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Please welcome threetime. Rammy winner angelique to [applause] emancipate yourself from mental slavery have no fear none of them can stop the time how long shall they kill our profits while we stand aside and lose something is just a part of it you help to say songs of freedom. All i ever had Redemption Song demption song emancipate yourself from mental slavery nobody but ourselves can free the mind none of them can stop the time how long shall they killed the profit while we stand aside and lose just a part ofs it freedomg the all i ever had Redemption Song all i ever had Redemption Song freedomngs of of freedom [applause] you. Ank ,o date is a special day bridging our cultures and or cells. Know yourys better to neighbor than not. This is a blessing song that i would like to share with you. I would like you to sing the blessing song with me in one of my native languages. If you do not know, it is simple. T goes like this on ome dont be shy. Get it. Africa africa lets go Africa Africa lets go Africa Africa [applause] you. K at kaiser permanente, we are committed to shaping the future of health. We believe that everyone, regardless of who they are or where they live, should have the ability to be healthy to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. We are proud to be a Founding Member of the Smithsonian Museum of African American history and culture. The museum is a wonderful acknowledgment of the importance of the contributions that African Americans have made to the success of the United States. Kaiser permanente is thrilled the museum is creating a space that reinforces the concept that no one is prevented from achieving their potential orause of social conditions circumstances. [applause] we all have dreams for ourselves, and our families. Future. Or a brighter streams forr these people, for organizations, for communities. It is a promise that beats in the heart of who we are as a country. Oflt on the foundation providing security for families. Thise proud to celebrate institution and the dreams of achievement to have driven and will continue to drive lasting positive change across the country. Order ready [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our distinguished speakers. [applause] please welcome the 43rd president of the United States, george w. Bush and former first lady, laura bush. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, accompanied by first lady, michelle obama. [applause] please remain standing for the national anthem. National anthem] [applause] order [drumming] [applause] dr. Ease welcome reverend utts the third. It is hard to believe it has been four years since we were first tier for the groundbreaking. Archer met this accomplishment. A special word of appreciation goes out to brother lonnie bunch. [applause] only through his efforts and a dedicated staff that worked with him was is able to be accomplished. The night is beautiful. My people. Faces of the stars are beautiful. So are the eyes of my people. Son. Iful also is the beautiful also are the souls of my people. Say it loud. I am black and i am proud. Say it loud. I am black and i am proud. When those thousands of slaves ships took us far beyond the sights and smells of our land, and be on the farreaching theghts of our sins caribbean, south america, central america, and the wilderness of north america there, we were asked to sing one of the songs. Others said, you can think if you know the lord. We did seeing. We think spirituals. We sing the blues. They think them on broadway, in the hollywood old, they put them in symphonies, they fixed them so they dont even sound like me. They took my spirituals. They put them in that beth, carmen jones, in all kinds of swing, everything, what about me . Ike is one day someone will stand up and talk about me. They will write about me. They are going to write about me. Black and beautiful. They will do plays about me,. Ake movies about me where is Oprah Winfrey . Make movies about me. I guess it will be me. Yes, me. What we are witnessing here today is the a compliment of many, all walks of life, coming together to put of this monument to those who made america great. Yes. We built the wall. Ofput steak and mud on top each other. We built the wall. Not only literally, but figuratively. Anybody could be great if you had me working for you for 200 years and never paid me a dime. Come on. Then, we had to get it straight. Civil war tried to straighten us out. They had to send a statue over here to commemorate me. We put it in our home, new york city. Everybody. This is give me your tired, your humble masses. Send these to me. We need this museum because it was me polishing the door to keep it cold in all those years. [applause] i see this audience in front of me, by know there are those across the country watching this now. I celebrate this date because not only do we have a chance to give great applause to our president , the one and only, who has done more for this country than anyone in a long time, barack obama. [applause] i want you to know, as i stand here im almost through, but im a