PORUS, Manchester Business owners and vendors on the now deserted Porus main road are holding on to hope and eagerly awaiting the new year when the toll-free period on the May Pen to Williamsfie.
PORUS, Manchester Residents of at least four districts along sections of the May Pen to Williamsfield leg of Highway 2000 want infrastructural damage to their houses, caused by its construction .
MANCHESTER, Jamaica Scores of students are among people left stranded following a protest over bad roads and water supply in Reeveswood near Porus in Manchester on Friday.
Councillor Claudia Morant-B.
MANDEVILLE, Manchester Less than a week after the official opening of the May Pen to Williamsfield leg of Highway 2000 stray animals and motorists driving on the wrong side of the highway have a.
TOLL GATE, Clarendon Even as Prime Minister Andrew Holness officially opened the May Pen to Williamsfield leg of Highway 2000 on Thursday, a dog neatly perched itself atop the jersey barrier abo.