whether replacing those businesses with pdr or adding a restaurant or doing some of the other things that might be more desirable in a neighborhood commercial district would be precluded from this measure. Again i urge you to encourage the supervisor, the sponsor, to put this forward as legislation. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please . Oo 92 hi, my name is gabriel medina, i am the policy manager for mission inaudible as many of you might know the mission in our Latino Community has a 20 percent Unemployment Rate in the mission because a lot of our sites for those who do not have College Degrees or english Language Proficiency have been displaced. We lost over a million square feet of shape and the mission has become a Business Model to basically try to exploit those sites for market rate housing for haupblg profits. We came to this body to ask you for a moratorium on the units that were coming down our throat and had displaced a third of our population and over a year ago thats occurred and we still have not gotten legislative solutions. So were asking you to give us a voice to take this to the people because the people will support us to make sure we dont have a des maition of our population. I know supervisor cohen you did support us on that measure and we appreciate that, but we have not gotten legislative solutions since that. So we have had a displacement crisis and this neighborhood plan was intended to proat the time and enhance industrial and nonprofit arts and union jobs but we have lost so much of this space that weve seen and its a result of the high Unemployment Rate. The en cnc has overseen the loss of this loss of one million square feet of space. We have 1500 market rate projects coming down in the last 15 years, more than 46 cities in 101 bay area cities of abac, we built more than 46 cities just in the mission district. We have 2,000 more. The ultimate result has been displacement of our population, were asking for protection of our jobs, were asking for protection of our lands. Mr. Medina, you mentioned not having legislative report. Does that mean supervisor campos has not been helpful to you. I think we need a measure on the ballot that basically reaffirms we can have solutions to proat the time our jobs and protect our population. A lot of our housing when we were talking about votes taken at the board of supervisors really had to do with residential housing, it didnt have much to do with pdr space. Im talking about the. It was sorry. Thats okay. It was a moratorium on Market Rate Development that supervisor campos put forward. Unfortunately what happened with these pdr spaces, they are being converted to luxury houses. We are trying to give an opportunity, these pdr sites are typically low rent sites but they have been basically speculated on for years. I will ask that you 2 continue the conversation outside. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, mary eliza here, im actually speaking as an artist, i think i may be one of the only one or two here, which gives you an idea why were here and why were taking this to the voters. The artists are disappearing to the city. There have been more of them moving out than moving in and for some time. Id like to speak on two things. Eastern neighborhoods, this is not about the eastern neighborhoods, this is about the entire city. The entire city is hurting from the lack of curl tuerl development, the lack of artists to work in the city and stay in the city, they are all moving out. The displacement of artists is as bad as any other group in the city. Theres no real new art being developed, whats the latest hit song you heard coming out of San Francisco, how many decades ago was that . We used to have, like, six a year. Its really gone down. The musicians left during the last dot com boom. Actually, we have a fantastic hip hop artist from bayview hunters point. We will let our public speaker continue. Can i have a little more time . Yes. I just, i want to keep going here. Thats just the eastern neighborhoods, thats the San Francisco artists. I also want to speak on, were talking, there are people here talking about having schools, art schools. We have art schools. We are graduating artists, whats going to happen to them when they are done . Theyre not going to stay here. Theres nowhere for them to be. Theyre going to come here, spend a lot of money on education and have housing when they are here but when they are no longer students they have no place to work. They have no studios. What is the end game here for those people, thousands of people thank you. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, my name is eric with the latino district. Were here to support the charter on this. You may not know the cultural district was set up to preserve arts and culture in a small area flt mission because of the mass displacement we have been having with our residents, our businesses and our artists. Theres 3 large developments coming into our area that include large umus. This is a great opportunity to preserve those spaces to the artists who contribute to the art and culture of that area. We also have lost a lot of our jobs in the mission. Like gabriel mentioned, its up to 20. 8 percent of unemployment for latinos in the mission and these are jobs that were held in places like pdr, gas stations, car washes where they are developing luxury homes so we need to be able to balance this off as quickly as possible to make sure that we dont continue to lose those jobs that we need in order to pay, which is basically not much. Plus, of course, to continue the work for the latino culture district we need the artists, we need that space to generate revenue for the city. brief pause in captioning . Even the assurance of being live. I ask, this is not in order for our children being born and we do have children being born here, you know. And this is not, you know, in our areas that we have, you know, to build and better arts, you know, doesnt make any sense at all. Theres no reason for it at all. I think these artists that are building and reproducing their businesses should be considered in all these matters and this, to my precise level which i know a lot of houses have been leveled ever since 2007 and what is that building process . Does that mean that theyre going to make the buildings in 2007, all the buildings that fell down and, man, we got lots of reasons in this. Thank you. I have one more speaker card, scott quaker, again if any members of the public wish to speak just come on up. Thank you, supervisors, steve quaker, i did snit a letter. I want to go through a few points. I think we all agree theres a need for the pdr sector in San Francisco. The problem with this legislation is it hasnt been evaluated that its going to be effective and do what its meant to do. Its very farreaching and it doesnt balance these goals and other goals such as Affordable