baptist preacher, so that is the first finish the words of inspiration are meant to say to in this museum is the blood, sweat, and tears of generations. In this museum is the blood, sweat, and tears of men who have gone out and raised the dollars to make this work. Sat me why im glad they next to ken. You to give him a round of applause because he did a lot of work to get this done. [applause] finally, i want to state of the unrest in the nation today, and im very aware of what is going on. When i go in here and walk past the capture of emmett till, im very aware of what is going on. This was only accomplished because men and women of goodwill, black and white, rich and poor, republican and democrat, put their hearts together, their minds together, and their hands together in order to build this Great Monument to a people who have truly given their all to the United States of america. Finally, i want to say, do not be discouraged by what is ahead. Hold onto your dreams. Keep the faith. One africanamerican preacher wrote, he said, harder yet may be this site and write may often yield to might. Satan caused may seem to gain. All but there is a god that those above. If i am right, he will fight my battles, and we will be free someday. I think we are right. I think dr. King was right. I think Marian Anderson was right. I think so many who have gone before us are right. I think barack obama is right. If we are right, god will fight our battles and we will be free someday. I think you for gathering today. We have a wonderful celebration before us. May god bless you. May god less the African American museum of history and culture. May god bless america. Thank you so much. [applause] ladies and jenna men, the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, david scorney. [applause] good morning. Togetherstoric day to on the National Mall of the United States. It is my distinct pleasure to everyone to this dawning of a new air at the Smithsonian Institution today. Today, we open wide the doors of this museum so that people in the nations capital, throughout america, and across our world. The dream that so many envisioned is made real. Several people who supported us along the way are here with us this morning. Including john lewis, representative of georgias district and author of the original legislation to establish the museum. [applause] Sam Brownback, governor of kansas and lead senate sponsor and coauthor of the legislation. [applause] it is also my great honor to welcome former president and mrs. Bush and current president and mrs. Obama. [applause] thank you all for your enthusiastic support of this endeavor. We welcome as well to Vice President joe biden and dr. Joe biden dr. Jill biden. Mr. Vice president , i personally thank you for your work on behalf of our work as the board of regents of district and aute original legislation to establish the museum. [appes district and author of te let me also recognize paul ryan, speaker of the house. [applause] former president bill clinton. [applause] nancy pelosi, House Democratic leader, representative of californias 12 district. District and author of the original legislation to establish the museum. [applause] Sam Brownback, governor of kansas and lead senate sponsor and coauthor of the legislation. [applause] it is also my great honor to welcome formereleanor holmes noe to the district of columbia. [applause] of, muriel bowser, mayor washington, d. C. [applause] and, to the Supreme Court justices, members of the cabinet, members of the diplomatic corps, for dignitaries, and all of our distinguished guests, welcome. Thank you for your tremendous support of the smithsonian and the museum of African American museum and culture. Like all of the Smithsonian Museums, this one truly belongs to the american people. A museum is many things, but to elements are important. The people who curate, preserve, and shared stories, and the collection itself. The incredible passion for this museum becomes evident when you find out about its collections. The majority of the nearly 37,000 objects, 3000 of which are currently on display, come from individuals and families, memories passed down through generations, stored in cupboards and addicts, hung on walls, displayed on coffee tables. Yet, the people who donated these personal moment does new of their great power. The items displayed on the walls uths. Is Museum Display fromtory is indivisible the american story. That story is often resilient, triumphant, and inspiring. But, it is also tragic. Confronts candidly slavery and jim crow. Legacies that hot us to this day. Honesty, this museum will spark dialogue, not just about our past, but are present. It will be an important part of the national conversation, helping us to more effectively face are racial issues and divisions and move forward, somehow, together. , to striking monument africanamerican contributions and citizenship, this National Museum of African American history and culture will help us in our common cause of building a more perfect union. To quote lincoln, it will strive into finish the work we are to bind up the nations wounds. Congratulations