get out of their own way and make a deal with just hours to go until the president s trip? we have breaking news tonight on the investigation of the shooting on the set of alec baldwin s movie rust that killed cinematographer held lean t ha elalyna hutchins and inj joel souza. the director saying this. there are safety protocols that are supposed to be followed bid everyone in the industry and that did not happen in this case on multiple levels. there is a new search warrant affidavit with a shocking revelation. the assistant director david halls failed to fully check the gun that fired the fatal shot before he handed it to alec bal baldwin, again, according to the affidavit. the afford revealing 24-year-old hanna reed gutierrez only on her second movie, no live ammo is ever kept on the set but that s not what the sheriff says.
with securities and because they don t understand the trading, it s a level of sophistication. who is going to do the monitoring of whether or not these social media companies are monitoring the way the law tells them to? amen. that point of agreement i ll let you go because i got to get to big breaking news of the story from hollywood. you know what we re talking about. i love you d. lemon. i love you, as well. talk to you soon. this is breaking news we have on the investigation of the tragic fatal shooting on alec baldwin s movie set last week. there is new information coming out now that obviously, killed the cinematographer held lean t helenaalyna hutchins and production is on hold. before the gun was fired after a gun incident injured a crew member according to the production company on the 2019
would leave their family behind and use that as leverage. another told cnn his entire family was executed to punish him for not fulfilling his mission. agents who have defected have consistently said if they re caught they re under orders to commit suicide rather than to fall in enemy hands brian todd, cnn, washington. somehow, i doubt you ve never said this, the ferrari dealership is like my second home. ahead, you ll meet the man who earns extra cash by flipping super luxury cars. that story, as cnn newsroom rolls on. your baby is getting ieven more than clean.t, the scent, the lather, even the tiny bubbles of a johnson s® bath are helping to enhance the experience. the touch of your hands is stimulating her senses. nurturing her mind. and helping her development. so why just clean your baby
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