Housing goals in the city. I think that points out the problem with having this be a ballot measure that cant be amended except by the voters. There hasnt been any analysis done yet whether it would be feasible to develop projects with 1 to 1 replacement or point 75 percent replacement, particularly with these buildings that have 40 foot height limits to replace pdr space and ground floor in new buildings, would eliminate two floors of a building, you end up with only two floors of housing if you could even build it. The measure also covers far more of the city than it needs to. The eastern neighborhoods do have pdr protection zones. The legislation also covers the c3g district which is north of market in the tenderloin. It makes no sense for projects in downtown which makes no sense because of traffic and other uses for this there to be industrial uses covered. I did point out in my letter just in my office alone theres 7 Pipeline Projects which are beneficial projects, all of which would probably, if covered by this ordinance, would not be built, hundreds of units of housing, nonprofit clinic, city office building, all of which have been in the pipeline for months and years. If this legislation is going to go forward it needs to treat fairly projects that have been in the pipeline for a long time. For all these reasons i urge what other speakers have urged that this be legislatively dealt with, theres no reason for this to be on the ballot as a planning code amendment. Thank you, next speaker, please . Good afternoon, thank you. Dear supervisors, i wanted to echo some of the comments that have been made and i appreciate the comments from supervisor cohen and some of the comments from the letters she has read from Community Members. I think if you have heard from the audience this is a very complex issue. You have Community Members that represent certain neighborhoods that want additional pdr protected. Other communities may see things differently and i think the main issue with the ballot measures proposed are process, feasibility, fairness. This issue beckons a legislative solution, one that involves all stake holders whether they are Community Members, developers, the cac, members of the artists community, Everybody Needs to be involved. Its a complicated issue and it hasnt been. This is now potentially in front of the voters using a ma chete approach on something that needs a scalpel. We have a project in the dog patch, 108 units that would have 18 units on site. With this requirement, given the 4 story height limit, we would essentially lose half the units, we would totally have to redesign it, probably scratch the project as conceived. Its unfortunate that we have to balance these difficult issues but it is something that i think, as i mentioned earlier, would really require a thoughtful process, a legislative process, and not one that cant be undone when it goes to the voters thank you. Thank you. Would you mind stating your name on the record. Sorry, jason wallace. The hard truth is the eastern neighborhoods plan is a failure. When it comes to protecting pdr, the arts activities in the city which was clearly its promise all through its long drafting process, nearly 10 years, it isnt doing it. The report is out, the draft is out. We have it. A million feet are gone, a million feet already laucht and whats in the pipeline is going to take even more. That was not anticipated in the plan to happen so quickly and so pervasively. Whats going on is a massacre of art spaces in the city, a massacre, and a massacre of blue collar pdr businesses. They are being closed down, they are being pushed out. What these neighborhood plans have turned out to be is a blueprint for Luxury Housing Development in the mission and sought of market and dog patch. Thats what its doing. Just go down the street and look. Its there right in front of us. Thats what we got. People are saying, oh, yes, we need to do legislation, we need to do plan, we need to do process. Ive been coming here to city hall for 46 years and ive heard that promise over and over and you know what actually turns out . A lot of talk, a lot of process, a lot of meetings and token results, results that dont really deal with the problem strongly. The only way we ever get strong results that really deal with problems is take it to the voters, put it on the ballot and then we get a half measure at least out of the legislation. But otherwise i mean quite honestly, call for legislation, Everybody Knows its a delaying tactic, pressures off, its bs we got to put this on the ballot, well vote it and then if you want to worblg on it some more next year well work with you. Thank you, next speaker please. If theres one thing i think you have heard today is that policy aside in drafting the rules is a complicated issue. Theres a host of technical concerns and minutia. We do have concern about putting this on the ballot in terms of not being able to kind of tinker away and amend the measure to address the implementation issues. I understand one of the amendment is to allow the board to amend it after five years. There could be things that may need to be addressed in a short amount of time. Would not rest on the eastern neighborhood on the pdr question. We have been for the last five years engaged on the central some effort, 2011, we hope to be before the board in 2017 the consider this plan. The construction of a new pdr is a central issue and we have proposal that will be before you soon that is a comprehensive proposal that is cutting edge and includes things not just in terms of replacement but construction of the new pdr not just in the plan area but outside. We hope the board will consider it in full next year. We are quickly ramping up as part of the continued work on the map 2020 Mission Project to take up pdr reservation concerns as the immediate issue and we have gotten resources from the board to do so so we hope to have the opportunity to continue to work on these issues and flush them out in the near term. In terms of broad takeaways without getting into some of the wording of the measure, weve learned some general principles and takeaways on our work in the pdr and legislation in recent past. One is that as you have heard from recent speakers is that the role is varied even throughout the eastern neighborhood. They were not intended to preserve the pdr like a mixeduse office or mixedused residential; looking at the different role from the sally district or the unintelligible district. We have to preserve and build the pdr. There are tradeoffs for cost and personality for pdr space, onsite, offsite. There are design and functional requirements of pdr uses. We should think about those hard about how they are compatible with different building prototypes in different zoning envelopes and the kinds of spaces that we would end up with. We should consider the financial feasibility of the requirements