to director lonnie bunch and his staff for this remarkable achievement, and , thee Museums Council smithsonian region, and all of staff who made this possible. Thank you. [applause] please welcome the vice chair to the board of regents of the dr. Hsonian institution, da shirley ann jackson. Good morning. It is a high honor to me to be here today. Education,life, my surrounded by the resources of our nations capital. Segregated school. The people with the highest expectations for me, as a young africanamerican girl, where my parents where my parents. My mother taught me to liz and i to read before kindergarten. My father, very mechanically gifted, served in world war ii, in a segregated army unit. Heing the normandy invasion, prepared the writer amphibious s that brought the troops to shore. He did this under fire. For that, he received a bronze star. My parents, borges 50 years after the end of the civil war alone could not have carried me to the life i have had. Without the influence of two events that set me on a new trajectory and had the Smithsonian Institution not been here to substantiate that influence. The first was the brown versus board of education Supreme Court decision which allowed me to attend integrated schools instead of traveling miles across washington to segregated schools. The second of it was the lunch by the soviet union of sputnik one, the first artificial satellite, which ignited my interest in science and strengthened the math and Science Curriculum in the Public Schools in the United States. School, i was tested and placed in an accelerated honors program, which led me to m. I. T. , where i was one of only two africanamerican women in my class. The first ever. I had the smithsonian has an extension of my classroom. It opened my eyes to the wonders of the Natural World and decides. Its art and Cultural Resources allowed me to understand other eras, other places, other lives. It took a young girl, not from a wealthy background, from a segregated environment and in noble i life. Ed her today, the Smithsonian Institution launches a museum with a history, culture, and heroism of africanamericans, congressmaner, like john lewis, like our president , barack obama, and others are recognized fully, constituting a thet tributary, feeding larger strain of our national story. This is meaningful to me and for millions like me. We did a very great thing today to the millions of children from all over the nation and around the globe who will come to the museum of African American history and culture, be moved and astonished, and emerge with an elevated sense of their own , their own prospect, their own potential. My father always says, and for the stars. You at least aim for the treetops, and be sure to get off at the ground. I took his advice. , theirricanamericans achievements, large and small, one been given an honor here the National Mall. On behalf of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution, i think all of you for being here and all of those who brought this to reality. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, and gillette Angela Bassett and robert de niro. [applause] from the time that came to theseans shores. Their joys and the music inside. Frederick douglass said this. There is but one destiny available to us. The way to right wrongs is to truth. E light off of one had better die fighting against injustice and die like a dog. Said ida b well, one of the founders of the naacp. Mohammed ali came off the round. N the eight this is what he said. Champions are not made in gyms, champions are made from something they have deep inside them. Vision. , a dream, the they have to have the last minute of stamina, they have to be a little faster, have the skill and the will. The will has to be stronger than the skill. When they asked her why she did not give a percy on the bus when they told her to, rosa parks said this, i was not tired physically, i was not old, i was 42, no, the only tired i was was tired of giving in. I believe that if one can touch ace diversity, variety of its people, laugh at its craziness, distill wisdom from its tragedies, and attempt to synthesize all that is inside itself without going crazy, one would have earned the right to of themselves citizen the United States. So wrote james alan mcpherson. , whongressman john lewis at 21, was one of the 13 original freedom riders said this. We may not have chosen the ime, but the time has chosen us, ours is not a struggle that years, few weeks, a few it is a struggle of a lifetime. Thank you. Please welcome u. S. Representative of the fifth Congressional District of georgia, john lewis. [applause] rep. Lewis president and mrs. Biden,Vice President jill biden, president and mrs. Bush, president clinton, mr. Chief justice, and members of , to thed of regents Museum Advisory council, secretary davis, and dr. Lonnie bunch, to the leadership of the United States congress, to the house and senate, in memory of the late representative of s of thise architect incredible building, and the white house, the congress, the smithsonian who push and pull together to make this moment happened and