The following are letters to the editor endorsing a candidate or party in our towns that were received too late for inclusion in the print pages. They are organized by town:
Falls Village
Barger is the right choice for Falls Village
I urge voters of Falls Village to support Dave Barger f
By John McKenna Republican-American
Retired Superior Court Judge Charles D. Gill recognizes Maeve Moura, a third-grader at Center School and one of the recipients of Gill s art awards. John McKenna Republican-American
Six budding artists at Center School and Litchfield Intermediate School were honored before the Board of Education by another artist: retired Superior Court Judge Charles D. Gill.
Gill appeared at the board’s May 13 meeting to present the inaugural Charles D. Gill Art Awards and the $100 bill each one came with to kindergartner Thoren Gagnon, first-grader Lily Derkatch, second-grader Elliot Lavoie, third-grader Maeve Moura, fourth-grader Danika Crapo, fifth-grader Aleah Tiong and sixth-grader Sara Anderson.
Yes, rather be safe than sorry. 50%, 66 votes 66 votes 50%
No, it s a one-in-a-million chance. 46%, 61 vote 61 vote 46%
Not sure. 4%, 5 votes 5 votes 4%
Total Votes: 132
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Yes, rather be safe than sorry. 50%, 66 votes 66 votes 50%
No, it s a one-in-a-million chance. 46%, 61 vote 61 vote 46%
Not sure. 4%, 5 votes 5 votes 4%
Total Votes: 132
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Vote No, it s a one-in-a-million chance. Not sure.
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