in the context of all the Public Benefits that we are expecting of projects undertaken. We have very complex Public Benefits analysis looking at pdr in the context of other expectations like higher inclusionary housing requirements. And then of course one of the amendment that was introduced would deal with this issue but certainly we dont want to discourage any Property Owner from renting to a pdr or institutional tenant again by putting restrictions on them. Those underscore some of the broad considerations that we hope in legislation or measure would take into effect and underscore that we think this is a complex and technical issue. It takes time to work through the matter and we hope that we are not hamstrung in terms of having the board being able to on an ongoing basis i just a matter and take it up as the need be. Supervisor mar i want to thank mr. unintelligible for at least giving us my office some of the concerns and thanks to april and unintelligible from supervisor kims office for making amendments that are a good way of addressing some of those concerns and i would urge that i have heard loud and clear about the dangers if we dont act now. Mr. Arberling sounds like called it a massacre of art spaces, the elimination of bluecollar pdr. Kate suggested that the lot more be done by the city to support affordable pdr. I would like to know what we will do, what we can do to do that. I am meeting towards supporting an amended version of this given the crisis that many of our communities are facing. I know that supervisor tang pass legislation allowing some of the west side spaces to be used for manufacturing and sales. Supervisor tang citywide. Supervisor mar some of the main places where pdr occurs. I wanted to say that i am trying to understand more mr. Switzkys concerns. For now i am very supportive of this effort but want to see some of those amendment address the concerns. Supervisor tang i want to thank everyone who came out and spoke about this. At the heart of the issue all of us care about preserving the wonderful useful pdr spaces or uses. Of course, our as Additional Community organizations and art. Even as somoene who generally does not unintelligible appropriations i support the entire board is supplemental to preserve the nonprofit Stabilization Fund that supervisor kim brought forth. I know that again we all share in that same vein of thought. We want to preserve these great uses but of course i concur that it really should be legislative process because what happens there is that the Planning Commission will need to go and formally evaluate the proposal and formally weigh in on what the impact will be. It could be negative in terms of what this particular tool is doing here. And of course we dont want to see it go that way. I appreciate amendment but even as originally drafted it would have impacted neighborhoods even the sunset district where a shoe cobbler counts as a pdr use. Trying to find another pdr use is difficult. It is difficult to recruit business is to go into the westide of town. We drafted legislation to allow for two thirds of ground space to be dedicated towards Light Manufacturing as long as the third of the space is a storefront. Previously the planning code only allowed for a certain number of horsepower which wouldve powered blender for like production and manufacturing. We have not seen that they hold, the Light Manufacturing. We will like to encourage more like an factoring in some of the neighborhoods where we would not normally see that. Im concerned that there has been a huge divide in terms of folks for the many communities and the people who are actually in occupying pdr spaces or using and delivering pdr uses. They have not been part of the conversation and that is worrisome to me. I want to see that level of engagement occur. And so at this time even though the amendment i feel very uncomfortable with this particular ballot measure moving forward. One last thing that i will add is that i know there were a lot of folks from the Mission Community speaking about the preservation of art uses and so forth. I will say that this year the Planning Department in their Budget Proposal that included additional funding for planning solely dedicated to map 2020 and would have come with a huge set of proposals for the work that could be done in terms of amending the planning code to preserve what the mission is. A budget analyst recommended to cut that particular position. I was a supervisor in the Budget Committee that said no, we need to keep this. I want to thank the staff for coming up with the idea to allow the proposal to move forward so that we can have dedicated staff to come up with other legislative tools that we need to support our communities. I am very interested to see how that effort will be played out. Supervisor cohen . Supervisor cohen thank you supervisor tang for your work and remarks and i want to thank supervisor mar for the discussion leading up to this meeting and last week. My hope is that when we hear this again on monday that we will be able to continue the conversation and continue to talk to many of the issues with this item and either agree to move forward with a legislative solution or amend the measure. I am willing to support and include supervisor kims amendment with one change in the language and im going to read into the record. This the change where i would like to see to the amendment that she has proposed to the Geographic Area section on page 4, lines 1321. I would like to remove showplace where unintelligible and central water front area plans in the eastern area neighborhoods. I dont think the replacement obligations work for the area as i have mentioned. That has been little to no conversation with the affected Community Groups on this particular measure. I have heard from the Mission Neighborhoods. Maybe theyre interested in having it in so be it. There is a small segment of the Mission Neighborhood and i wonder how knowledgeable the entire community really is informed on the amendments and the Ballot Initiative. On the proposed amendment, i would like to allow the board of supervisors to amend this measure. I believe that it is extremely restrictive. We have gotten into trouble before as the board excuse me initiatives going to the voters without enough of civility. correction flexibility. I would like to place a fiveyear it limit on that ability. Supervisor tang supervisor kim has that written in. I want to comment on that. I think that may be a little bit too long; i want to ask the Planning Department staff in terms of evaluation, in terms of the policies. I think five years is too long . What would you say in terms of the time frame . Supervisor cohen i am not looking for that limit. I prefer to have a general requirement that states that the board of supervisors may amend the provision of the measure. Supervisor tang at any time. Right now it says after five