Unwanted, the poorly bred, those yearning to be free, and we will do whatever the hell we can to make it if were given a chance. It is the exception among us who doesnt have that in their blood. Remember who we are because who we are is the key to what we are and why this country has always been great. Thats our closing argument. Thank you for getting after it with us tonight here. Ill see you tomorrow night. D lemon picks it up from here. Its a great closing argument. Number one, lebron james talked to me about the kids being separated at the border. Again, hes saying thats not who we are. Number two, when you said that and talked about summer camp, you reminded me. I saw your wife this weekend. Didnt you pick up one of your kids from summer camp . She was in chicago, and she won best actor in her level of character she had. You know whats sad . I asked a guest a while back, do you think that its possible that some of these kids will never be reunited with their parents . The guest sa
A recap of the days news. The idea that somehow this is floating out in the ether somewhere in orbit far away from the central focus of this investigation is just not true. Those lines of investigation are open. And this is a man who has shown himself willing to do some fairly dodgy work for people supported by the kremlin abroad in the ukraine. And thats one reason why hes standing in court today. And this is just the beginning and again, one of two trials. The first of two trials for Paul Manafort this summer. So this is and the first one as far as the russia investigation. Listen, theres they have to go a long way, as you said. Theres a long way to go, and april, the judges name is ts ellis. He banned any mention of President Trump, russia or collusion from the courtroom. I mean, that may be, but the trial is no doubt weighing on this white house. It is definitely weighing on this white house, don. From my sources, theyre saying
the white house is very concerned. They are trying to
with his lobster and superman socks worn on his 89th birthday or canadian prime minister justin trudeau sport everything from ducks to chewbacca. you re famous for your socks. it distracts people every now and then. so do no socks in a courtroom. since he s in custody, manafort is not allowed to wear a belt or shoe laces and he s only allowed government issued white socks. his spokesman tells cnn he doesn t like white socks. as esquire put it, paul manafort is being forced into socklessness by his own vanity. they also point out actually white socks are awesome, they re in. love with the white socks. reporter: but some loafa lovers prefer freedom for their feet and if he wouldn t wear white socks, it s a safe bet the fashion conscious former trump campaign chairman wouldn t get caught dead in trump hair socks
whether or not a message has been sent back. we ve heard about back channels the administration likes to have. we don t know if there s a pardon deal on the table or if that s been mentioned. at this point, i feel like he keeps his mouth shut and moves forward. this is a paper case. it will be easy to prove. i expect he s going to be convicted of it, and at the end of the day, he s looking at a long time in jail if, in fact, trump doesn t come in and give him a pardon? . are you insinuating there s fear about you said he was moving money for the russians? well, shehe s charged with my launderi laundering. we know he s had involvement with folks of a less savory nature. at this point he s decided to keep his mouth shut and go through the process. knowing if he gets convicted, i m sure trump knows what he knows. that is manafort thinks that maybe some leverage to help him
been sent back. we ve heard about back channels the administration likes to have. we don t know if there s a pardon deal on the table or if that s been mentioned. at this point, i feel like he keeps his mouth shut and moves forward. this is a paper case. it will be easy to prove. i expect he s going to be convicted of it, and at the end of the day, he s looking at a long time in jail if, in fact, trump doesn t come in and give him a pardon? . are you insinuating there s fear about you said he was moving money for the russians? well, he s charged with money laundering. we know he s had involvement with folks of a less savory nature. at this point he s decided to keep his mouth shut and go through the process. knowing if he gets convicted, i m sure trump knows what he knows. that is manafort thinks that maybe some leverage to help him seek a pardon later on. glen, manafort so far hasn t had a lot of luck here. he was thrown in jail by a d.c. judge over allegations that he was wit