to all of the Construction Companies and their you. , i thinank thank you for all you did to help lead to this mind of the day. Ive long as there is a United States of america, now there will be a National Museum of African American history and culture. [applause] this is a great achievement. Thinkingu, i feel like from theg the song march on washington 50 years ago. How we got over. How we got over. There were some who said, it could not happen. Who said, you cannot do it, but we did. We didnt. We are gathered here today to. Edicate a building this place is more than a building. It is a dream come true. You and i. The veterans, and their supporters, they met right here in washington, d. C. In 1916. Exactly 100 years ago, the 19th Street Baptist Church still in existence today. All said, see what a dream can do. , ay rolled up their sleeves chest of war on their backs. The could not read orlaration of independence write their own names, but in their hearts, the burning vision. F true democracy no threat of death that ever a racist. Understand the meaning of their contribution. Its that possibility in motion, passing down through the ages from heart to heart and breast th to breath. This museum is a testament to the dignities of the dispossessed in every corner of the globe who urine for freedom. It is a song to the scholars and andbes, scientists teachers, to the revolutionaries, and the voices of protest. To be ministers in the office of ,hese, it is a story of life the story of our lives. Wrapped up in a beautiful golden crown of grace. T voiceear the distance of ancestors was spring, steal away home, we have not got long to stay here. I woke up this morning with my mind on freedom. All of the voices, for centuries, have finally found a home here, in this Great Monument. Are paying, are suffering, and our victory. When i was a little child alab g up in rural, alabama hundreds of miles from the washington monument, our teachers would tell us to cut out photographs of great African Americans for negro history week, not African American history month. I became inspired by the story of George Washington carver, Jackie Robinson, rosa parks, and so many others whose life and work would be enshrined in this museum. As these doors open, it is my hope that each and every person will walk this museum away deeply inspired, filled with a greater respect for the dignity of every human being and of commitment to the ideals justice, equality, and true democracy. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, former first lady of the United States, mrs. Laura bush. [applause] thrilled to be here today. This is such a really terrific day. On december 16, 2000 three, president george w. Bush authorized the legislation for the establishment of a new Smithsonian Museum, the National Museum of African American history and culture. [applause] when i toured the museum with dr. Lonnie bunch last week, we reminisced about those beginning days of the museum, the legislation had been authorized, the site had been secured. Lonnie had been hired as the museums director. I will never forget lonnies thein words what we consider cultural and historical significance of what was to come. He paused for dramatic effect, or so i thought, and then said, what do we do now . Lonnie, look at what you have done. [applause] you and your team have truly achieved a monumental achievement, congratulations. Thenext speaker signed legislation and assured the museums place on the National Mall, my president , president george w. Bush. [applause] president bush thank you all. Thank you, darling. [laughter] laura has been very much engaged in this museum for a long time. She said on the board sits on the board. Were honored to be here. My first reaction is i hope all of our fellow citizens come to this place. It is fabulous. [applause] lady,esident and first Vice President , chief justice, david, thank you very much. I do want to give a shout out to lonnie. It is really important to understand this project would not and could not have happened without his drive, his energy, his optimism. Years ago, members from both parties and Sam Brownback informed me they were about to introduce legislation for a new museum to celebrate the achievements of africanamericans. It would be fair to say that the congress and i did not always see eye to eye. If you know what i mean, mr. President. This is one issue where we strongly agreed. I was honored to sign the bill. I was honored to sign in this national treasure. Itm proud it stands where always belongs, on the National Mall. [applause] this museum is important, it did an important addition to our country for many reasons. Here are three. First, it shows a commitment to truth. A great nation does not hide its history. It faces its flaws and correct them. [applause] this museum tells the truth that a country founded on the promise of liberty held millions in chains. The price of our union was americas original sin. From the beginning, some spoke to truth. John adams who called slavery and evil of colossal magnitude, their voices were not heeded, and often not heard. They were always known to a