years i suppose but supervisor kim. Supervisor cohen i would like to see if there is consensus in this body for that amendment. I want to make a motion that we adopted amendment with the change that i have articulated and those changes are to remove show square, central water and unintelligible from the plans. I encourage is sponsored to be open to continue feedback on the measure. I had the opportunity to Exchange Text messages and supervisor kim and i will sit down in the next several hours and days so that we can have a conversation facetoface. Supervisor mar but me ask, Showplace Square is in district 10 . Uhhuh. And central water plan is in district 10. I am supportive of that. Thank you. I am not supportive of the elimination of five years. Supervisor tang one or we take some of the suggestions first and then i have some other suggestions as well. First mistake what supervisor kims office has proposed intensive amendment but eliminating from the impacted area Showplace Square unintelligible and central water plant. Lets do that first and thats not take the part regarding the board of supervisors adopting an ordinance after 60 months. Okay . We can do that. Supervisor mars has made a motion, seconded by supervisor cohen. We will take up without objection. gavel and modifying at any time before or up to 60 mothns. The motion is to not accept it . Deputy city attorney. Supervisor kims proposal includes a fiveyear provision and an additional restriction that any amendments adopted by the board must promote or better achieve the underlining goal of protecting and enhancing pdrs in unintelligible . Are you proposing . Supervisor tang i am summarizing that statement. Your proposal is to amend the ordinance to provide as a new subsection at the end the board of supervisors may amend the provisions of this measure at any time, period. Supervisor tang any time to promote or better achieve the underlying goal of protecting and enhancing the pdrs. We would strike a couple of words from what supervisor kims office has brought to us, that last clause. So why dont i make a motion or suggest a motion to amend into the legislation one last paragraph which would say the board of supervisors may amend the provision of this measure at any time after its initial Effective Date to promote or better achieve the underlining goal of protecting or enhancing this pdr for institutional and art activity uses. That will be supervisor cohen to make a motion. Supervisor cohen so moved. Ill second that. Lets do a roll call. On the motion by supervisor cohen. Supervisor mar no. Supervisor cohen aye. Supervisor tang aye. Supervisor mar absent. Supervisor tang g1 gavel supervisor tang any project fully approved by the Planning Commission as of june 14th of this year and so id like to see if supervisor kims office would be amenable rather than saying the full Planning Commission approval, and that perhaps projects submitted unintelligible by that date instead. Your amendment is i apologize i cant make a decision on the half of the supervisor so i am unsure of what i can do in this situation. Okay. So just a warning, were tight on the timeline. Will continue this in a special meeting on monday. Perhaps it is something that you can bring back to supervisor kim for the grandfathering dates and what that would entail. The other thing is that i have heard a lot of concerns from folks involved in Small Development projects. And so again you cannot make this decision today but one thing i would like to ask the supervisor kim is a project smaller than a certain Square Footage would be exempt. Obviously we are going to have project not move forward if theyre not able to build the housing that they need to make up for the pdr space or the retail space. Again thinking about projects that are of smaller sizes; and the Square Footage could be obviously to be determined. So i think those were two of the main things i would like to see in place. Speaking to the Planning Departments concerns, i would like to see a few more controls in place regarding design and use of the space. Saying that we are replacing the pdr is something that may not be the best result. I believe that those were most of the concerns that i wanted to talk about at the moment. Of course we would love to follow up with supervisor kim after this hearing to see what else we can hash out before monday. With that then colleagues i think the item has been amended. I dont know if there are further questions or discussions about this. We have stated what i think our Committee Members are collectively desiring regarding discussion with the community. If we can get a motion to continue this item is amended to our special rules committee on monday . So moved. We take that up without objection. Thank you very much. Next item. I item 12, hearing to consider the proposed Initiative Ordinance submitted by four or more supervisors to the voters at the november 8, 2016 election, entitled ordinance amending the police code to prohibit the placement of tent encampments on public sidewalks. we appreciate your effort and service. unintelligible to provide our proposed overview of the ten t policy. Homelessness in San Francisco continues to persist. Tent encampments raised Numerous Public Health concerns for our city and our office does not believe it is compassionate to allow human beings to live in tents on our streets. Is dangerous for the residents of the encampments and our residents. We believe that we should do everything in our power to help get the homeless into the services and housing that they need to better themselves and to get out of this tent encampments. We are not confident that we can work out a consensus solution that the public and the board of supervisors can agree with. Our measure is straightforward and simple. We are not advocating a policy as a panacea for homelessness in seven cisco our policy is aimed solely at the tent encampment in San Francisco there our proposal makes it clear that they can only be removed with a 24hr. Notice. The department of public works will store the belongings for at least 90 days. Our intention is to get the homeless out of tent a tenth into housing. With provide the maximum flex ability for the department of homelessness in the front line workers. A we trust that the frontline workers are in the best position for each individual residing in the encampment. Would intentionally do not include any criminalization element. No individual beside will be cited, fined or put in jail as a result of this initiative. We appreciate the time today. I know this is an informational hearing but i will be happy to answer questions as well. Supervisor mar i know well have more for discussion at a later meeting. You mentioned that the solution is housing. What is a commitment coming from supervisor farrell on that to create housing . An adequate housing for homeless people. That is a fair question. We