MANDEVILLE, Manchester Councillors here are calling for an urgent meeting between businesspeople, the police, and other groups to cauterise the crime wave affecting this south-central parish.
MANDEVILLE, Manchester – A man narrowly escaped injury after a tree branch fell on a parked vehicle in which he was seated at the Manchester Municipal Corporation as rain and wind associated with .
MANDEVILLE, Manchester Disaster coordinators and leaders in two south-central parishes say they are closely monitoring updates on a tropical wave which was expected to gain tropical storm streng.
MANDEVILLE, Manchester It has been an emotional nine days in this south-central parish for councillors on both sides of the political aisle and Manchester Central Member of Parliament Rhoda Moy .
MANCHESTER, Jamaica - Councillors at the Manchester Municipal Corporation on Thursday broke down in tears as they mourned the loss of their colleague Councillor Cleon “Pancho” Francis.
Francis, who wa.