else. when you challenge that, we are in a dangerous zone when simply because you challenge evidence that s being posed against your client, oh, you are victim blaming. no. i am holding people accountable for attempting to hold me accountable or my client accountable. that s one issue. pivoting to the issue second with respect to the investigation, i think it s dangerous when we allow a person to put together a report i have known miss james for 20 years, confident, able, intelligent, a superstar, no doubt. she didn t do the investigation. she appointed it elsewhere. now we have to look at who are the parties that conducted the investigation. are they objective? have they have preformed notions? we as attorney challenge investigatory reports all the time. it s not that a prosecutor puts out a report and we say we are defense attornies here, nothing to see here, turn the page. no. what did those investigators do? what s in the report? was everybody interviewed and evaluated? was there