just included 11 million over two years of additional homeless housing, cosponsoring the. 75 sales tax that seeks to provide unintelligible over 25 yearsfour homeless dollars with a majority of that going to housing. We want to do everything in our power to get the homeless off our streets. Supervisor mar i know chair tang and i sitting through Budget Committee meetings over the last couple of years have number of hearings with the coalition for homelessness, the support housing roots but also the police and Law Enforcement side. I have concern that the human infrastructure side has not been involved in this. We have four members of the board banding together behind his policy. unintelligible . Supervisor mar i know mr. Montejano you mentioned that its not compassionate to allow tent to continue to exist but i view this as potentially violating unintelligible . It will not significantly increase costs to the city. I see some of that in there. Im guessing that we will get a controllers report. My understanding from the budget Analyst Report is that criminalizing the homeless, the analyst concluded that we are spending 18. 6 by the police alone for in some ways frivolous efforts to crack down on people without homes in public spaces. Is a wasteful 18. 6 million. This will focus more on Police Response as opposed to the human side equation of services and drug and Substance Abuse support and Mental Health support. I see this doing the opposite of what you have laid out and i want to put that into the record. Maybe if i could respond to that statement. Respectfully we drafted this policy not to have criminalization element whatsoever. If you look at the language of the initiative the individuals responsible from the city side in terms of going out and potentially removing encampments are the department of homelessness and support housing, the department of public works and the Department Public health. We do not mention the police department. It does not preclude them going out into situations where they are needed. It provides the maximum flexibility unintelligible . There is not a one size fits all solution. Supervisor tang any other questions or comments . Seen on lets go to the controllers statement this. unintelligible controllers office. The cost associated with implanting this policy varies greatly from minimal to significant depending on how the policies are implemented. At the minimal level the city can either choose not to enforce the prohibition on encampment or it could prioritize these individuals that are affected over individuals currently in the system, displacing those people. On the significant and the cost would be great if you choose to augment the services that exist currently so that youre not pushing existing individuals out of the system and providing more shelter and housing. It is unknown right now with the actual cost would be. Supervisor tang thank you very much. At this point im going to open up item 12 to this. Two speakers. Davis with the unintelligible collaborative. The organization is opposing this. This is a cruel, meanspirited measure. There is no can see that this will not lead to criminilaziation. Is a member of the Lgbt Community we are going to be present. We have members in this category at a disproportionate rate. I feel like this is trumping that rhetoric, getting certain segment of the population. I urge supervisors cohen, tang, ferrel and wiener to withdraw the measure. It does not represents francisco values. My name is elie johnson sounds like . I think we should have our unintelligible in you know every board unintelligible would be i would say that is better if we had unintelligible . On that issue. I think that we have unintelligible . Should be about 12 cents a piece. unintelligible that we have in our yard unintelligible . Should be about you know our links in unintelligible . Should be about im at 12 inches on that. That we be more on this issue becausebuilding is one of our processes as far as making money. unintelligible . Building houses in different perspectives and cannot be going through thank you very much. Any of the members of the public you wish to comment on item 12 . Seeing none, comment is close. gavel hearing filed without objection. Item 13. Hearing to consider the proposed Initiative Ordinance submitted by four or more supervisors to the voters at the november 8 , 2016 election, having to be here. Jeff montejano. In order to significantly address her housing shortage we need to address all different types of housing. The creation of unintelligible seems to be less contentious. Our initiative housing has the potential to realize tens of thousands over time. unintelligible . Before i begin to provide an overview of our initiative i went to address up front that supervisors farrel and unintelligible identification with one another. Supervisor unintelligible has unintelligible , we are hoping that we can get to a consensus before that meeting and remove this measure from the ballot. This upcoming monday supervisor farrell and unintelligible will be at the land use committee. We seek to introduce the amendment to the pending ordinance in front of you. It is our goal to get this done through the legislative process. If we are unable to come to a consensus that maximizes the most amount of Housing Units with the least restrictions we are prepared to head to the ballot as need be. The proposal would allow the creation of unlimited ad use capped unintelligible capped at no more than one unit in buildings of four unintelligible or less. We believe that at a resident to our commercial this is can ensure the longterm vitality of the commercial district as well additionally the proposal would allow one new adu to be constructed in new residential units of 5 units or less. It would codify existing practice of infilling unintelligible in buildings and allow ads to be added in the habitable space. Lastly we are proposing to retain the existing size the program in the current form supported by the board of supervisors unintelligible district specific legislation. It has been one of the most successful programs of producing adus good way to construct badly needed housing. Thanks and i will be happy to answer any questions again. Supervisor mar i am pleased about the shortterm rental limitations again. I have a question about how it will be monitored. In terms of the new construction of adus . Supervisor mar monitoring provision of potential uses of shortterm rentals. Are initiative prohibits newly constructed adus to be used for shortterm rentals. I recently created office of shortterm rental administration would be most charge was probably doing the majority of the monitoring and existing Planning Department and the department of building inspection as well. Supervisor mar and for buildings that are rentcontrolled buildings, how do you deal with the new unit . Will they be under our rent control