power greater than any on earth. One who loves his children and meant them to be free. Second, this museum shows americas capacity to change. For centuries, slavery and segregation seemed permanent. Permanent parts of our national ore, but not that turner frederick douglass, harry tubman or rosa parks, or Martin Luther king jr. [applause] all answered cruelty with courage and hope. In a society governed by the people, no wrong lasts forever. After struggle and sacrifice, the american people, acting through the most democratic of means, amended the constitution that originally treated slaves as 3 5 of one person to guarantee equal protection of the laws. After a decade of struggle, civil rights acts and Voting Rights act were finally inducted. This museum will inspire us to go farther and get there faster. Showcaseshe museum the talent of some of our finest americans. The galleries celebrate not only africanamerican equality, but africanamerican greatness. I cannot help but note [applause] hugenot help but note the influence, in my teenage years, is on a tear. The great chuck berry. Idol, growing up in far west texas, the great willie mays. And of course, something i never really mastered, the ability to give a good speech, but Thurgood Marshall sure could. Some may know that i am a fledgling painter, a struggling artist. I have a new appreciation for artists beautiful work displayed here. Our country is better and more vibrant because of their contributions and the conjugations of millions of African Americans. No telling of American History would be complete nor accurate without acknowledging them. The lesson in this museum is the allamerican share of past and a future by staying true to our rightinges, writing injustice, and encouraging the empowerment of all. We will be a greater nation for generations to come. I congratulate all played a role in this beautiful museum. May god bless us all. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, stevie wonder. [applause] mr. Wonder thank you so much. I have not seen it yet, but im going to. [laughter] [applause] i was born blind, but blessed with a vision. Of vision sees what we all know and feel. I know and feel that we must come together. Not go on, any of it, all of it. Hatredkandforth of the. Other countries getting involved in our business no, no. It cannot go on. History has shown us that we can rise. Up from all of these moments that should never define us. Comeremind us that we can together, as we have, as we can, and as we will. As you climb the stairs of this , as youent testament visit the story of the people, the country, the spirit, remember our strength, our courage. Know that we must come together. We must come together. Think about that. As you think, can i ask all of you one question . Just one question. Only you can answer. where is our love song . Lovere is our song of of loveis the sound the love of all humanity where is our love song are desperately needed song of love hope thatkind of leaves us behind words of hope thhe words we are seein singin, but you will have to sing forever more a love song between you and i where is our love song needed song of love in love [applause] please welcome chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution and the chief justice of the United States, John G Roberts junior. [applause] roberts thank you, lonnie, for scheduling me right after stevie wonder. [laughter] asreme Court Decisions such tread scuppers as sanford, plessy versus ferguson, and brown versus board of education alongnt shame and hope the road of equal justice under law. This museum provides a place for us to learn what life was like for the brave individuals who brought the cases to the Supreme Court. You can see the tragedy of dread scott ined and harriet the 1840s, offering cash for the return of fugitive slaves. Dred scott had traveled widely throughout the United States with his owner. Inmet and married harriet what is now minnesota. They had two daughters. Owner died, he tried to purchase his and his familys freedom with money he had struggled his whole life to cumulate. Widow turned him down. Only then did he turned to the courts. With the Supreme Court ruling that he and his family were not even persons under the constitution. You can see the bravery of homer plessy against the backdrop of the Pullman Railroad car on display. Homer plessy was a fair skinned man of mixed racial ancestry. That is how he was able to purchase a ticket for the whites. Nly firstclass compartment when the conductor came to collect his ticket, homer plessy announced that, under louisiana. Aw, he was a black man hes that impresses the test. Ase challenging jim crow laws a test that the Supreme Court would fail. And, you can grasp the wrenching dilemma facing all of her and andola brown oliver eola brown. How do you balance of hope for a better life for your 11yearold daughter against real fear for her personal safety . Faithere people of strong. He was an assistant pastor at. Is church together, they made the choice linda in the whites only school. Together, they change the world. You can read the courts decision in dred scott