bolduan in for erin burnett, tonight, witness tamperings. cassidy hutchinson said someone in trump s world tried to influence her testimony to the panel and we know now, one of the two examples of possible witness intimidation presented to the committee in that block buster hearing was in fact sent to hutchinson, mark meadow s former aide. what they said to me is as long as i continue to be a team player, they know i m on the right team. i m doing the right thing, i m protecting who i need to protect. you know i ll continue to stay in good graces in trump world. and they have reminded me a couple of times that trump does read transcripts, and just keep that in mind as i proceed through my interviews with the committee. here s another sample, in a different context. this is a call received by one of our witnesses. quote, a person let me know you have your deposition tomorrow. he wants me to let you know he s thinking about you. he knows you re loyal and you re going to do th
Justice sotomayor said, look, even though the commission may have made commissioners may have made disparaging comments about religion, this was assessed by other entities, by courts, and there was no need to say that the context here affected t case. That these two individuals did face discrimination and it should be read as that. So they were the only two that broke off, but as i say, Justice Kennedy, i think he wanted to caution everyone in the courtroom, and probably anyone reading this opinion, that this is a very small step in the case of these particular men. Again, Justice Ginsburg and sotomayor said otherwise, but i think it really opens the door to what would come next from the next case. I would just add one other thing, Justice Kennedy noted that in 2012, when this had happened, colorado was not
is interesting, how this is going to play out over the next six months or so. And i said, well, explain. He said, well, is going to bed by republicans as an effort for freedom, for
tonight, the push to charge former president trump with a crime for his role in the january 6th selection, a new poll by the associated press shows 48% of americans believe trump should be charged, 31% saying he should not be charged, 21% saying they don t know. those responses, though, coming before the blockbuster testimony from former white house aide, cassidy hutchinson, outfront now with some perspective, former senior council to ken star during the clinton whitewater investigation. thank you for being here, paul, you wrote a piece a few months back detailing the challenges attorney general merick garland would face if charged with the role on january 6th, but now you say hutchinson s testimony makes it harder for garland to not bring charges against trump.
that wasn t written by the president. the president didn t sign off on anything. the president was not involved in the drafting of the statement and did not issue the statement. it came from donald trump jr. he certainly didn t dictate, but, you know, he, like i said, he weighed in,ggestions like an woulddo. let s get to it. with me now, kim waily, former assistant u.s. attorney who worked in the clinton whitewater investigation, joe lockhart, cnn political commentator, and joining us, former republican congressman charlie dent. let s do this. congressmen, someone is lying, either the president or his attorneys. do you care to take a bet? well, i don t know what the president shared. i have n idea what the president shared with his attorneys. could be the attorneys were stating what they thought was the truth as they knew it. but clearly someone is not telling the truth here, either the president or the people who spoke on his behalf or both. it is pretty inexcusable, really
attorney he fired says that is a case. i think there is evidence for a case. no one knows right now if there is a provable case of obstruction. what i see as third party out of government there s no basis to say there s no obstruction. but then ken starr, yes, that ken starr, former independent counsel investigated the clinton administration in 1990s, he disagrees with him. even if the president said what the director said he said, does that in fact constitute either obstruction of justify or another crime. i don t think it s close at this stage. we shall see. there is a requirement of corrupt intent. i don t think at this stage we re anywhere near a crime nonetheless we have to investigate it. robert ray is a former federal prosecutor. he succeeded ken starr as independent council issuing the final reports on the clinton whitewater investigation. nice to see you, sir. good to see you, greta.