ordinance . Yes, any new unit constructed will be permit rentcontrolled as well. Supervisor tang thank you. I know theres a lot of discussion going on about shortterm rentals in the city and so forth. I will say that from my districts perspective, many owners have not intended to rent out. Theres a lot of narrative that shortterm rentals are taking away from other rentals. Again, a lot of them are constructed because of monetary reasons and so forth but they never intended or wanted to rent to tenants. This is just a hearing set this point will open this last item to Public Comment. If anyone is here for this item please come on up. unintelligible need to make unintelligible as superisor daly supervisor tang if you would keep the comments to accessory dwelling units. unintelligible to the units because common sense we do have priorities. That need to be done. And our Children Situation needs to be explained to different parts of what has been happening which will be more unintelligible . Respect yourself a little better than turn different shades of green. A lot of the problem here in his world has been uncivilized effort, not things done because of nonresponse and unintelligible . And we dont have to unintelligible because of unintelligible got to do this or that. There is a reason for every purpose that we have unintelligible today. And our unintelligible and food is one of the things of our land that should be more appreciated in our values. Supervisor tang thank you very much. Seeing nor the members of the public who wish to speak Public Comment is closed. gavel at this time we estimate and minimal impact to the cost the government. Supervisor tang thank you it could have a motion to file this item. So moved. Anymore items . None. This meeting is adjourned. gavel . It seems like everyone in San Francisco is talking about housing San Francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone Million Dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the 207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher its more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why it housing in San Francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an alltime 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, its grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the citys history and its not only San Francisco it is greek the bay area has 2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403. 9 Million People unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing thats been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we dont pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents San Francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout San Francisco those plans developed by years of Community Planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and nonbuilt Affordability Housing that majority of housing in San Francisco as well as throughout the Country Market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1 3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is 70,000 this householder will have to pay no more than 7,150 to be affordable San Francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the Inclusive Program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you cant afford a million will home youre not alone in response San Francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now emails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the San Francisco Ethics Commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels were working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. Chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions were commented for Housing Needs for all san franciscans to learn all san franciscans to learn more visit highway working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world class style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. The citys Information Technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring Patient Safety at San Francisco general. Our it professionals make government accessible through awardwinning mobile apps, and support vital Infrastructure Projects like the hetch hetchy Regional Water system. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. clapping. i think we have more companies anywhere in the United States its at the amazing statement were not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. The most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think hes a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think were not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. I thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are Great Stories for on opera. I was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. A friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. Why isnt it are that i have the support now we can do that. I realized that was something that wasnt being done in San Francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed in San Francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision thats the final product felt opera. I was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. So much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work theres great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs weve worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. I had a model they have a professionally music yes, maam assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor id be able to work with them and its helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our ability to tell stories on stage. Thats part of the opera lab i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so thats why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. There were young people that are not interested in seeing traditional opera and like the quality and its different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and thats part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. So one of the great things of the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. Thats what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know, really great you have to have both some people dont like it and some people do were concerned about that. Its about thirty something out there thats risky. You know, disliked by someone torn apart and thats the whole point of what were drying to do you never take this for granted you make sure it is the best if you can. I love teaching. It is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. This really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. This is very enriching as an artist. A lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into negatives. There are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. That is a really big draw. This is a signature piece. This is the bill largest darkroom in the u. S. There are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. I