Teaching the Treaty in the Junior Cycle history classroom This critical year in our island s history will spark discussion and debate in the Junior Cycle history classroom
about 2 hours ago Angela Hanratty
British police attacking a farm occupied by Sinn Féin members in Tipperary, frontpage of French newspaper Le petit journal, December 5th, 1920. Photograph: Leemage/Universal Images Group via Getty
The ability to consider contentious or controversial issues in history from more than one perspective, and to discuss the historical roots of a contentious or controversial issue or theme in the contemporary world (Learning Outcome 1.2) is just one of the 38 learning outcomes prescribed in the Junior Cycle history specification.
Continuous teacher professional development: Value and expectations
By Desmond Allotey-Pappoe
Continuous professional development of teachers plays an integral role in improving learning outcomes in schools. Teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) has become a major focus within the school reform and school improvement literature because of the belief that student learning and success are due, in large part, to the effectiveness of teachers (OECD, 2009).
In 2005, MOE/GES with support from JICA set the pace to operationalize CPD at the basic education level with series of engagements leading to a nationwide INSET programme from 2009 through 2012 before the policy was eventually enacted.