versus sanford, in plessy versus ferguson, and in brown versus board of education, and learn what the court held. If you want to know what those cases were about, you need to dred andad and harriet scott, plessy and oliver. Nd leola brown you can do that in this new museum. Thank you. [applause] ladies, Advisory Council members to the national Beezie Madden africanAmerican History chennault anden Linda Johnson rice. [applause] this is a glorious day. On a personal level, i think i feel like many people here. I figure my parents, my , and they are more at peace today. [applause] distinguished guests and friends, it is an honor and privilege to stand with you today, like everyone who serves on the Advisory Council, i feel a great sense of pride when i look at this magnificent building, and i think about what it represents to everyone at the smithsonian i thank you for bringing this dream to reality. [applause] to the individual donors, to the foundations, and to the corporations who provided financial support. I thank you. The doors will open here today because of the tremendous support that came from all americans black, white, all colors, nationalities and religions, rich and poor, the famous and the family next door. Answered for help was by so many because so many believe that this could be a museum for all americans. And you will not be disappointed. Definition, the africanand culture of americans. [applause] it will share stories of struggle and success. Those who died for freedom, and those who paid the way for others paved the way for others to follow. It will celebrate great achievements against great odds. It will remind us of the power of dreams and faith. It will caution us that more work lies ahead and that the road will not to be an easy one. But as a museum for all americans, it will also remind us that what brings us together a stronger than what us apart. Thank you. [applause] our emotions today come not only from being official who were lucky enough to help play a sons and for being the daughters of those who came before us. We come to thank our brave ancestors who are inside this museum. And in a more personal way, to thank our own families, whose courage and tenacity set us on our way. Left arkansas because there was no high school education, and few opportunities for him and for his mother. They moved to chicago, where he was teased for his raggedy clothes, but his mind was ablaze with new ideas, such as white readers like white magazines, wind black magazines wouldnt black magazines like to read something about their own lives and inspirations . [applause] together, with my mother, they went on to create the most successful magazine devoted to ebony and jet. They allowed to see us in ways we never saw before, to make us proud of who we are, what we have done, and what we can do. They reflected a full crosssection of black america delivered by our best thinkers, trendsetters, activists, celebrities, and next generation leaders. Theythan just a magazine, ignited conversation, and became a catalyst for progress and pride. Overwhelmed by what is the avenue of on history, the strong, magnificent building, and within it, not just stories of our stories not just stories of our challenges, but centuries of africanamerican contributions from all walks of life. Today, is a chance for me to share with my daughter and your families, the rich legacy we all come from that has left a glorious imprint on the culture of america and on the world. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, Oprah Winfrey and will smith. [applause] will smith you have to weigh that them over there, oprah. Oprah winfrey hi, everybody. The story of the africanamerican journey in their own words, this is what despite itsistory wrenching pain cannot be , but faced unlived with courage, need not be lived again, maya angelou. [applause] justsmith did you challenge me to oppose the battle . [laughter] hughes, what happens to a dream deferred . Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun, or fester like a sore and then run . Meat,t stink like rotten or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet . Maybe it just sags like a heavy load, or does it explode . In syrupseen kitchen, and i licked out all of the pots. Then i stood on the mountain wrapped in rainbows with a sword in my hand. Sometimes, i feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry, it merely astonishes me. How can anyone deny themselves the pleasure of my company . It is beyond me. Wrote sore neil hurston, a writer in the harlem renaissance we so love. [applause] that was hot, that was hot. [laughter] what are the blues . They are home grown black music, that acknowledges the tenuous nature of all human existence in a response that is called the human condition. We invented the blues. Europeans invented psychoanalysis. [laughter] you invent what you need. [laughter] Albert Murray wrote that. [laughter] [applause] ok here is one of my favorites. Toni morrison the winner of the novell prize for literature said this if there is a book you want to read, but it has not been written yet, that you must be the one to write it. Tony morrison. [applause] then she wrote bluest eye after that. Yours are really hot. Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. Oure must straighten backs, and work for our freedom. A man cannot ride your back unless your back is bent. Dr. Martin luther king, junior. [applause] i was born by the river a Long Time Coming when is change going to come i dont know what is up there beyond the sky , a long timelong coming but i know that change is going to come oh yes, it is oooooo the movieso not going downtown my friends keep telling me, dont hang around , its been a long, a longtime coming change is gonna come over yes it will know i said, brother, brother, tell , that my brother kneesdown on my there are times when i fall i would not last for long i think i am able to carry on long, a longen a time coming , ooooo, that change come to [applause] please welcome founding director of the National Museum of African American history culture, lonnie bunch. [cheers and applause] mr. Bunch today, a dream too long deferred is urging no longer. [applause] what a grand and glorious day to open a museum that will not just tell of a peoples journey, but also the nations story. It is hard for me to believe that we are at this moment where we, as a nation, will finally fulfill the expectations and hopes of so many generations, for alieved and labored presence on the National Mall, that would help all americans realize how much they had shaped, informed, and made it better, but africanamerican experience. We are here at this moment because of the commitment and support of so many of you here, and thousands of others of corporations, individuals, foundations, who believed that the time had come for the creation of the National Museum of African American history and culture. The diversity of the funding that is supporting this endeavor ims about the generosity and goodwill of america. We are so moved by the more than 100,000 people who have become members of the museum, who show me their card and pay 25. I got to tell you, we are at this moment because of the backing of the United States congress and the white house. I cannot think president and mrs. Obama and president and mrs. Bush enough for all that you have done to bring this museum it to fruition. [applause] an institution to build the a museum. We are indebted to the Smithsonian Institution, whose regents,p, through the to the current secretary, have never wavered in their support of this museum. A crucial component that brought us to this moment is the staff of the museum. Forget the sports analogy, but they are the dream team. They are better than the 19 1 the 1961 yankees in the 1985 bears. [applause] them by your presence today because they are the best. But i have to tell you, the foundation, the bedrock of this the council of the board of trustees, under the leadership, they have guided all aspects of the museums development. They helped to steady a shaky director, and use their influence to ensure it successful campaign. I would like the council to stand and be recognized. [applause] without your effort, there would not be a museum. Obviously, others play a key role in this endeavor. The first one, the president ial commission cochaired by Robert Wright established the blueprint for the museum. Was the Scholarly Advisory Committee that was chaired by the great john franklin, who provided much of the guidance for the museum. [applause] and i would be remiss if i did not acknowledge the architectural creativity is behind this of the collaboration. Thank you. [cheers and applause] collaboration benefited from the wonderful design. Thank you very much for what you have given us. And we are fortunate to have exhibits designed but i want to thank all of the amazing workers who, in the process of construction, soon realized that this was their building, their history as well. And i need to take a personal moment and thank my family so i can go home. [laughter] they have lived with every moment of this job for more than a decade. My mother is here, thank you mom. Daughters,here, my katie and sarah, my soninlaw, and the love of my life, my granddaughter, harper grace. Thank you very much, it made so much to me. [applause] could really believe the create a museum that had been in a planning for more than a century . How could we not believe, when beacon dip into the reservoir that is africanAmerican History . We believe because the enslaved dreamed a world of freedom that once seemed impossible. We believed because Fannie Lou Hamer had faith in an america that did not believe in them. How can we not believe, when hearing the words of ida wells, malcolm or martin . We had to believe because of the audacity and the beauty of Jackie Robinson stealing home. And how could we not believe in hundreds of families in this country opened their houses and trusted us with their artifacts, their stories . We believe because george w. Bush said this museum must be on the National Mall. Thank you. [applause] and we believe because a senator from chicago told us, yes we can. [applause] but today is bittersweet one i think about those who began this