Please welcome threetime. Rammy winner angelique to [applause] emancipate yourself from mental slavery have no fear none of them can stop the time how long shall they kill our profits while we stand aside and lose something is just a part of it you help to say songs of freedom. All i ever had Redemption Song demption song emancipate yourself from mental slavery nobody but ourselves can free the mind none of them can stop the time how long shall they killed the profit while we stand aside and lose just a part ofs it freedomg the all i ever had Redemption Song all i ever had Redemption Song freedomngs of of freedom [applause] you. Ank ,o date is a special day bridging our cultures and or cells. Know yourys better to neighbor than not. This is a blessing song that i would like to share with you. I would like you to sing the blessing song with me in one of my native languages. If you do not know, it is simple. T goes like this on ome dont be shy. Get it. Africa africa lets go Africa Africa
Going through the judiciary to secure your rights can be like a game of “Snakes and Ladders.” You climb up a bit, slide down, climb up again, and keep going until you get justice..
May 28, 1967-April 7, 2023 Surrey Wesley (Wes) Dale Soper, 55, Surrey, ND, passed away peacefully on April 7, 2023, after a brief but hard-fought battle