think it is the heart of this place. You feel it when you come in. The people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography. We get to build the community here. This is different. First of all, this is a great location. It is in a lesspopulated area. Of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. It is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. The people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion. We offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. We offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. We offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. There is a way for the programs exploring everyone who would like to spend the day on this program. Hello, my name is jennifer. My name is simone. We are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. Cmon, cmon, cmon. Actually, i have been here a lot. I have never looked closely enough to see everything. Now, i get to take pictures. We want to try to get them to be more creative with it. We let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. You can focus in here. That was cool. If you see that . Behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. The see any more hills . These kids are wonderful. They get to explore, they get to see different things. We let them explore a little bit. They get their best. If their parents ever ask, we can learn they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. Some of the things they come up with are fantastic. That is what were trying to encourage. These kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. A lot of people come into my classes and they dont feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas. This is kind of the best kept secret. You should come on and take a class. We have orientations on most saturdays. This is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. Ready to develop your photography skills . The Harvey Milk Photo Center focuses on adult classes. And saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes. Hour. Good morning, everyone and welcome to the peoples palace and im here this morning to announce yet another milestone in our citys commitment to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour by and people will work this fourth of july weekend we are celebrating our countries birthday but recognizing in the celebration throughout the weekend people like the people had that are standing with me are working whether the restaurants or hotels or Health Care Workers and others and and we all feel for working people that is hard in our expensive city to survive unless you have a december sent wage thats why a couple of years ago i destined or joibd the board of supervisors full board of supervisors to place before the voters an 15 an hour minimum wage and people that work in all those industries we did it together and were celebrating because today it goes from 12. 25 an hour to 13 and up to 15 and after that cpi takes over i want to remind everybody this city was brought together with our labor unions and your working families made up of all the exit are represents our city and got this done in a strong collaboration with everyone and showed not only the cities around the bay area but the state of california if we got together and thought about peoples lives what glosses the challenges every day we can get this done for them i think were happy here to see the wages go up are rehappy yeah, well have more to celebrate in addition to, of course, the bitter of our nation and things we enjoy we picked this date it is a significant move and i also want to say that we know that our workforce all those peoples here they are still an affordability gap so this is going to help people he you go that suggest that a lot of people are working two jobs to support their families we want to celebrate those moms were all ushth together to help them but for also myself and mayor libby schaaf of oakland that recognizes our workforce is more regional than ever do more than benefit the residents that work in our city and so we joined. Today and cities that are committed along with cities like new york and seattle and los angeles and portland and the others also raised their minimum wage we want to the state of california to do the same thing because what could happen i think all the labor advocates know and people that we raised our minimum wage just and ourselves in the city of San Francisco or just in oakland we would probably be golden state talent that belongs to where everybody lives and not as affordable to them as it is to those were helping so mayor libby schaaf and along with the united Health Care Workers started a process and emigrate hundreds of thousands of snatches set the minimum wage higher of 15 an hour tour the state of california in uniting all the cities with the labor unions and workforces and people good minded across the region we got the governors attendance and the state of california attendance such that a few months ago governor jerry brown signed the legislation to raise the states entire minimum wage for everyone for 15 an hour over a period of time those movements wouldnt happen unless we place the needs of workingclass families that work hard to build that consensus im here to join in the celebration and here to say that im going to be working this weekend as well as in addition the celebrating but also acknowledge the people that always serve us at the hotels and restaurants and people that are working the janitorial and Building Maintenance and all working class in the city were there to be of help this will be consistent raising the minimum wage to attack affordability challenges is part of solution paid parental leave is part of the solution making sure that we work so that no one is a theft of their wages thats why your head of the department the labor enforcement is joining us with the advocates of people that earn those wages im saying they earn every single penny they deserve to make sure they get it in their hands thats why we announce these and make sure that everybody is prepared adequately ahead of time to make sure those wages are paid and wage theft we have to make sure that our workforce that speaks many languages dont get capture and been take advantage of this is how we really in city year ago we have a benefit and make sure that everybody obtains that benefit i want to say at that moment im proud of the working folks in San Francisco but the intensify region and proud of state of california and your legislation for working with the governor to a raise the minimum wage that adds to the celebration of the fourth of july and makes that more meaningful and then we hope that the entire nation does this as well question hear a lot of stories from a lot of places across the country that the liveability is under challenged or were taking care of business in the city and state