endeavor with us, but who are no longer here. Franklin andhope Claudine Brown and max bond. And my dad. But whenever i look at the museum, i do not amply see steel, glass, and concrete, i feel the spirit, the hopes and the strength of those who went before and upon whose shoulders we stand. That brief memories life into this building because when i look at this museum, i realize it is a call to remember. To remember, not just the wellknown, but also those famous only to those only to their families whose lives shaped this nation. We remember so we can ponder the pain of slavery, segregation, and secondclass citizen threery, but we find the joy that is so much a part of the africanamerican community. We remember to draw sustenance, inspiration, courage from a peoples commitment to help america, to challenge america, to live up to its ideals. We remember not allete you remember not out of nostalgia, but out of a countrys need for the contextualization and contemporary clarity that comes from understanding an unfurnished history. Maybe, just maybe, that understanding could find healing and reconciliation. So for all who encounter the museum will historynd american through an africanamerican lens, and realize just how central African American history and culture is to americas sense of self. 11 years ago, we began this trepidation and motivated by a desire to complete a journey that began 100 years ago. So, for 11 years, we have dreamed, prayed, toiled for this day. Was the kept us going way people stopped us on the street just to say, thank you. Two months ago, i was standing on the corner here just before sunrise because i wanted to see how the building would look. It was an elderly man standing on the corner. When i turned in his direction, he was bent over solving. I asked if he was sick, and all he could say was he was so proud that he lived long enough to see the birth of this museum. So, on behalf of batman, i thank you so on behalf of that man, i thank you. , theave given two gifts first is a gift to america. Thanks to your commitment and belief, we guarantee that as long as there is an america, this museum will educate, engage, and inshore a fuller that will be told on a National Mall. I am so honored and humbled to be a part of a group of people to build this museum. Thanks to you, i have had the time of my life. Ultimately, this museum, we believe there is nothing more powerful than a people, then a nations steeped in its history, and there is nothing more noble than honoring all of our ancestors by remembering. So, let me conclude by simply saying, welcome home. [applause] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States. [applause] pres. Obama thank you. Thank you. James baldwin once wrote, for ,hile the tale of how we suffer and how we are delighted, and ow we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. For while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. As so many generations have before, we gather on our anional mall to tell essential part of our american story. One that at times has been overlooked. Become we come, not just for today, but for all time. President and mrs. Bush, president clinton, vice biden, chief justice roberts, secretaries buttes,reverend distinguished guests, thank you. Thank you for your leadership and making sure this tale is told. We are here in part because of you, and because of all of those civilans, civil war vets, rights put soldiers, the , and on capitol hill, for more than a century, kept the dream of this museum alive. It includes our leaders from congress, paul ryan, nancy pelosi, and it was one of my who, as hen lewis, had so often, held the torch for those who came before him and got past the finish line. It includes the philanthropists and benefactors and advisory members who have so generously given, not only their money, but their time. It includes the americans who offered up all of the family keepsakes tucked away in grandmas attic. Manof course, it includes a with a vision, passion, and persistence, lonnie bunch. [applause] what we can see of this building, the towering glass, metalwork,y of themet is a sight to behold. But beyond the majesty of the building, what makes this is then so special largest story it contains. Below us, this building reaches down 70 feet. Spreading wider and deeper than any tree on the small. On this mall. , afterthe lowest level you reflect on the mortal declaration that all men are created equal, you can see a block of stone. On top of this stone sits and Historical Marker weathered by the ages. That marker reads, general Andrew Jackson and henry clay spoke from this slave block during the year 1830. I want you to think about this. Consider what this artifact tells us about history, about whatt is told, and about can be cast aside. Where day after day, for years, men and women were torn from their spouse or their child, shackled and bound and bought and sold and bid like cattle, on a stone one down by the tragedy worn down by the feet. Y of over 1000 bare for a long time, the only thing we considered important, the singular

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