in the context of a broader investigation into the former president surrounding the attempt to overlook the election and finally, the classified information issue, of course, classified information mishandling is a crime. doj takes that very seriously. if there is classified information involved, i would expect doj to take a look at that but there are some problems with that as well. yeah, definitely. so the other bizarre aspect of it, in an upcoming book coming up by maggie haberman reporting from time to time, trump residence staff found wads of printed paper clogging a toilet. how does that add to this discussion? well, it s another instance, if it s proven to be accurate, of destruction of information. violation of presidential record act, one of it ending up in the pipe is it s hard to tell what it was or if it s official records subject to the act or
this trilateral agreement with the polish. where is american leadership in nato right now? i want to move on to another issue. we learned from maggie haberman s new book that, quote, white house resident staff found periodically papers clogged the toilet leading staff to believe trump had flushed materials he s ripped to pieces. he also took 15 boxes of classified information to mar-a-lago. you worked in the west wing. what do you know about trump ripping up documents? i m sure you didn t go into the bathroom with him, but flushing stuff down? so i did witness him ripping papers. i think it was kind of just he does that. i know the staff secretary had to piece back together papers to archive them. the bigger issue here among the many grievances i have with trump, i don t know that not archiving is a huge issue. but the classified information mishandling is huge. i criticized hillary clinton for the same thing.
she used she acid washed her computer. on at least two occasions, they took a hammer and destroyed her old mobile devices. this is beyond information and needs to be investigated further. where is the call for the special counsel and congressional committees that are issuing subpoenas? where s the outrage and hysteria? from democrats that have been russia, prussia, russia? the people involved in all of this, they all deserved to be put under oath and explain exactly what happened here. if you did it at home, he would be in handcuffs, perp walk. mug shots. we have justice under the law. restore the rule of law. hold hillary clinton to the same legal standards as us.
hillary clinton. one-time dnc operative, alexandria children above. officials according to political, they worked to undermine and damage the trump campaign to assist hillary clinton. collusion according to politico, alexandra tried to expose the trump campaign chairman, paul manafort. and chalupa told politico that they were helpful when it came to finding leads and digging up dirt. then there is this quote about chalupa in the article. she occasionally shared her findings with the dnc and clinton s campaign. that s pretty shocking. that s why if you, the american people need information about what chalupa discussed with the clinton campaign in the dnc. once again, we reached out from chalupa. we have not heard back from this
united states, loretta lynch. that s all going on simultaneously. here s the commonality. who was the director of the fbi when all of this was going on? james comey, who we now know is the leaker in chief and all of this. james comey is the commonality that was there and all of this. he s the leaker in chief and brags about that you leaked information, information that includes conversations that a special counsel, which he got. how is that okay? the answer is, it s not. sean: ukraine, uranium one, the new information from the fbi tonight. of course, the ridiculous dossier. i want everybody under oath in investigations and stop the hyperventilating. the double standard. the preface reporting and ignoring real crimes. that s what i want. up next on this busy breaking news night, tonight here on hannity . there is no reason we can t repeal and replace obamacare.