and lets go on the National Level and support of the prosperous country to make sure they get a december sent wage wsip think we have paula to speak for her experience and what that means to her paula clapping. good morning. I want to again thank the mayor mayor ed lee for being the vera person that was instrumental in making in milestone occur and happen my name is paula im a home care worker and worked in the city there are challenges with the rising cost of rental rates and even though im covered by rent control im still monthly yearly challenged and with different increases that i have incurred in the last few months and years this new legacy life act 15 minimum wage will surely ongoingly help me through my endeavors thank you. clapping. good morning. Im naomi kelly the city administrator i should tell you that paula was ininstrumental in working with m and mayor schaaf she helped to organize snatches for the measure. Thank you paula for all your hard work i want to introduce antonio a Health Care Worker an organizing member of unit health care woeft west and worked to race erase the minimum wage and allowing home care workers to apply for overflow room he speeded there was something wrong with his mother it was alzheimers i want to introduce juan antonio. clapping. buenas dias. speaking foreign language. so good morning. Thank you for inviting me to prestige events for people i feel blessed. speaking foreign language. my name is juan antonio and in 2015 specifically he which is a Health Care Worker for my mom. speaking foreign language. i just want to be very clear even San Francisco home care workers work very hard we do that because the standards of living inform San Francisco was very high we work very hard to meet those needs. speaking foreign language. so the job was basically like this door by door house by hours snatch by snatch people refused to sign this will make that worse we said n join hands and Work Together and talk to the leaders theyll help us there was a Great Success this doesnt he said here the initial is very important we need to keep on working so the situation gets better for all of us. speaking foreign language. you cant say that as good but thank you to everybody especially mayor ed lee during that time when the Campaign Began until today to fight for this measure to come through we want to thank them from every member in the United Health care west and give them this im not sure what you call that laughter . Well, thank you. speaking foreign language. ed lee. This is especially made for you ed lee our mayor thank you. Okay. This is a beautiful portrait up next, we have the director of Office Standards and enforcements mr. Pat mulligan working with these men and women in the Office Enforcement who are here behind us in the audience and ones that are the advocates of minimum wage paid sick leave and parental leave and Health Care Accountability act not only fierce advocates by our enforcement and making sure that our businesses and contractors with the city, our all of people are getting a fair wage and benefits so my honor to introduce pat mulligan. clapping. thank you, naomi it is the mission of Office Standards and enforcement to provide enforcements of all local labor laws and approximate protection for all workers and an honor to serve those who support of aggressive and Labor Protections in the United States and do through the hard work of all the staff there the office of labor improvement id like to remind the employers indicating the increased minimum wage throughout San Francisco id like to add that is also particularly fitting we are celebrating this announced of an increase in minimum wage throughout San Francisco as we lead into the fourth of july depicts day weekends for many workers and modest increase or any increase in their earns represents real and a very well defined dependence have a great weekend thank you. clapping. and okay. And this ended our press conference i have to say the growth and strength of our local economy will prosper so. A lot of water heater in San Francisco look like this may be yours doesnt too do you know it is the post earthquake problems well show you to brace our water heater hi, everybody im patrick director of quarter safety for the city and county of San Francisco welcome to another episode of stay safe today, well talk about bracing water heaters water heater failure is a leading problem with earthquake fires you have a a Single Source youll have in our home. How are you. So what are we looking here. This is a water heater 3 weighs from 200 to nine hundred pound during an earthquake that weight will try to move sideways we need to secure is. Well brace the water heater our model home in south of market well use a simple kit interest the Hardware Stores from 20 it the the clean up itself single thing to do what necessary look like. This is what youll find in our kit a inch and a half wide strap to attach to the wall around the water heater and so you want to compare this in some garages around the city and state which is called plumbers tape innovate as strong and we need to brace the water heater if you find this youll want to replace it with a streetscaping kit. Weve put blocking so that way we streetscape the water heater a nice fit it is important and important probation officer mention you need to move our water heater to strap is it talk about to a license plumber theyll come out with a firm once we streetscape those obviously we want to follow the manufactures instructions. Typically the instructions will require the strap one strap be installed to fit the top third of the water heater and the bottom on the bottom 1 3rd away from the controls if it is above a certain size 50 gallons a third train e streetscape in the middle of the water heater. A lot of time i see older water heaters on the ground obviously explain why this is required and the mr. Chairman is required if you pa a water are hereto in the garage gas fumes can accommodate and the pilot light will ignite the fumes so you want to above the grouped level. So why not go ahead and he get started with the bracing. Were joined with peter from construction hell help us there you have it for not a lot of 340e7b in a short time we were able to reduce the risks as you can see secure and even in a big rumble bell not going to come losses thank you for watching well give is one more big push as you can see with good afternoon, today is july 14, 2016 welcome to Public Safety Neighborhood Services committee of San Francisco board of supervisors. Im john avalos. The vice chair [inaudible] joined by Committee Member david campos and joined by Committee Member supervisor aaron peskin. The clerk is erica major. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards should be submit today the clerk. Items will appear on july 26 board of supervisors ajendsa unless

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