We are having this discussion because low wage workers in the Fast Food Restaurant have paved been fired to raise the wages of themselves than their coworkers. That is the only way to get out of the drop that justins analysis hypothesizes. I think to ask a question about Public Policy measures, be they minimumwage kerrmcgee rtc labor and unemployment, you have to ask the question, are they are promoting a high wage lowwage society . We dont like the lowwage society but weve consciously built one and we can make different choices if we wanted different. Michael, did you want to come in . I will be brief. To think about it from the broad 30,000foot level of society to recognize the different agents in society have been responsibilities. Imagine workers firms in the government. In some sense, damon is arguing that we dont miss the lowwage system. If you talk about fast food industries, restaurants and lowwage workers, it is simply unrealistic to expect that a firm that is substantively tr
in a palace and get more for it whether any of it worked or not the message is always th same the red, stays republica states will give you freedom from government control. freedom from taxes and somberness are galatians what s that freedom mean do americans feel free in state where they lawfully truc wherein whether to have family do they freeze feel free o states where they re forced to give birth here they feel free in state where books are banning cannot choose what to read? how about where schools ar restricted from teaching students about black history and where teachers are not elect evening nanjin classrooms at lgbtq people exist? what parents of transgende children are under threat of the state forcibly removin their case from their care i they are caught seeking medica attention for them where children were gunned dow at school in the state government moves to protect th fire and companies are being sued that is what is happening in republican led states righ now. it does not
antibioticsd antibiotics. what has happened? they relieve. loc k dosown nows an what s happene? dthey relieve the lockdown s. and in china, people people are scrambling to the are ph scrambling to the pharmacies, trying to find tylenol, tryingad tylenol and moe treupb. we won t get to find motrin. we re it. not th goingey re to get ithoar because they re hoarding it over their panickedding it ther. panic buying because of the pill pouying because ofpp the pill popping situation in the pharmaceuticale pharmaceutical culture around the world. he culture around the world. sore we herear wee in are in td states and the university the ud states. in uta ofh they r utah reported this weekep thator nobody cant findno liquid ibuprofenbody can find liqui, which is motrin, liked ib motrin, tylenol, again, shortuprofen, like motrin 95% of all of the ibuprofen in the united. nighty five percent o states coming from china and everybody out there goingf e coming from china. i to the pharmacy shelves
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flashing signal to every democratic candidate out there especially in o states where th have done theseal very extreme things like no exception for rape oron incest. and even in states where they have just banned them after, you know, any time after six weeks, this really needs to be a motivating issue in the midterms and could really make i a difference. so, prerow-v wade when we looked at the midterms seemed like it could be devastating fod democrats. numberti one issue for american voters was caeconomy, inflation inflation, inflation. after looking at tonight, is that going to change? is this a moment, as claire points out for democrats, to push on what matters to americans andat that s reproductive rights? steph, certainly could be a clarifying moment for voters around theen country because it thery first electoral test we v had of abortion since the supreme court dobbs decision. andt senator mccaskill pointed